Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Players Guide to Aihrde

Publisher: Troll Lord Games

Castles & Crusades is a role-playing game that brings back the classic fantasy genre with simple and elegant rules. The game is based on the Siege Engine, which is a system that uses only two types of dice: the 20-sided die and the 6-sided die. The game allows you to create and play any character you want, from a mighty warrior to a cunning rogue, from a wise wizard to a devout cleric, and more.

One of the best things about Castles & Crusades is that it has a lot of supplements that expand and enrich the game world and the rules. One of these supplements is the Players Guide to Aihrde, which is a book that introduces a new and fascinating setting for your adventures: the world of Aihrde.

What is Aihrde?

Aihrde is a world that has been shaped by ancient evils, divine interventions, and heroic deeds. It is a world where magic and technology coexist, where gods and mortals interact, where legends and history intertwine. It is a world full of wonders and dangers, of beauty and horror, of glory and despair.

Aihrde is divided into several regions, each with its own history, culture, geography, and politics. Some of the most notable regions are:

  • Erde: The cradle of civilization, where the first empires rose and fell, where the gods walked among men, where the great wars were fought. Erde is now a land of ruins and mysteries, where ancient secrets and treasures await those who dare to explore them.
  • Inzae: The dark continent, where the primordial forces of chaos and evil reign supreme, where monstrous creatures and twisted cults lurk in the shadows, where the undead and the infernal plague the living. Inzae is a land of nightmares and madness, where only the brave or the foolish venture.
  • Aachen: The new world, where the old races have fled from the troubles of Erde and Inzae, where new civilizations have emerged and prospered, where new challenges and opportunities await. Aachen is a land of diversity and discovery, where adventure and danger are never far away.

What does the book offer?

The Players Guide to Aihrde is a supplement that provides new options and rules for players who want to explore this world. The book covers several topics, such as:

  • Expanded Rules for Combat: The book offers more depth and realism to the combat system, such as rules for critical hits, wounds, bleeding, grappling, disarming, and more. These rules add more challenge and excitement to the battles, as well as more consequences and risks.
  • Demi-Human Classes: The book presents five new classes for the demi-human races of Aihrde: Dwarf, Elf, Goblin, Gnome, and Halfling. Each class has its own unique abilities, skills, and traits that reflect the culture and history of their race. For example, the Dwarf can use blood runes to enhance their weapons and armor, the Elf can tap into the power of nature and magic, the Goblin can sneak and scavenge in the dark, the Gnome can invent and tinker with gadgets and machines, and the Halfling can charm and trick their foes.
  • Equipment, Guns, Cannon and more: The book expands the list of equipment available for the characters, including firearms and artillery that have been introduced by some civilizations in Aihrde. These weapons are rare and expensive, but can deal devastating damage to enemies. The book also includes rules for crafting, repairing, and using these weapons.
  • New Spells for All Classes: The book adds more than 100 new spells for all classes that use magic in Castles & Crusades. These spells cover a wide range of effects and themes, such as elemental forces, illusions, curses, healing, summoning and more. Some spells are specific to certain classes or races, such as the Elf’s Song of the Forest or the Goblin’s Stink Bomb.
  • Blood Runes for the Rune Mark : The book introduces a new system of magic for the Rune Mark class , which is a warrior who can inscribe runes on their body or items to gain various benefits. The book presents a new type of rune called blood runes, which are more powerful but also more dangerous than normal runes. Blood runes require the user to sacrifice some of their life force or blood to activate them, but they can grant extraordinary abilities or effects. For example, a blood rune can allow the user to fly, breathe fire, or become invisible.
  • Gods and the Powers They Bequeath: The book provides an overview of the gods and goddesses of Aihrde, their domains, symbols, alignments, and followers. The book also explains how the gods can grant divine powers to their faithful servants or champions, such as clerics or paladins. These powers include divine spells, miracles, blessings, curses, and more. The book also includes rules for creating and playing characters who are directly related to or descended from a god or goddess.
  • More Guilds: The book presents several new guilds that operate in Aihrde, such as the Assassins Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Merchants Guild, and more. These guilds offer opportunities and challenges for the characters who want to join them or interact with them. The book also includes rules for creating and running a guild of your own.

What did I think of the book?

I enjoyed reading this book and I think it is a great addition to any Castles & Crusades collection. The book is well-written and illustrated with beautiful artwork that captures the essence of Aihrde. The book is also easy to use and reference with clear headings and tables. The book is compatible with any Castles & Crusades campaign or setting, as well as other fantasy games that use similar rules.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy role-playing games and wants to explore a new and fascinating world. I give this book 5 stars out of 5.

Where can you get the book?

You can get the book from the official website of Troll Lord Games, the publisher of Castles & Crusades. You can also find it on Amazon, DriveThruRPG, or other online stores. The book is available in both print and digital formats.

If you are interested in learning more about Aihrde, you can also check out other supplements that expand on the world, such as:

  • Codex of Aihrde: A comprehensive guide to the history, geography, politics, and culture of Aihrde.
  • Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde: A collection of new monsters, items, and treasures for your adventures in Aihrde.
  • Adventures in Aihrde: A series of modules that take you to different regions and scenarios in Aihrde.

Castles & Crusades Players Guide to Aihrde on DrivethruRpg