Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – NPC Almanac The Register

Publisher: Troll Lord Games

If you are looking for a product that provides a large collection of ready-made NPCs for the Castles & Crusades role-playing game, you might want to check out Castles & Crusades NPC Almanac The Register. This product is published by Troll Lord Games and is available in PDF or hardcover format. It is a companion piece to the NPC Almanac Sketches, which contains portraits and descriptions of the NPCs. The Register contains tables and stats for over 1200 NPCs, both class-based and hirelings, or adherents. These NPCs can be used as allies, enemies, or background characters in any campaign or adventure.

What’s inside the product?

The Register contains the following items:

  • A table of contents that lists all the NPCs by class, level, and type.
  • A introduction that explains the purpose and scope of the product, as well as some tips and advice on how to use it.
  • A section for each class that contains tables and stats for NPCs of different levels and types. Each entry includes name, sex, appearance, personality, hook, alignment, level, BtH, HP, AC, primary attributes, secondary attributes, armor, weapons, and special info. The classes are: barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, illusionist, knight, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, wizard.
  • A section for hirelings or adherents that contains tables and stats for NPCs of different roles and professions. Each entry includes name, sex, appearance, personality, hook, alignment, level (if applicable), BtH (if applicable), HP (if applicable), AC (if applicable), primary attributes (if applicable), secondary attributes (if applicable), armor (if applicable), weapons (if applicable), and special info. The roles and professions are: acolyte, alchemist, animal trainer, armorer, artist, assassin, bandit leader, bandit, barber, bard, blacksmith, boatman, bodyguard, brewer, butcher, carpenter, cartographer, cook, cultist leader, cultist, dancer, farmer, fisherman, gardener, guard captain, guard, healer, herbalist, hunter, innkeeper, jeweler, juggler, leatherworker, librarian, locksmith, mage apprentice, mage master, merchant captain, merchant guard, merchant sailor, merchant traveler, merchant urbanite messenger miner minstrel noble orphan outlaw performer philosopher pirate captain pirate crew poet potter priest sage sailor scribe scout servant shepherd shoemaker soldier spy stablehand tailor tanner teacher thief leader thief member tinkerer torturer town crier trapper veteran warrior

How to use the product?

The Register is a useful and convenient resource for any Castle Keeper who needs to populate their world with diverse and interesting NPCs. The NPCs are organized by class, level, and type, making it easy to find the ones that suit your needs. You can use the NPCs as they are or modify them to fit your own campaign or adventure. You can also use the NPCs as inspiration for creating your own characters.

The Register can be used in various ways:

  • As allies: You can use the NPCs as friends or helpers for the player characters. They can provide information, assistance, or support in their quests. They can also join them as companions or followers.
  • As enemies: You can use the NPCs as foes or rivals for the player characters. They can oppose them in their goals or challenge them in combat. They can also betray them or seek revenge on them.
  • As background characters: You can use the NPCs as filler or flavor for your world. They can populate towns, villages, cities, dungeons, or wilderness areas. They can also add realism and depth to your setting.

What are the benefits of the product?

The Register offers a huge amount of content and variety for creating and running NPCs in any game. It has several benefits:

  • It saves time and effort: You don’t have to spend hours creating your own NPCs from scratch or looking up stats and rules in various books. You can just pick an NPC from the Register and use it right away.
  • It adds diversity and interest: You don’t have to rely on generic or clichéd NPCs that lack personality or uniqueness. You can choose from a wide range of NPCs that have varied and distinctive names and personalities that make them memorable and engaging.
  • It enhances role-playing and storytelling: You don’t have to limit yourself to simple or boring interactions with your NPCs. You can use their appearance, personality, hook, alignment, and special info to create complex and dynamic relationships with the player characters and the world.

What are the drawbacks of the product?

The Register is a great product, but it is not perfect. It has some drawbacks:

  • It is not comprehensive: You may not find the exact NPC you are looking for in the Register. You may have to improvise or customize some NPCs to fit your specific needs or preferences.
  • It is not consistent: You may find some discrepancies or errors in the tables and stats of some NPCs. You may have to check or correct some values or features to ensure accuracy and balance.
  • It is not compatible: You may have some difficulties using the Register with other systems or settings. You may have to adjust or convert some rules or terms to make them compatible with your own game.


Castles & Crusades NPC Almanac The Register is a great product for fans of Castles & Crusades and classic fantasy role-playing games. It offers a huge amount of content and variety for creating and running NPCs in any game. It is a must-have for anyone who wants to enhance their role-playing experience with realistic and interesting NPCs.

Castles & Crusades NPC Almanac The Register on DrivethruRpg