Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Gods & Legends

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Castles & Crusades Gods & Legends is a book that explores the role of deities and divine magic in the fantasy role-playing game Castles & Crusades. The book contains hundreds of deities for various races and cultures, as well as guidelines and rules for creating and running a game that involves gods and their worshippers.


The book is divided into two parts: Deities and Divine Magic. Each part has its own introduction, table of contents, and index.

  • Deities: This part presents a vast array of gods and goddesses that can be used as sources of power, inspiration, or conflict in the game. The deities are organized by race or culture, such as dwarves, elves, gnomes, orcs, gnolls, humans, celts, germans, norse, romans, greeks, egyptians, and slavs. Each deity entry includes a description of its name, symbol, alignment, domains, portfolio, favored weapon, appearance, personality, history, relationships, worshipers, clergy, temples, rites, holy days, and dogma. The part also includes some general information on how to use deities in the game, such as how to create your own deities, how to handle divine intervention, how to deal with heresy and apostasy, and how to handle conflicts between different faiths.
  • Divine Magic: This part explores the mechanics and effects of divine magic in the game. It covers topics such as how to cast divine spells, how to use mana points, how to prepare spells, how to use spell components, how to counter spells and spell duels, and how to handle special circumstances. It also lists all the divine spells available for each class and domain, organized by level and name.


The book is well-written and well-researched. It uses clear language and consistent terminology to explain the rules and concepts. It also has a glossary of terms and an appendix of tables for quick reference. The book is well-designed and well-printed. It has a hardcover binding and full-color pages. It also has beautiful illustrations and graphics that enhance the game atmosphere.

The book is suitable for both novice and experienced players and CKs. Novice players and CKs will find it useful to have a comprehensive collection of deities and divine spells to choose from and use in their games. Experienced players and CKs will find it inspiring to have more options and ideas to customize their games. The book is also compatible with other game systems based on the classic rules of Dungeons & Dragons. You can use it as a supplement or an alternative for other role-playing games.


Castles & Crusades Gods & Legends is a book that offers you everything you need to add more depth and flavor to your Castles & Crusades game. The book is well-written, well-designed, well-printed, and well-illustrated. The book is a quality work that shows the passion and expertise of the authors and publishers. The book is an invitation to discover or rediscover the wonder and mystery of Castles & Crusades, a role-playing game simple but deep, fun but challenging, classic but innovative.

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