Old School Renaissance – How to Survive the Red Giant: Tips and Tricks for Hard Light, a Stars Without Number Adventure

Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing

Hard Light is a sci-fi adventure written by Kevin Crawford for the Stars Without Number roleplaying game. It is the first official adventure setting for the game, and it takes the players to a system with a red giant star, ancient alien tombs, and a mining outpost in turmoil. In this review, I will analyze how Hard Light delivers a thrilling and immersive experience for both the players and the game master (GM), as well as some of the strengths and weaknesses of the adventure.

The Sky Tombs of Perdurabo: A Brief Summary of Hard Light, a Stars Without Number Adventure

Hard Light is set in the Brightside system, where a red giant star dominates the sky and casts a harsh light on everything. The system is home to Perdurabo, a planetoid with mysterious alien ruins known as sky tombs. The sky tombs are filled with ancient secrets and dangers, as well as valuable relics and technology. The players can explore the sky tombs and uncover their mysteries, but they will also have to deal with the factions that vie for control of Perdurabo.

The main faction is Brightside Station, a mining outpost that orbits Perdurabo. Brightside Station is run by a corrupt corporation called Sunbright Mining, which exploits the workers and ignores their safety. The workers are unhappy and rebellious, and some of them have formed a resistance group called the Brightsiders. The Brightsiders want to overthrow Sunbright Mining and take control of Brightside Station. They also want to access the sky tombs and use their resources for their own benefit.

Another faction is the Red Dogs, a band of pirates and raiders that prey on Brightside Station and other ships in the system. The Red Dogs are led by Captain Rana Khurana, a ruthless and charismatic leader who has a personal vendetta against Sunbright Mining. The Red Dogs have a hidden base on Perdurabo’s moon, where they store their loot and plan their attacks. They also have an interest in the sky tombs, especially in finding a legendary artifact called the Heart of Flame.

The third faction is the Starlight Society, a secret organization that studies and preserves alien cultures and artifacts. The Starlight Society has a covert presence on Perdurabo, where they have established a hidden research facility inside one of the sky tombs. The Starlight Society wants to keep the sky tombs safe from looters and vandals, and they have a network of agents and allies that help them achieve their goals. They also have a hidden agenda that involves the Heart of Flame and its connection to an ancient alien civilization.

Hard Light is designed to be a sandbox adventure, meaning that it gives the GM and the players a lot of freedom and flexibility to explore the system and interact with the factions. The adventure provides several hooks, events, locations, NPCs, enemies, rewards, and secrets that can be used to create different scenarios and stories. The adventure also includes several optional rules and tools that can enhance the gameplay experience, such as environmental hazards, faction reputation, alien relics, psychic phenomena, and more.

Hard Light: How It Challenges and Rewards the Players of Stars Without Number

Hard Light is an adventure that offers a lot of challenge and reward for both the players and the GM of Stars Without Number. The adventure presents a rich and diverse setting that invites exploration and discovery, as well as conflict and intrigue. The adventure also provides a lot of opportunities for the players to use their skills, abilities, and creativity to overcome the obstacles and enemies they encounter. The adventure also rewards the players with interesting and useful rewards, such as alien relics, faction reputation, and plot secrets.

One of the main challenges of Hard Light is the Brightside system itself, which is a hostile and dangerous environment. The red giant star emits intense radiation and heat that can harm the characters and their equipment. The sky tombs are also filled with traps, puzzles, and enemies that can pose a threat to the characters. The adventure includes several rules and tables that can help the GM create environmental hazards and complications for the characters, such as solar flares, radiation sickness, gravity fluctuations, and more. These hazards can add tension and excitement to the adventure, as well as encourage the players to be careful and resourceful.

Another challenge of Hard Light is the faction conflict, which can create a lot of drama and intrigue for the characters. The factions have different goals, agendas, and personalities, and they can be allies or enemies to the characters depending on their actions and reputation. The adventure includes several hooks and events that can involve the characters in the faction conflict, such as raids, negotiations, betrayals, assassinations, and more. These events can create interesting and dynamic situations for the characters, as well as affect the outcome of the adventure. The adventure also includes a faction reputation system that can track how the factions view the characters, and how they react to them accordingly.

One of the main rewards of Hard Light is the sky tombs themselves, which are a source of wonder and mystery for the characters. The sky tombs are ancient alien structures that contain secrets and treasures that can fascinate and benefit the characters. The adventure includes several descriptions and maps of the sky tombs, as well as tables and rules that can help the GM generate more sky tombs or customize them to their liking. The sky tombs also contain alien relics, which are items or devices that have strange and powerful effects. The adventure includes several examples of alien relics, as well as rules and tables that can help the GM create more alien relics or modify them to their preference. The alien relics can provide fun and useful benefits for the characters, such as enhancing their skills, abilities, or equipment, or granting them new powers or abilities.

Another reward of Hard Light is the plot secrets, which are hidden or revealed information that can surprise and intrigue the characters. The plot secrets are related to the history and origin of the sky tombs, the identity and purpose of the Starlight Society, and the nature and location of the Heart of Flame. The adventure includes several clues and hints that can lead the characters to discover or uncover these plot secrets, as well as consequences or implications that can result from them. The plot secrets can provide a lot of satisfaction and curiosity for the characters, as well as affect their decisions and actions in the adventure.

Hard Light: A Must-Have for Any Stars Without Number GM

Hard Light is a sci-fi adventure that delivers a thrilling and immersive experience for both the players and the GM of Stars Without Number. It offers a rich and diverse setting that invites exploration and discovery, as well as conflict and intrigue. It also provides a lot of opportunities for challenge and reward for both sides of the game table. It is an adventure that can be enjoyed by fans of sci-fi in general, and Stars Without Number in particular.

However, Hard Light is not without its flaws or limitations. It is an adventure that requires a lot of preparation and improvisation from the GM, as well as cooperation and creativity from the players. It is also an adventure that can be difficult or frustrating for some groups or play styles, especially those who prefer more linear or structured adventures, or those who are not familiar with or interested in sci-fi tropes or themes. It is an adventure that may not suit everyone’s tastes or preferences.

Nevertheless, Hard Light is an adventure that deserves a chance from any Stars Without Number GM who is looking for a new and exciting scenario for their game. It is an adventure that can be adapted to different campaigns or scenarios, as well as customized to different levels of difficulty or complexity. It is an adventure that can provide hours of fun and entertainment for any group of sci-fi enthusiasts.

Stars Without Number Adventure – Hard Light on DrivethruRpg