Publisher: Troll Lord Games
In this review, I will be taking a look at the Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide to the Haunted Highlands, a sourcebook for the Castles & Crusades fantasy role-playing game. This book is published by Troll Lord Games and written by Casey Christofferson, with contributions from Stephen Chenault, Davis Chenault, and James M. Ward. The book is 256 pages long.
What is Castles & Crusades?
Castles & Crusades is a fantasy role-playing game that is inspired by the classic editions of Dungeons & Dragons. It uses a simple and streamlined system that is easy to learn and play, but also offers enough depth and customization for experienced players. The game is based on the Siege Engine, a core mechanic that uses attribute checks to resolve actions and challenges. The game also features a flexible class and race system, a robust magic system, and a variety of optional rules and supplements to enhance your gaming experience.
What is the Haunted Highlands?
The Haunted Highlands is a setting for Castles & Crusades that is based on the works of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and other pulp fiction authors. It is a region of dark and dangerous lands, where ancient secrets and eldritch horrors lurk in the shadows. The setting is designed to evoke a sense of wonder, mystery, and adventure, as well as fear, dread, and horror.
What does the book offer?
The book offers a comprehensive guide to the Haunted Highlands, covering its history, geography, politics, religions, cultures, monsters, treasures, and more. The book also includes nine complete adventures that can be played as standalone scenarios or as part of a long campaign arc. The book is divided into two parts: The Haunted Highlands Campaign Setting and The Roadhouse Chronicles.
The Haunted Highlands Campaign Setting
This part of the book provides an overview of the Haunted Highlands, giving you all the information you need to run a game in this setting. It covers the following topics:
- The History of the Highlands: This section gives a brief summary of the major events and eras that shaped the history of the Highlands, from the dawn of time to the present day.
- The Geography of the Highlands: This section describes the physical features and landmarks of the Highlands, such as mountains, rivers, forests, swamps, deserts, islands, and more.
- The Peoples of the Highlands: This section introduces the various races and cultures that inhabit the Highlands, such as humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, giants, centaurs, minotaurs, lizardfolk, gnolls, and more.
- The Kingdoms of the Highlands: This section details the political entities and factions that vie for power and influence in the Highlands, such as kingdoms, city-states, clans, tribes, guilds, orders, and cults.
- The Religions of the Highlands: This section presents a new pantheon of deities for the setting, as well as their domains, alignments, symbols, clergy, temples, rituals, and followers.
- The Monsters of the Highlands: This section introduces new monsters and creatures that are unique to the setting, such as banshees, bog mummies, carnivorous plants, crypt things, darklings, death knights, demon lords, dragons, elementals, fey, ghosts, ghouls, golems, hags, liches, mummies, necromancers, nightmares, revenants, shadows, skeletons, specters, vampires, werewolves, witches, wraiths, zombies, and more.
- The Treasures of the Highlands: This section showcases new magic items and artifacts that are found in the setting, such as amulets, armor, books, cloaks, crowns, daggers, gems, helmets, jewelry, potions, rings, rods, scrolls, staffs, swords, wands, and more.
The Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide to the Haunted Highlands is a great sourcebook for anyone who loves Castles & Crusades and fantasy role-playing games in general. It offers a rich and detailed setting that will inspire you and your players to create memorable stories and adventures. Whether you are looking for a new campaign world or just some fresh ideas for your existing one, you will find something useful and enjoyable in this book. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves Castles & Crusades and fantasy role-playing games in general.
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