Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – U1 Shadows of the Halfling Hall

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Shadows of the Halfling Hall is a classic adventure module for Castles & Crusades, a fantasy role-playing game system. It is designed for 4-8 characters of 1-3 levels, and can be played in a single session or as part of a larger campaign. The adventure involves exploring a haunted halfling hall, where a mysterious evil has taken hold and terrorized the inhabitants. The players will have to face weirdlings, undead, and other dangers as they try to uncover the source of the evil and put an end to it.

The module is compatible with Fantasy Grounds, a virtual tabletop software that allows you to play online with your friends. Fantasy Grounds provides features such as automated dice rolling, character sheets, tokens, fog of war, and more. The module has been remastered for Fantasy Grounds version 3.x and higher, and includes all the necessary files and images to run the adventure smoothly.

Setting and Plot

The halfling hall is a cozy and charming place, full of mirth and hospitality, but also hiding dark secrets and hidden passages. The hall was built by a famous halfling adventurer, who brought back a treasure from his travels across the lands. However, the treasure also brought a curse, and soon the hall was plagued by strange phenomena and evil creatures. The current lord of the hall, a descendant of the adventurer, has sent out a call for help, hoping that brave adventurers will come to his aid and save his home.

The adventure begins with the players arriving at the hall, where they are welcomed by the lord and his friends. They are invited to join a feast and a party, where they can learn more about the hall and its history. However, things soon take a turn for the worse, as the evil forces attack the hall and trap the guests inside. The players will have to explore the hall, find clues, solve puzzles, and fight enemies as they try to find a way out and stop the evil from spreading. Along the way, they will discover some shocking revelations about the treasure, the curse, and the true nature of the evil.

Gameplay and Content

The module offers a good balance and variety of combat, exploration, and role-playing opportunities. The combat encounters are challenging but fair, and include some unique enemies such as weirdlings (halflings corrupted by the curse), undead (including a zombie dragon), and a final boss that will test the players’ skills and courage. The exploration aspect is also well-done, as the hall is full of secrets and surprises that reward curiosity and creativity. The players will have to use their wits and resources to overcome traps, puzzles, riddles, and hidden doors. The role-playing aspect is also enjoyable, as the players can interact with various NPCs who have their own personalities, motivations, and secrets. The module also provides some optional side quests and events that can add more depth and flavor to the adventure.

The module is well-written and provides a lot of detail and atmosphere for the setting and the NPCs. The halfling hall is a rich and immersive environment that captures the spirit of classic fantasy and horror. The module also includes maps, illustrations, and pre-generated characters for convenience. The module is suitable for both new and experienced players, and can be easily adapted to fit any fantasy world.


Shadows of the Halfling Hall is a fun and engaging adventure that will appeal to fans of classic fantasy and horror. It is suitable for both new and experienced players, and can be easily adapted to fit any fantasy world. If you are looking for a spooky and thrilling adventure with a touch of humor and whimsy, you should give Shadows of the Halfling Hall a try.

Castles & Crusades U1 Shadows of the Halfling Hall on DrivethruRpg

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