Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde (3rd printing)

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Castles & Crusades is a fantasy role-playing game that combines the classic feel of old-school games with the modern rules and design of the d20 system. It is set in the world of Aihrde, a rich and diverse setting that draws inspiration from various sources of mythology, folklore, and literature. One of the latest products for this game is Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde 3rd printing, a 256-page hardcover book that contains over 170 new monsters, over 100 new magic items, and a wealth of information about the world of Aihrde and its inhabitants. In this review, I will give you an overview of what this book offers and share my opinion on its quality and usefulness.


The first and largest chapter of the book is dedicated to monsters, which are the main adversaries and challenges that the players will face in their adventures. The book contains over 170 monsters, each with a detailed description, stats, combat tactics, special abilities, and a section on their role in Aihrde. The monsters range from the familiar (such as dragons, giants, and undead) to the exotic (such as the aboleth, the gorgimera, and the yeth hound). Some of the monsters are inspired by mythology, folklore, or literature, while others are original creations of the author.

The book does a great job of presenting the monsters in a way that makes them interesting and unique. Each monster has its own personality, history, culture, and motivation, which adds depth and flavor to their encounters. The book also provides tips on how to use the monsters effectively in your games, such as how to create memorable scenes, how to adjust their difficulty level, and how to incorporate them into your plots and stories. The book also includes a chapter on the Wretched Plains, a hellish realm of demons and devils that can be used as a source of evil or a destination for epic quests.

The monsters in this book are well-designed and balanced for the Castles & Crusades game system. They have clear and consistent rules for their abilities and actions, which makes them easy to run and play. They also have varied and challenging abilities that will test the skills and strategies of the players. The book covers a wide range of monster types and power levels, from low-level minions to high-level bosses. The book also provides guidelines on how to create your own monsters or modify existing ones to suit your needs.


The second chapter of the book is devoted to treasure, which are the rewards and incentives that the players will seek in their adventures. The book features over 100 new magic items, with detailed descriptions, stats, effects, and histories. The items are divided into categories such as weapons, armor, rings, potions, scrolls, wands, rods, staves, and miscellaneous. Some of the items are classic staples of fantasy gaming (such as the bag of holding, the cloak of invisibility, and the vorpal sword), while others are unique to Aihrde (such as the axe of the dwarvish lords, the crown of stars, and the staff of the serpent). The items are well-balanced and have interesting effects and histories.

The book does an excellent job of creating magic items that are not only useful and powerful but also flavorful and thematic. Each item has its own backstory and significance in the world of Aihrde, which adds value and intrigue to their discovery and use. The book also provides tips on how to use the items effectively in your games, such as how to distribute them among your players, how to handle their identification and attunement, and how to create interesting scenarios involving them. The book also includes guidelines on how to create your own magic items or modify existing ones to suit your preferences.


The third chapter of the book is focused on world-building, which is the process of creating and developing the setting and context for your games. The book provides background information on the history, geography, cultures, religions, and factions of Aihrde, as well as tips on how to use them in your games. The book also includes maps of Aihrde and the Wretched Plains, as well as appendices with tables for random encounters, treasure generation, monster abilities, and more.

The book does a superb job of presenting Aihrde as a living and breathing world that is full of adventure and mystery. Aihrde is a rich and diverse setting that draws inspiration from various sources of mythology, folklore, and literature, but also has its own identity and originality. The book gives you enough detail and flavor to make Aihrde feel real and immersive, but also leaves enough room for your own creativity and interpretation. The book also provides tools and resources to help you create your own adventures and campaigns in Aihrde or any other fantasy world.


Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde 3rd printing is a fantastic book that will enhance your Castles & Crusades games and inspire you to explore new realms of imagination and adventure. It is a must-have for any GM who wants to create memorable adventures in Aihrde or any other fantasy world. It is also a great resource for players who want to learn more about the world they inhabit and the creatures they face. Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde is a book that will make you fall in love with Castles & Crusades and the world of Aihrde.

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