Publisher: Angry Golem Games
Are you looking for a new and exciting ship to spice up your Stars Without Number campaigns? Do you want to play as or with a hobgoblin clan that lives by plundering and raiding other ships and planets? Do you want to experience the thrill of ramming, boarding, and hacking enemy vessels with a modified Dominion patrol ship? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to check out the Dresdner Multipurpose Corvette, a product by ANGRY GOLEM GAMES. The Dresdner is a versatile and adaptable ship that can handle any situation, from combat to exploration, from trade to infiltration. It is a unique and exciting ship that has a lot of personality and flavor. In this review, I will give you an overview of the product, its features, its pros and cons, and my final verdict.
The product contains the following sections:
- Introduction: This section gives a brief background of the Dresdner, its history, its crew, and its purpose. It also explains how to use the product in your Stars Without Number games, and what you need to play with it. The introduction also includes some tips and advice on how to run a hobgoblin campaign, and how to deal with hobgoblin culture and customs.
- Systems and Weapons: This section describes the systems and weapons of the Dresdner, which are located on different parts of the ship. It includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of each system and weapon, as well as stats and rules for using them in the game. The systems and weapons include the main engine, the main power core, the life support, the war rooms, the EMP cannon arrays, the storage areas, the torpedo bays, the gathering point, the chain cannons, the armory, the boarding deck, the elevators, the ram, the cloaking device, and the hacking suite.
- Quarters: This section describes the quarters of the Dresdner, where the crew lives and works. It includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of each quarter, as well as stats and rules for using them in the game. The quarters include the engineer quarters, the common quarters, the officer’s quarters, the control room, the commander quarter, the boatswain room, the bridge, the med bay, the lab, and the shuttle bay.
- Appendices: This section contains additional information and resources for using the Dresdner in your games. It includes a summary of the ship’s stats and features, a map of the ship’s layout, a list of possible plot hooks and adventure ideas involving the Dresdner.
The Dresdner is a multipurpose corvette that can be used for a variety of missions in the Stars Without Number universe. It is equipped with a spike drive-2, allowing it to travel faster than light across the sector. It has a hull class of 3, giving it moderate durability and armor. It has a weapon class of 3, meaning it can mount up to three weapon systems of any type. The default configuration includes a sandthrower, a flak emitter, and a plasma beam. It has a power class of 3, providing enough energy for its systems and weapons. It also has a backup generator and a solar panel array for emergency situations. It has a mass class of 3, allowing it to carry up to 300 tons of cargo or passengers. It also has a shuttle bay and a docking clamp for smaller vessels. It has a free class of 2, meaning it has two free hardpoints that can be used for additional systems or modifications. The hobgoblins have installed a cloaking device and a hacking suite on these hardpoints, making the Dresdner stealthy and versatile.
The Dresdner also has some unique features that make it stand out from other ships in the sector. One of them is the ram, which is a chunk of metal used to ram enemy ships. The ram causes 5d4 damage to enemy hulls or to any artificial structure. The ram allows the Dresdner to perform an action called “Ram! RAM! RAAAM’EM!”, which is usually performed when the captain wants to intercept an enemy vessel, by ramming its hull, opening a breach, and then boarding it.
Another unique feature is the EMP cannon arrays, which are two sets of four EMP cannons that can fire pulses of electromagnetic energy that can disable or damage electronic systems. The EMP cannons are used after the enemy shields have been depleted, and before boarding the enemy ship, to incapacitate all the enemy systems. The EMP cannons can also perform a special action called “Shock’em to da bones!”, which overcharges the ship’s electric components and systems, causing massive damage and disruption.
Pros and Cons
The Dresdner is a product that has many pros and cons, depending on your preferences and play style. Here are some of them:
- The Dresdner is a versatile and adaptable ship that can handle any situation, from combat to exploration, from trade to infiltration. It has a variety of systems and weapons that can be used for different purposes and strategies.
- The Dresdner is a unique and exciting ship that has a lot of personality and flavor. It is a modified version of an old Dominion patrol ship that was captured by a hobgoblin clan, who have added their own flair and style to the vessel. The Dresdner is more than just a ship, it is a living and breathing place, full of stories, characters, and challenges.
- The Dresdner is a product that is well-written and well-illustrated. It has clear and concise descriptions of each system, weapon, and quarter, as well as stats and rules for using them in the game. It also has beautiful and detailed illustrations of the ship’s layout, the hobgoblin crew, and the various systems and weapons. The product also has a summary of the ship’s stats and features, a map of the ship’s layout, a list of possible plot hooks and adventure ideas involving the Dresdner.
- The Dresdner is a product that may not suit everyone’s taste or play style. Some players may find the hobgoblin crew too violent or chaotic, or may not like the idea of playing as or with them. Some players may also find the ramming and boarding actions too risky or unrealistic, or may prefer a more conventional or subtle approach to combat or infiltration.
- The Dresdner is a product that may require some adaptation or modification to fit your specific campaign or setting. The product assumes that you are using the Stars Without Number core rulebook and its default setting, which may not match your own preferences or expectations. You may need to adjust some of the stats, rules, or background information to make the Dresdner compatible with your game.
The Dresdner Multipurpose Corvette is a product that I recommend to anyone who is looking for a new and exciting ship to use in their Stars Without Number campaigns. It is a versatile and adaptable ship that can handle any situation, from combat to exploration, from trade to infiltration. It is a unique and exciting ship that has a lot of personality and flavor.
The product also has some drawbacks that may not suit everyone’s taste or play style.
Stars Without Number Compatible – Dresdner Multipurpose Corvette on DrivethruRpg