Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – DCC Dying Earth #1 The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shan

Publisher: Goodman Games

Do you love the stories of Jack Vance, the master of science fantasy and the creator of the Dying Earth? Do you love the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, the game of old-school sword and sorcery and gonzo adventure? If you do, then you will love DCC Dying Earth #1 The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shan, a level 1 adventure for DCC RPG that combines the best of both worlds.

The Plot

The adventure starts with a simple plot: a mysterious woman hires a group of adventurers to retrieve a valuable artifact from the temple of the demon Lar-Shan. The artifact is a laughing idol, a statue that emits a loud and mocking laughter that can drive anyone mad. The temple is located in a remote and dangerous region, guarded by the demon’s power-mad monks and other horrors. The adventurers must infiltrate the temple, find the idol, and escape with it, while avoiding the wrath of Lar-Shan and his bellowing idol.

The adventure is divided into four parts, each with its own theme and challenge. The first part is the introduction, where the characters meet their patron and their mission. The second part is the journey, where the characters have to travel to the temple through a series of encounters and events. The third part is the temple, where the characters have to explore a complex and deadly dungeon. The fourth part is the escape, where the characters have to flee from the temple with the idol, while being chased by Lar-Shan and his minions.

The Style

The adventure is written by Brendan LaSalle, who is known for his creative and humorous adventures for DCC RPG. He draws inspiration from Vance’s Dying Earth stories, as well as his own imagination, to create a rich and immersive atmosphere that captures the essence and flavor of Vance’s world. He uses vivid descriptions and evocative language to bring the scenes to life, and also adds some humor and irony to contrast with the dark and grim tone. He also provides plenty of guidance and advice for the judge on how to run the adventure and make it fun and memorable for the players.

The adventure is also illustrated by Brad McDevitt, who is known for his amazing artwork for DCC RPG. He captures the mood and atmosphere of the adventure with his beautiful and detailed illustrations, which add more charm and personality to the adventure. He also creates some stunning maps for the journey, the temple, and the escape, which help the judge visualize and run the adventure.

The Challenge

The adventure is designed for level 1 characters, which means that they are novice adventurers with some skills and abilities. They are not expected to be heroes or villains, but rather opportunists and rogues who seek fortune and fame in a dying world. The adventure is not meant to be realistic or logical, but rather to be enjoyed as a fantastical and whimsical tale of adventure and wonder.

The adventure is also well-balanced and flexible, with enough challenge and reward for both players and judges. The author provides several options and variations for each part of the adventure, as well as tips on how to adjust the difficulty level or add more flavor. The adventure also includes several tables for random events, encounters, treasures, and outcomes, which add more replay value and unpredictability. The adventure also has some surprises and twists that will keep the players on their toes and make them curious about what will happen next.

What are the most interesting encounters in the adventure?

There are many interesting encounters in the adventure, but some of the most memorable ones are:

  • The Patron: She is the mysterious woman who hires the adventurers to retrieve the laughing idol. She is a beautiful and mysterious figure, who may have ulterior motives or hidden secrets. She is also a powerful and wealthy sorceress, who can reward the adventurers generously or punish them severely. She is a key NPC in the adventure, who can influence the outcome of the story in various ways.
  • The Journey: This is the series of encounters and events that the adventurers face as they travel to the temple. It is a perilous and exciting journey, where the adventurers have to deal with various dangers and wonders, such as bandits, beasts, ruins, and magic. The journey also has some surprises and secrets, such as hidden paths, strange phenomena, and mysterious allies.
  • The Temple: This is the complex and deadly dungeon that the adventurers have to explore to find the laughing idol. It is a dark and grim place, full of traps, puzzles, enemies, and secrets. The temple also has some dangers and rewards, such as relics, treasures, and clues.
  • The Escape: This is the thrilling and chaotic finale, where the adventurers have to flee from the temple with the laughing idol, while being chased by Lar-Shan and his minions. It is a climactic and unpredictable escape, where the adventurers have to use their skills and luck to survive and reach their destination. The escape also has some twists and turns, such as different routes, obstacles, and outcomes.

What are the most interesting locations in the adventure?

The adventure has many interesting locations that the adventurers can explore and interact with, but some of the most remarkable ones are:

  • The City: This is the home of the adventurers, a sprawling and decadent city in the Dying Earth. It is where the adventure starts and ends, and where the adventurers can meet their patron, buy equipment, and gather information. The city also has some secrets and mysteries, such as hidden cults, ancient libraries, and powerful sorcerers.
  • The Wilderness: This is the vast and dangerous region that the adventurers have to cross to reach the temple. It is a wild and unpredictable place, where the adventurers can encounter various dangers and wonders, such as bandits, beasts, ruins, and magic. The wilderness also has some surprises and secrets, such as hidden paths, strange phenomena, and mysterious allies.
  • The Hole: This is the hole in the ground that leads to the lair of Lar-Shan. It is a perilous and terrifying descent, where the adventurers have to face the wrath of the demon and his bellowing idol. The hole also has some twists and turns, such as different realms, outcomes, and consequences.

Based on The Dying Earth Book Series by Jack Vance.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Dying Earth #1 The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shan on DrivethruRpg