Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Lost City of Gaxmoor

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Castles & Crusades Lost City of Gaxmoor is a sandbox adventure that offers a rich and immersive experience for both players and game masters. The city of Gaxmoor is a sprawling ruin filled with secrets, dangers, and treasures, waiting to be explored by brave adventurers. The adventure is compatible with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular role playing game, as well as the Castles & Crusades system.

The adventure is written by Ernest G. Gygax and Luke Gygax, the sons of the legendary Gary Gygax, one of the creators of Dungeons & Dragons. The authors have infused the adventure with their own style and vision, while also paying homage to their father’s legacy. The adventure is inspired by classic modules such as The Keep on the Borderlands, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, and The Temple of Elemental Evil.

In this review, I will give an overview of the adventure, its features, its contributors, and its compatibility with different settings and systems. I will also share my personal opinion on the adventure, its strengths and weaknesses, and its value for money.


The adventure is divided into three main sections: Outside the Wall, The Graveyard, and Inside the Wall. Each section has its own map, description, encounters, and areas of interest. The adventure also includes a city map by Alyssa Faden, a renowned cartographer who has created stunning maps for many RPG products. The city map is detailed and beautiful, showing the layout of the city and its landmarks.

The adventure also features contributions from many notable figures in the RPG industry, such as James M. Ward, Jeffrey Talanian, Stephen Chenault, Davis Chenault, Stefan Pokorny, Joe Goodman, Bill Webb, Satine Phoenix, Elisa Teague, Joe Manganiello, Alex Kammer, Rob Schwawlb and Stephen Radney-Macfarland. These contributors have added their own flavor and ideas to the adventure, making it more diverse and interesting.

The adventure is designed to be flexible and adaptable to any home brew setting or campaign world. It can be used as a stand alone adventure, or integrated into an existing storyline. It can also be played in the Burning Sands or the World of Aihrde, two official settings for Castles & Crusades. The adventure is suitable for characters of levels 1-10, and can be scaled up or down depending on the party’s level and size.


The Lost City of Gaxmoor has many features that make it a game master’s dream. Some of these features are:

  • A sandbox style: The adventure does not have a linear plot or a predetermined outcome. The game master can let the players explore the city at their own pace and in their own way. The game master can also add or modify elements of the city to suit their own preferences and goals.
  • A rich history: The city of Gaxmoor has a long and complex history that spans thousands of years. The city was once a thriving metropolis that was ruled by a powerful wizard king named Gax. However, due to his hubris and corruption, he unleashed a terrible curse that destroyed his kingdom and turned him into a lich. The city was then abandoned and forgotten by most of the world. The game master can use this history to create mysteries, secrets, factions, and plot hooks for the players to discover and interact with.
  • A variety of encounters: The city of Gaxmoor is home to many different creatures and characters that can pose challenges or opportunities for the players. Some of these include undead horrors, ancient traps, hidden cults, friendly merchants, rival adventurers, exotic beasts, and more. The game master can use these encounters to create tension, conflict, humor, or reward for the players.
  • A treasure trove: The city of Gaxmoor is filled with valuable items and artifacts that can entice or aid the players. Some of these include magical weapons and armor, rare books and scrolls, precious gems and coins, powerful relics and talismans, and more. The game master can use these treasures to motivate or reward the players.
  • A tribute to RPGs: The adventure is a tribute to the history and tradition of RPGs, honoring the legacy of Gary Gygax and his sons. The adventure is inspired by classic modules that shaped the genre and influenced generations of gamers. The adventure also features contributions from many prominent figures in the RPG industry who have shared their passion and expertise with the project.


The Lost City of Gaxmoor is compatible with different settings and systems that can enhance or modify its gameplay. Some of these are:

  • 5th edition: The adventure is compatible with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular role playing game. The adventure includes stat blocks and rules for the 5th edition, as well as conversion notes and tips for the game master. The adventure can be easily integrated into any 5th edition campaign world or setting, such as the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, or Eberron.
  • Castles & Crusades: The adventure is compatible with the Castles & Crusades system, a rules-light and easy-to-learn system that is based on the original Dungeons & Dragons game. The adventure includes stat blocks and rules for the Castles & Crusades system, as well as conversion notes and tips for the game master. The adventure can be easily integrated into any Castles & Crusades campaign world or setting, such as the Burning Sands or the World of Aihrde.
  • Other systems: The adventure can also be compatible with other systems that use similar mechanics or themes to the 5th edition or the Castles & Crusades system. For example, the adventure can be compatible with Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old School Essentials, or Swords & Wizardry. The game master can use their own judgment and creativity to adapt the adventure to their preferred system.


The Lost City of Gaxmoor is a fantastic adventure that I highly recommend to any fan of fantasy RPGs. The adventure is well-written, well-designed, and well-produced. The adventure offers a lot of content and value for its price. The adventure is fun, engaging, and challenging for both players and game masters. The adventure is a homage to the past, a celebration of the present, and a inspiration for the future of RPGs.

The adventure has some minor flaws that can be easily overlooked or fixed by the game master. For example, some of the encounters or areas may seem too random or unconnected to the overall theme or story of the city. Some of the maps or illustrations may not be clear or consistent with the text or each other. Some of the rules or conversions may not be accurate or balanced for different systems or levels.

However, these flaws do not detract from the overall quality and enjoyment of the adventure. The adventure is a sandbox that allows the game master to customize and improvise as they see fit. The adventure is a collaborative effort that showcases the talent and passion of many people in the RPG community. The adventure is a masterpiece that honors the legacy and vision of Gary Gygax and his sons.


Castles & Crusades Lost City of Gaxmoor is a must-have for any fan of fantasy RPGs. It is a sandbox adventure that offers a rich and immersive experience for both players and game masters. It is compatible with different settings and systems that can enhance or modify its gameplay. It is a tribute to the history and tradition of RPGs, honoring the legacy of Gary Gygax and his sons.

Castles & Crusades Lost City of Gaxmoor on DrivethruRpg