Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – DCC Lankhmar #14 Thieves of Cold Corner

Publisher: Goodman Games

If you are a fan of DCC and Lankhmar, you are in for a treat with this new adventure from Goodman Games. DCC Lankhmar #14: Thieves of Cold Corner is a level 3 adventure that takes you to the frozen north of Nehwon, where you will join forces with the legendary Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser to pull off a daring heist against the Snow Women, a clan of powerful sorceresses who control the cold. This adventure is full of action, intrigue, and magic, and will challenge your skills and creativity. Here are some of the highlights of this adventure:

The Setting

The adventure is set in Cold Corner, a remote village in the northern lands of Nehwon, where the Snow Women rule with an iron fist. The Snow Women are feared and respected for their mastery of ice magic, and they guard their secrets and treasures jealously. The village is surrounded by a wall of ice, and the only way in or out is through a narrow gate that is guarded by snow clan warriors. The village is also home to a mysterious temple, where the Snow Women perform their rituals and store their most precious possessions: the invisible ice diamonds.

The invisible ice diamonds are the main objective of the heist, as they are worth a fortune in Lankhmar or any other city. However, they are not easy to find or steal, as they are hidden in plain sight among the snow and ice. Only those who have the sight of the Snow Women can see them, and they are protected by powerful spells and traps. To get them, you will need to use your wits, your skills, and your luck.

The Characters

The adventure features some of the most iconic characters from Fritz Leiber’s classic stories: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. These two heroes are renowned for their exploits and adventures in Lankhmar and beyond, and they are always looking for new challenges and opportunities. They are also loyal friends and allies, who will help you in your quest if you prove yourself worthy.

Fafhrd is a tall and strong barbarian from the north, who is skilled with his sword and axe. He is also familiar with the customs and traditions of the snow clans, as he was once a member of one. He can help you blend in with the locals, negotiate with them, or fight them if necessary.

The Gray Mouser is a small and agile thief from Lankhmar, who is adept at stealth, lockpicking, and magic. He is also cunning and clever, and always has a plan or a trick up his sleeve. He can help you sneak into the temple, bypass the security measures, or cast spells to aid you.

The Challenges

The adventure is not a walk in the park, as you will face many dangers and obstacles along the way. Some of the challenges you will encounter are:

  • Polar worms: These are giant worms that burrow under the snow and ice, and can attack unsuspecting travelers or villagers. They have razor-sharp teeth and can swallow a person whole. You will need to be careful where you step, or fight them off if they emerge.
  • Snow clan skalds: These are bards who serve the Snow Women, and use their songs and stories to inspire or demoralize their allies or enemies. They can also cast spells with their words, such as creating illusions, charms, or curses. You will need to resist their influence, or use your own words to counter them.
  • Spell battles: These are duels between spellcasters that follow a set of rules and etiquette. They are common among the Snow Women, who use them to settle disputes or test their skills. You may have to engage in one or more spell battles during the adventure, either against a Snow Woman or another spellcaster. You will need to know the rules, use your magic wisely, and be prepared for anything.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #14 Thieves of Cold Corner on DrivethruRpg