Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Tome of the Unclean

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


In this review, I will be looking at Castles and Crusades – Tome of the Unclean, a sourcebook that expands the options and challenges for your Castles & Crusades game. This book is a comprehensive guide to the creatures and planes of evil, from the Abyss to Hell to Gehenna. It contains detailed descriptions, statistics, and lore for dozens of devils, demons, and daemons, as well as rules for creating your own infernal beings. You will also find information on the cosmology, geography, and history of the wretched planes, as well as new spells, magic items, and artifacts related to them.


Tome of the Unclean is divided into four main chapters: The Nature of Evil, The Abyss, Hell, and Gehenna. Each chapter covers a different aspect of the sourcebook’s theme and provides a wealth of information and inspiration for both players and gamemasters.

The Nature of Evil

This chapter explores the origins and nature of evil in the Castles & Crusades multiverse, as well as the history and conflicts of the wretched planes. It explains the differences and similarities between devils, demons, and daemons, as well as their goals, motivations, and methods. It also introduces some new concepts and terms related to evil, such as the Unholy Trinity, the Nine Hells, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

The Abyss

This chapter delves into the infinite depths of the Abyss, the chaotic plane of pure evil where demons dwell. It describes the general features and characteristics of the Abyss, as well as some of its most notorious layers and regions. It also presents a detailed list of demons, from the lowly dretch to the mighty demon lord. Each demon has its own personality, goals, allies, and enemies, which makes them more than just mindless adversaries. The chapter also provides suggestions on how to use demons in your campaigns, either as villains, allies, or patrons.


This chapter explores the nine layers of Hell, the lawful plane of evil where devils rule. It describes the general features and characteristics of Hell, as well as some of its most prominent layers and regions. It also presents a detailed list of devils, from the humble lemure to the supreme archdevil. Each devil has its own personality, goals, allies, and enemies, which makes them more than just cunning foes. The chapter also provides suggestions on how to use devils in your campaigns, either as villains, allies, or patrons.


This chapter reveals the secrets of Gehenna, the neutral plane of evil where daemons lurk. It describes the general features and characteristics of Gehenna, as well as some of its most significant layers and regions. It also presents a detailed list of daemons, from the vile larva to the dreadful daemon prince. Each daemon has its own personality, goals, allies, and enemies, which makes them more than just ruthless opponents. The chapter also provides suggestions on how to use daemons in your campaigns, either as villains, allies, or patrons.

Additional Material

In addition to the four main chapters, Tome of the Unclean also contains some additional material that complements and enhances the sourcebook’s theme. These include:

  • A glossary of terms related to evil and its planes.
  • A bibliography of sources that inspired or influenced the book.
  • An appendix with rules for creating your own devils, demons, or daemons.
  • An appendix with new spells related to evil and its planes.
  • An appendix with new magic items and artifacts related to evil and its planes.


Tome of the Unclean is a well-written and well-illustrated book that captures the essence and horror of these dark realms. The authors have done a great job of adapting and updating the classic monsters from previous editions of Dungeons & Dragons, as well as introducing some new ones. The book is compatible with the Castles & Crusades rules system, which is easy to learn and use, but also flexible enough to allow for customization and house rules. The book is also suitable for use with other fantasy role-playing games, with some minor adjustments.

One of the strengths of Tome of the Unclean is the variety and creativity of the creatures it presents. You will find familiar foes like Demogorgon, Orcus, Asmodeus, and Mammon, as well as lesser-known ones like Baphomet, Belial, Dagon, and Pazuzu. You will also encounter some original creations like the Abhorrents, the Daughters of Lilith, the Ebonites, and the Nephilim. Each creature has its own personality, goals, allies, and enemies, which makes them more than just mindless adversaries. The book also provides suggestions on how to use them in your campaigns, either as villains, allies, or patrons.

Another strength of Tome of the Unclean is the depth and richness of the lore it offers. The book explores the origins and nature of evil in the Castles & Crusades multiverse, as well as the history and conflicts of the wretched planes. You will learn about the ancient wars between the devils and demons, the rise and fall of empires and cults, and the secrets and mysteries that lie hidden in these realms. The book also gives you an overview of the different layers and regions of each plane, as well as some notable locations and landmarks that you can use as adventure sites.

Tome of the Unclean is not a book for the faint of heart or the squeamish. It deals with themes and topics that are dark, disturbing, and sometimes graphic. It portrays evil in its most vile and corrupt forms, and does not shy away from showing its consequences. Some of the creatures and scenes depicted in this book may be offensive or upsetting to some readers or players. Therefore, it is recommended that you use this book with caution and discretion, and only with groups that are comfortable with this kind of material.

Overall, Tome of the Unclean is a great addition to any Castles & Crusades game or any fantasy role-playing game that features devils, demons, or daemons. It is a well-crafted and well-presented book that offers a lot of content and inspiration for both players and gamemasters. It is a book that will challenge your characters’ morals and values, as well as their skills and abilities. It is a book that will take you to places where few dare to tread, where true evil lurks. It is a book that will make you appreciate the light more than ever before.

Castles & Crusades – Tome of the Unclean on DrivethruRpg