Publisher: Troll Lord Games
In this review, I will be looking at the PDF expansion for the Codex of Aihrde, a fantasy setting for the Castles and Crusades role-playing game. The expansion focuses on the region of Gottland-Ne, a land of ancient ruins, dark secrets, and hidden dangers. I will give you an overview of what the expansion offers, how it fits with the core rules and the setting, and what I liked and disliked about it.
The expansion provides a detailed overview of the history, geography, culture, and politics of Gottland-Ne, as well as new monsters, magic items, and adventure hooks. The expansion is well-written and richly illustrated, with maps, artwork, and lore that bring the setting to life. The author does a great job of creating a unique and intriguing region that is both familiar and exotic, drawing inspiration from Norse mythology, Celtic legends, and Lovecraftian horror. The expansion also offers plenty of opportunities for exploration, combat, and role-playing, with a variety of factions, locations, and mysteries to encounter.
The expansion is compatible with the Castles and Crusades core rules, but it also introduces some optional rules and mechanics that enhance the flavor and challenge of the setting. For example, there are rules for environmental hazards, such as extreme cold, snowstorms, and avalanches; rules for divine intervention and divine wrath, reflecting the influence and absence of the gods; and rules for corruption and madness, representing the effects of exposure to eldritch forces.
The expansion is suitable for players and gamemasters of any level of experience, as it provides enough information and guidance to run adventures in Gottland-Ne without being too restrictive or overwhelming. The expansion also includes a sample adventure module, The Tomb of Skalgar Halfgranite, which can serve as an introduction to the region or as a standalone adventure.
Overall, I think this is a great expansion for fans of Castles and Crusades and fantasy role-playing in general. It offers a lot of content and value for its price, and it adds a lot of depth and variety to the Codex of Aihrde setting. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a new and exciting region to explore in their campaigns.
What are the most interesting locations
There are many interesting locations in Castles and Crusades -Codex of Aihrde Gottland-Ne the Expansion, but here are some of the most notable ones:
- The Frozen Wastes: This is the northernmost region of Gottland-Ne, where the climate is harsh and unforgiving. The Frozen Wastes are home to fierce barbarian tribes, nomadic hunters, and ancient secrets buried under the ice. The Frozen Wastes are also the site of the legendary Hall of the Fallen, where the heroes of old are entombed and honored by their descendants.
- The Black Forest: This is a vast and dark forest that covers most of the central and eastern parts of Gottland-Ne. The Black Forest is full of dangers and mysteries, such as twisted trees, hostile creatures, and hidden ruins. The Black Forest is also the domain of the Fey, a mysterious and capricious race of beings that have a strong connection to nature and magic.
- The City of Lost Souls: This is a massive and ancient city that lies in the southern part of Gottland-Ne, near the border with Aihrde. The City of Lost Souls was once a thriving metropolis, but it was destroyed by a cataclysmic event that left it in ruins and haunted by restless spirits. The City of Lost Souls is now a place of horror and madness, where only the brave or the foolish dare to venture.
- The Tomb of Skalgar Halfgranite: This is a sample adventure module that is included in the expansion. The Tomb of Skalgar Halfgranite is a dungeon crawl that takes place in an ancient burial site of a legendary dwarf king. The tomb is filled with traps, puzzles, and enemies, as well as treasures and secrets. The tomb also holds a dark secret that could have dire consequences for Gottland-Ne and beyond.
Codex of Aihrde Gottland-Ne the Expansion on DrivethruRpg