Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Codex Germania

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


Castles & Crusades Codex Germania is a supplement for the Castles & Crusades role-playing game that explores the mythological realms of the ancient Germans. It is written by Brian Young and published by Troll Lord Games. The book contains 112 pages of full-color illustrations, maps, and information on the gods, goddesses, monsters, heroes, legends, and magic of the Germanic world.


The book is divided into four chapters: The Germanic World, The Germanic Gods, The Germanic Heroes, and The Germanic Magic. Each chapter provides an overview of the topic and details the relevant aspects for the game.

The Germanic World

The first chapter provides an overview of the history, culture, geography, and cosmology of the ancient Germans, as well as their relations with other peoples such as the Romans, the Celts, and the Norse. It also describes the different types of Germanic tribes and their social structures, customs, beliefs, and lifestyles. The chapter also includes a map of the Germanic lands and a timeline of major events.

The Germanic Gods

The second chapter details the pantheon of the Germanic gods, their domains, personalities, symbols, and worship. It also explains how the gods interact with each other and with mortals, and how they influence the fate of the world. The chapter also includes new rules for clerics and druids who follow the Germanic gods, as well as new domains and spells.

The Germanic Heroes

The third chapter introduces the most famous heroes and legends of the Germanic folklore, such as Siegfried, Brunhild, Dietrich von Bern, Hagen von Tronje, and the Nibelungenlied. It also provides guidelines for creating and playing heroic characters in Castles & Crusades, as well as new feats and skills. The chapter also includes several adventure hooks and scenarios based on the Germanic legends.

The Germanic Magic

The fourth chapter covers the various types of magic practiced by the ancient Germans, such as runes, charms, spells, and rituals. It also explains how magic works in the Germanic world and how it differs from other forms of magic in Castles & Crusades. The chapter also includes new classes, spells, monsters, and items for Castles & Crusades that are inspired by the Germanic mythology.


The book is well-written and well-researched, drawing from various sources such as historical records, archaeological findings, literary works, and folklore studies. The book is also well-illustrated with beautiful artwork by Peter Bradley and Jason Walton that captures the spirit and atmosphere of the Germanic world. The book is a great resource for anyone who wants to add some flavor and depth to their Castles & Crusades game or who is interested in learning more about the ancient Germans and their mythology.


Castles & Crusades Codex Germania is a supplement that explores the mythological realms of the ancient Germans. It provides information on the gods, goddesses, monsters, heroes, legends, and magic of the Germanic world. It also includes new rules, classes, spells, monsters, and items for Castles & Crusades that are inspired by the Germanic mythology. The book is well-written, well-researched, and well-illustrated. It is a great resource for anyone who wants to add some flavor and depth to their Castles & Crusades game or who is interested in learning more about the ancient Germans and their mythology.

Castles & Crusades Codex Germania on DrivethurRpg