Publisher: Angry Golem Games
Stars Without Number is a sci-fi tabletop role-playing game designed by Kevin Crawford and published by Sine Nomine Publishing. It is a sandbox game that allows players to create their own star systems, factions, planets, and adventures in a vast and diverse galaxy. One of the core features of the game is the starship combat system, which is fast, simple, and tactical.
However, some players may find the starship options in the core rulebook to be limited or uninspiring. That’s where Stars Without Number Compatible – The Starship Database comes in. This is a PDF supplement by ANGRY GOLEM GAMES that contains several models of starship compatible with Stars Without Number. It also includes some custom fittings and crew actions for each starship, as well as a brief description of their history and role in the galaxy.
The Starship Database is a PDF that can be downloaded from DriveThruRPG. The PDF is well-formatted and easy to read, with clear tables and fonts. The cover art is simple but effective, showing a silhouette of a starship against a starry background.
The PDF contains the following sections:
- Introduction: This section explains the purpose and scope of the supplement, as well as some notes on how to use it.
- The Starships: This is the main section of the supplement, where each starship model is presented in detail. Each starship has a panel that contains its stats, fittings, and crew actions, as well as a paragraph that describes its history and role in the galaxy. The starships are:
- AVISPA: A tactical boarding shuttle that can launch from larger ships and deliver troops or cargo to enemy vessels or planets.
- BASILISK: A tactical bomber that can unleash devastating payloads of missiles or torpedoes on enemy targets.
- HESTIA: A farm ship that can produce food and oxygen for other ships or colonies, as well as provide medical and humanitarian aid.
- HORIZONTE: A fuel station that can refuel and repair other ships, as well as serve as a trading hub or a smuggler’s den.
- HORUS: A science vessel that can conduct research and exploration in various fields of science, as well as provide support and intelligence to other ships.
- IRON KNIGHT: A space truck that can transport goods and passengers across the galaxy, as well as defend itself from pirates or raiders.
- RUDRA: A strategic orbital bomber that can launch nuclear or kinetic strikes on planetary targets, as well as provide orbital support to ground forces.
- SOBOLAN: A smuggler corvette that can evade detection and outrun pursuers, as well as carry illicit cargo or passengers.
- STIRGE: A tactical interceptor that can engage and destroy enemy fighters or bombers, as well as provide escort or reconnaissance to other ships.
- YAN-SHU: A mining barge that can extract and process valuable resources from asteroids or planets, as well as sell or trade them to other ships or factions.
- Conclusion: This section thanks the readers for their support and provides some contact information for feedback or questions.
The Starship Database is a useful and interesting supplement for Stars Without Number players who want more variety and flavor in their starship options. The starships are well-designed and balanced, with each one having its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as unique fittings and crew actions. The descriptions are brief but evocative, giving a sense of the history and role of each starship in the galaxy.
The supplement is also compatible with other sci-fi games that use similar systems or settings, such as Traveller or Starfinder. The starships can be easily adapted or modified to fit different genres or themes, such as cyberpunk, horror, or fantasy. The supplement can also serve as a source of inspiration or adventure hooks for GMs who want to create their own starships or scenarios involving them.
The only minor drawback of the supplement is the lack of illustrations for the starships. While this does not affect the functionality or quality of the supplement, it would have been nice to see some visual representations of the starships to enhance the immersion and appeal of the supplement. However, this is understandable given the low price and small size of the supplement.
Stars Without Number Compatible – The Starship Database is a great addition to any Stars Without Number game or any sci-fi game that uses similar systems or settings. It provides several models of starship that are diverse, flavorful, and fun to use in various situations and scenarios. It is well-written, well-formatted, and well-priced. It is highly recommended for anyone who loves sci-fi RPGs and starships.
Stars Without Number Compatible – The Starship Database on DrivethruRpg