Publisher: Troll Lord Games
In this post, I will review a supplement for the fantasy role-playing game Castles & Crusades, published by Troll Lord Games. The supplement is called The Book of the Dead, and it is based on the d20 System, but with a simplified and streamlined version of the rules, called the Siege Engine. The book provides information, spells, magic items, and a guide for exploring the afterlife in a fantasy setting inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology and culture.
The book is divided into four chapters: The Book of the Dead, Spells, Magic Items, and The Afterlife. The first chapter gives an overview of the history and purpose of the Book of the Dead, a collection of spells and rituals that help the dead prepare for their journey through the underworld. It also introduces the concept of Shadow Runes, a form of magic that uses symbols to manipulate the forces of life and death. The second chapter presents 25 new spells that are related to the Book of the Dead, such as Animate Mummy, Preserve Body, and Speak with Dead. The third chapter offers 15 new magic items that are also connected to the theme of the book, such as Amulet of Anubis, Canopic Jars, and Sarcophagus of Resurrection. The fourth chapter describes the afterlife in detail, including its geography, inhabitants, dangers, and rewards. It also provides rules for creating and running adventures in the afterlife, as well as suggestions for incorporating it into a campaign.
Pros and Cons
The book has many positive aspects that make it a great resource for Castle Keepers (the game’s term for referees) and players who are interested in adding a touch of Egyptian flavor and mystery to their fantasy games. Some of the pros are:
- The book is well-written and organized, with clear and concise explanations of the rules and concepts.
- The artwork by Peter Bradley is excellent and evocative, capturing the mood and style of the book.
- The book is compatible with other d20 System games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, with minimal adjustments.
- The book offers a lot of possibilities for creating unique and memorable scenarios and characters that explore the themes of life, death, and rebirth.
However, the book also has some drawbacks that may limit its appeal or usefulness for some gamers. Some of the cons are:
- The book is not essential for playing the game, but rather an optional supplement that adds more complexity and depth to the existing rules.
- The book may not suit everyone’s taste or preference in terms of genre or tone. Some gamers may find the Egyptian theme too specific or too dark for their liking.
- The book may require more preparation and research from the Castle Keeper to run a successful adventure in the afterlife. Some gamers may prefer a more straightforward or sandbox-style approach to their games.
Rating and Conclusion
I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. It is a well-designed and well-produced supplement that expands the scope and depth of Castles & Crusades. It is not essential for playing the game, but it is definitely worth checking out if you are looking for something different and original. I enjoyed reading it and I think it would make a great addition to any fantasy game library.
Castles & Crusades The Book of the Dead on DrivethruRpg