Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – The Dungeons of Aufstrag

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Are you ready to face the Horned God in his lair? If you are a fan of Castles & Crusades and classic dungeon-crawling adventures, you might want to check out Castles & Crusades – The Dungeons of Aufstrag, a box set that contains five adventure modules, a game book, and five dungeon level maps for the Castles & Crusades role-playing game. The box set is published by Troll Lord Games and is part of the Umbrage Saga, a series of adventures that take place in the world of Aihrde, a dark fantasy setting where the Horned God Unklar once ruled with an iron fist. The box set focuses on the exploration of Aufstrag, the massive tower-fortress of Unklar, where he still dwells in the shadows with his minions and horrors. The box set is designed for low to mid-level characters, but it can be easily adapted for higher levels as well.


The box set contains the following items:

  • Five adventure modules: The Halls of Aufstrag, The Tower of Aufstrag, The Depths of Aufstrag, The Labyrinth of Aufstrag, and The Vault of Aufstrag. These modules take the characters through different levels of the dungeon, from the surface to the core, where they will face deadly traps, puzzles, secrets, and enemies. The modules are connected by a common storyline that involves the Umbrage Saga, a series of events that have shaped the history and fate of Aihrde. The modules also provide enough background information and adventure hooks to allow the Castle Keeper (the game master) to create their own scenarios and stories within Aufstrag.
  • A game book: The Dungeons of Aufstrag Game Book. This book contains additional rules and information for running the adventures in the box set. It includes new monsters, magic items, spells, and NPCs that can be used in the adventures or in other campaigns. It also gives an overview of the history and geography of Aihrde and Aufstrag, as well as tips and advice for Castle Keepers on how to make the dungeons dynamic and ever-changing.
  • Five dungeon level maps: These are full-color maps that show the layout and features of each dungeon level. They are printed on sturdy cardstock and can be used as reference or play aids during the game.

The box set offers hours of fun and excitement for players who enjoy challenging and deadly adventures. The dungeons are not for the faint-hearted, as they require careful planning and strategy from the players. The dungeons are also not static, as they change depending on the actions of the characters. For example, some rooms may have different traps or enemies depending on whether the characters have triggered certain events or not. The box set also rewards exploration and curiosity, as there are many secrets and treasures hidden in the dungeons.


The box set is well-written and illustrated, with clear and concise descriptions and rules. The writing style is engaging and immersive, creating a sense of tension and mystery as the characters delve deeper into Aufstrag. The illustrations are colorful and detailed, depicting the scenes and creatures in the dungeons. The maps are also well-designed and easy to read, showing the layout and features of each dungeon level.

The box set has a good design and layout, with a consistent and attractive format. The text is organized into sections and paragraphs, with headings and subheadings that make it easy to find information. The text is also accompanied by tables, charts, diagrams, and sidebars that provide additional data or tips. The text is also highlighted by bolding or italicizing important words or phrases.

The box set has a high quality production value, with a sturdy and glossy cover that protects the contents inside. The pages are thick and glossy as well, with a smooth texture that makes them easy to flip through. The pages are also bound securely by a spiral binding that allows them to lay flat on the table.


The box set is compatible with other Castles & Crusades products and rules. It uses the same system and mechanics as the Players Handbook, Monsters & Treasure, and other core books for the game. It also references other products that expand on the world of Aihrde and the Umbrage Saga, such as In the Shadow of Aufstrag, which is a prequel adventure to the box set.

The box set also introduces some new or optional rules, monsters, items, spells, or NPCs that can be used in the adventures or in other campaigns. For example, it introduces rules for climbing walls, falling damage, environmental hazards, secret doors, traps, puzzles, magic portals, teleportation circles, etc. It also introduces new monsters such as blood golems, death knights, dragon priests, fire giants, frost giants, ghouls, hell hounds, liches, mummies, skeletons, vampires, werewolves, etc. It also introduces new items such as the Horn of Unklar, the Eye of Unklar, the Crown of Unklar, the Sword of Unklar, etc. It also introduces new spells such as animate dead, create undead, finger of death, power word kill, etc. It also introduces new NPCs such as Unklar himself, his generals, his lieutenants, his priests, his servants, etc.

The box set can be adapted or customized for different campaigns or settings. The Castle Keeper can modify the difficulty level, the number of enemies, the type of enemies, the amount of treasure, the location of secrets, etc. The Castle Keeper can also change the names and backgrounds of the NPCs and places to fit their own world or story. The Castle Keeper can also use the dungeons as standalone adventures or as part of a larger campaign.


Castles & Crusades – The Dungeons of Aufstrag is a great product for fans of Castles & Crusades and classic dungeon-crawling adventures. It offers hours of fun and excitement, as well as a rich and immersive setting that can be explored further. It is a must-have for anyone who wants to experience the thrill and terror of facing the Horned God in his lair.

About the Horned God

The Horned God is a name given to a deity or a figure that is depicted with antlers, horns, or a horned helmet in various cultures and religions. The Horned God is often associated with animals, nature, fertility, hunting, and the underworld.

One example of the Horned God is Cernunnos, a god worshipped by the ancient Celts and Gauls. Cernunnos is shown seated cross-legged, holding or wearing a torc (a metal ring), and sometimes holding a bag of coins or a cornucopia. He is surrounded by stags, horned serpents, dogs, and bulls. Cernunnos is believed to be a god of life, death, rebirth, wealth, and commerce.

Another example of the Horned God is Herne the Hunter, a legendary figure from English folklore. Herne is said to be a ghostly hunter who haunts Windsor Forest and other wooded areas. He wears antlers on his head and rides a black horse. He is accompanied by a pack of hounds and sometimes other spirits. Herne is thought to be a protector of the forest and its animals, as well as a leader of the Wild Hunt, a spectral chase that brings misfortune to those who witness it.

There are many other examples of the Horned God in different cultures and traditions, such as Pan, Dionysus, Wotan, Shiva, and the Devil. The Horned God is also a prominent figure in modern pagan and Wiccan beliefs, where he represents the masculine aspect of nature and the divine. He is often seen as the consort of the Goddess, the feminine principle of creation.

The Horned God is a fascinating and mysterious symbol that has inspired many myths, legends, and stories throughout history. He is a complex and diverse figure that reflects the various aspects of nature and humanity. He is both wild and civilized, both benevolent and malevolent, both life-giving and death-dealing. He is the Horned God.

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