Old School Renaissance – Castles and Crusades – Aihrde Fantasy Campaign Setting

Publisher: Troll Lord Games


If you are a fan of classic fantasy role-playing games, you might be interested in Castles & Crusades Aihrde Fantasy Campaign Setting, a rich and detailed world that is compatible with the Castles & Crusades system, as well as other OSR games. In this review, I will give you an overview of the book, its strengths and weaknesses, and my rating.


Castles & Crusades Aihrde Fantasy Campaign Setting is a 56-page PDF book that provides a comprehensive overview of the geography, culture, cosmology, and history of Aihrde, a world that has been shaped by ancient wars, divine interventions, and mythical creatures. The book is divided into four main sections: the geographical landscape, the cultural landscape, the cosmological landscape, and the historical landscape. Each section covers a different aspect of Aihrde, from its continents and oceans to its races and kingdoms, from its gods and planes to its epochs and events. The book also includes maps, illustrations, tables, and appendices to help visualize and navigate the world.


The book is well-written and organized, with clear and concise descriptions of each topic. The book also has a consistent tone and style that evokes the feel of classic fantasy literature. The book is full of references and homages to various sources of fantasy lore, such as Tolkien, Howard, Leiber, Moorcock, and more. The book also has a unique flavor and identity that sets it apart from other fantasy settings. Aihrde is a world that is both familiar and fresh, with elements that are recognizable and original.

The book is designed to be a small setting that focuses on the essentials of the world, rather than an exhaustive compendium of every detail. The book leaves room for Castle Keepers to customize and expand their own version of Aihrde, according to their preferences and play styles. The book also provides enough information and ideas to run a variety of adventures and campaigns in Aihrde, from epic quests to dungeon crawls.


The book is relatively short for a campaign setting, with only 56 pages of content. The book also lacks some details and depth on certain topics, such as the magic system, the religions, the monsters, and the NPCs. The book could have benefited from more examples, scenarios, encounters, and adventure seeds to help Castle Keepers run their games in Aihrde. The book also has some typos and errors that could have been avoided with better editing.


Overall, Castles & Crusades Aihrde Fantasy Campaign Setting is a solid and enjoyable product for anyone who loves classic fantasy role-playing games. The book offers a lot of information and ideas for creating and exploring a world that is both old-school and new-school. The book is suitable for beginners and veterans alike, as it is easy to read and use. The book is also affordable and accessible, as it is available in PDF format from DriveThruRPG . If you are looking for a campaign setting that combines the best of both worlds, you should give Aihrde a try.

Castles & Crusades Aihrde Fantasy Campaign Setting on DrivethruRpg