Old School Renaissance – Exploring the Universe with Stellar Heroes: A Guide to Stars Without Number – Mandate Archive

Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing


“Stars Without Number – Mandate Archive: Stellar Heroes” is a brief collection of rules modifications that allows you to run a “Stars Without Number” game with only one player and a GM. This book is perfect for those who want to introduce a spouse, kid, or friend to the game without the complications of a full table.


The book provides a set of rules modifications that allow you to play “Stars Without Number” with only one player and a GM. The modifications are simple and easy to understand, making it easy for new players to get started. The book also includes a free two-page side adventure that can be used as a quick detour for your newly-minted hero, or as the sort of situation that could easily be used for a full party of more traditional adventurers.


The gameplay in “Stars Without Number – Mandate Archive: Stellar Heroes” is designed for single-player campaigns. The book provides rules for character creation, combat, and skill checks that are tailored to the needs of a single player. The rules modifications are well thought out and provide an engaging experience for players.


The book is well written and easy to understand. The rules modifications are simple and intuitive, making it easy for new players to get started. The free two-page side adventure is a nice bonus that can be used as a quick detour or as the basis for a full adventure.


The book is designed specifically for single-player campaigns, so it may not be suitable for groups that prefer traditional party-based gameplay. Additionally, the modifications provided in the book are relatively simple, so experienced players may find them lacking in depth.


Overall, “Stars Without Number – Mandate Archive: Stellar Heroes” is an excellent resource for anyone looking to run a single-player campaign in “Stars Without Number”. The rules modifications are well thought out and provide an engaging experience for players. While the book may not be suitable for groups that prefer traditional party-based gameplay, it is an excellent choice for those who want to introduce new players to the game.

Stars Without Number – Mandate Archive: Stellar Heroes on DrivethruRpg