Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – DCC Lankhmar #1 Gang Lords of Lankhmar

Publisher: Goodman Games

If you are a fan of Fritz Leiber’s classic sword and sorcery stories, you will love this adventure module from Goodman Games. DCC Lankhmar #1 Gang Lords of Lankhmar is a role-playing game adventure that brings the city of Lankhmar to life, with all its charm, danger, and magic. The adventure is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics system, but can also be used with other rulesets with some modifications. The adventure is designed for level 1 characters, and can be played as a standalone adventure or as part of a larger campaign.

The Plot

The adventure takes place in the slum district of Lankhmar, where two rival gangs are fighting for supremacy. The characters are hired by one of the gangs to help them gain an edge over their enemies. However, things are not as simple as they seem, and the characters will soon find themselves in the middle of a complex web of intrigue, betrayal, and mystery. The adventure is divided into three parts: The Gang War, The Thieves’ Guild, and The Rat God. Each part offers multiple paths and outcomes, depending on the choices and actions of the players.

The Style

The author, Harley Stroh, does a great job of capturing the tone and flavor of Leiber’s stories, while adding his own twists and surprises. The adventure is full of humor, action, and mystery, and offers plenty of opportunities for role-playing, combat, and exploration. The module is well-written, with clear descriptions, maps, and illustrations. The module also includes new rules and options for DCC Lankhmar, such as patrons, luck mechanics, corruption effects, and more.

What are the most interesting locations in this adventure?

Some of the most interesting locations in this adventure are:

  • The Silver Eel, a notorious tavern where the characters can meet various NPCs, such as the gang leaders, the thieves’ guild members, and the mysterious patron. The tavern is also the site of a possible ambush by the rival gang.
  • The Rat God’s Temple, a hidden underground shrine dedicated to a mysterious deity that is worshiped by the rats and some of the slum dwellers. The temple is full of traps, puzzles, and secrets, and the characters may have to face the Rat God himself.
  • The Thieves’ Guild, a secret organization that controls most of the criminal activities in Lankhmar. The characters may have to infiltrate the guild’s headquarters, which is located in a maze-like network of tunnels and chambers. The guild is led by a mysterious figure known as the Gray Mouser.

What are the most interesting encounters in this adventure?

Some of the most interesting encounters in this adventure are:

  • The Ambush at the Silver Eel: The characters may be attacked by a group of thugs from the rival gang while they are meeting with their employer at the Silver Eel tavern. The ambush is a chaotic and bloody fight that may attract the attention of the city watch or other patrons. The characters will have to use their wits and skills to survive and escape.
  • The Infiltration of the Thieves’ Guild: The characters may have to sneak into the headquarters of the Thieves’ Guild, a secret organization that controls most of the criminal activities in Lankhmar. The guild is led by a mysterious figure known as the Gray Mouser, who may have a connection to the gang war. The characters will have to navigate a maze-like network of tunnels and chambers, avoiding traps, guards, and other dangers. They may also encounter some allies or enemies along the way.
  • The Confrontation with the Rat God: The characters may discover that the gang war is part of a larger plot involving a hidden cult that worships a mysterious deity known as the Rat God. The cult is led by a mad priest who plans to unleash a horde of rats upon the city. The characters will have to enter the underground temple of the Rat God, where they will face his fanatical followers, his monstrous minions, and his divine wrath.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1 Gang Lords of Lankhmar on DrivethruRpg