Old School Renaissance – Dungeon Crawl Classics – DCC #82.5 Dragora’s Dungeon

Publisher: Goodman Games

If you are a fan of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG system, you might be interested in this adventure module that takes you to a lost city of ancient magic and mystery. DCC #82.5 Dragora’s Dungeon is a level 1 adventure that can be played as a standalone or as a sequel to DCC #82 Bride of the Black Manse. It is written by Harley Stroh and converted to DCC RPG by Daniel J. Bishop.

The Plot

The adventure begins with the heroes discovering a hidden entrance to the city of Parhok, where the last remnants of a fallen civilization slumber in stasis chambers, waiting for the right moment to awaken and reclaim their lost glory. The city is guarded by ancient traps, twisted magic, and sinister cultists who worship Dragora, the sorcerer-king who rules over the city with an iron fist. The heroes must explore the city, find out its secrets, and stop Dragora’s evil plans before he unleashes his power on the world.

The Features

The adventure is well-written and full of flavor, with a lot of references to the lore and history of the Parhok people, who were once the masters of arcane secrets. The adventure also has a lot of variety, with different types of challenges and encounters, such as puzzles, riddles, combat, stealth, diplomacy, and exploration. The adventure is designed to be challenging but fair, with multiple ways to overcome obstacles and rewards for clever thinking and roleplaying.

The adventure is also well-supported by the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software, which allows you to play it online with your friends. The software provides maps, tokens, images, and other resources to enhance your gaming experience.

What are the most interesting locations in this adventure?

Some of the most interesting locations in this adventure are:

  • The hidden entrance to the city of Parhok, which is a stone archway covered by vines and guarded by a stone golem. The archway can only be opened by speaking a secret word in the ancient Parhok language.
  • The city of Parhok, which is a steaming jungle filled with exotic plants, animals, and ruins. The city is home to the ape-men, who are the descendants of the slaves of the Parhok sorcerer-kings. The city also contains many secrets and dangers, such as ancient traps, twisted magic, and sinister cultists.
  • The temple of Dragora, which is the lair of the sorcerer-king who rules over the city with an iron fist. The temple is a massive pyramid that contains many chambers and levels, each with its own challenges and rewards. The temple also houses Dragora’s throne room, where he keeps his bejeweled crown and scepter, as well as his slumbering queen.

These are just some of the locations that you can explore in this adventure. There are many more to discover and enjoy. If you are looking for a fun and exciting adventure that will test your skills and immerse you in a rich and mysterious world, then you should definitely check out DCC #82.5 Dragora’s Dungeon. It is a great example of what makes the DCC RPG system so unique and enjoyable.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon on DrivethruRpg