Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – DCC Day #2 Beneath the Well of Brass

Publisher: Goodman Games

A fiery adventure for level 0 characters

If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to introduce your friends to DCC RPG, or just want to have a blast with your regular group, you might want to check out DCC Day #2 Beneath the Well of Brass. This is a level 0 adventure, which means that you start as a bunch of ordinary villagers who have to face a deadly quest. The adventure is designed to be played in one session, and it takes you from your peaceful village to a hellish underworld.

The plot

The plot is simple but effective: The Black King, a mysterious and cruel ruler, has kidnapped some of your fellow villagers and demands that you bring him the secret of eternal life from the Well of Brass, an ancient artifact that lies hidden in the depths of the caverns. You have no choice but to obey, or else he will kill your friends and family. Along the way, you will encounter strange mysteries, weird foes, and forgotten magics, as you try to survive and find the Well of Brass.

What are the most interesting locations in this adventure?

Some of the most interesting locations in this adventure are:

  • The Well of Brass itself, which is the ultimate goal of the quest. It is a large metal basin filled with bubbling liquid that glows with a reddish hue. It is said to contain the secret of eternal life, but also a terrible curse. The Well of Brass is guarded by a fearsome brass dragon, who will test the players’ courage and wisdom.
  • The Hall of Mirrors, which is a maze of reflective surfaces that distort and confuse the players’ senses. The mirrors can show the players’ past, present, or future, as well as their hopes, fears, or regrets. The mirrors can also trap the players inside them, or release dangerous creatures or illusions.
  • The Forge of Souls, which is a massive furnace where the Black King melts down the souls of his victims and turns them into metal. The players will witness the horrific process and the screams of the tormented souls. They will also have to avoid the molten metal and the metal golems that patrol the area.

What are the most interesting encounters in this adventure?

Some of the most interesting encounters in this adventure are:

  • The flaming skulls, which are the first enemies that the players face in the caverns. They are the remains of the Black King’s enemies, who have been cursed to burn forever. They fly around and shoot fireballs at the players, and can also explode when destroyed. They are a challenging and scary encounter for level 0 characters.
  • The brass spider, which is a huge metal arachnid that lurks in the dark corners of the caves. It is a creation of the Black King, who uses it to collect metal scraps and souls for his forge. It can spin webs of brass wire, bite with its venomous fangs, and inject molten metal into its prey. It is a terrifying and deadly encounter that requires stealth and strategy to overcome.
  • The Black King himself, who is the final boss of the adventure. He is a mysterious and cruel ruler, who wears a metal mask and a cloak of fire. He commands the power of fire and metal, and can summon his minions or use his artifacts to fight the players. He is also a cunning and charismatic villain, who can offer the players deals, threats, or lies. He is a formidable and memorable encounter that can end in different ways depending on the players’ choices.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Day #2: Beneath the Well of Brass on DrivethruRpg