Old School Renaissance – Bannerjee Space Stations: A Guide to the Legacy of a Fallen Empire

Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing

Stars Without Number is a science-fiction role-playing game that draws inspiration from the old-school retro games of the past. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic future where humanity is recovering from the collapse of a galactic empire known as the Terran Mandate. One of the supplements for the game is Mandate Archive: Bannerjee Construction Solutions, which provides information on the space stations that were built by a corporate giant during the Mandate era. In this review, I will explore the content, quality, and usefulness of this supplement for Stars Without Number players and GMs.

What is Bannerjee Construction Solutions?

Bannerjee Construction Solutions (BCS) was a corporation that specialized in building space stations for various purposes, such as mining, research, trade, defense, and colonization. BCS was one of the few corporations that had access to advanced technology and resources during the Mandate era, and they used their influence and expertise to create massive and impressive space stations that dotted the galaxy. However, when the Scream happened and the Mandate collapsed, BCS also fell into ruin and chaos. Many of their space stations were abandoned, looted, destroyed, or taken over by various factions. Some of them still remain operational, but with hidden secrets and dangers lurking within.

What does the supplement offer?

The supplement offers a detailed overview of BCS and its space stations, including their history, culture, technology, and current status. It also provides rules and guidelines for creating and customizing your own BCS space stations, as well as fitting them with weapons, defenses, facilities, and other features. Additionally, the supplement includes several adventure seeds and hooks that can be used to incorporate BCS space stations into your Stars Without Number campaign. The supplement is divided into four sections:

  • Introduction: This section gives a brief introduction to BCS and its space stations, as well as some general tips on how to use them in your game.
  • Space Station Design: This section covers the basics of space station design, such as size, shape, layout, function, and cost. It also provides tables and examples for generating random or customized space stations.
  • Space Station Fittings: This section lists various fittings that can be added to a space station, such as weapons, defenses, hangars, labs, factories, habitats, and more. Each fitting has a description, a cost, a power requirement, and a benefit or drawback.
  • Space Station Adventures: This section offers several adventure seeds and hooks that involve BCS space stations, such as exploring a derelict station, infiltrating a hostile station, defending a friendly station, or uncovering a hidden conspiracy.

What is my overall verdict?

Overall, I think that Mandate Archive: Bannerjee Construction Solutions is a great supplement for Stars Without Number fans who are interested in exploring the legacy of a fallen empire through its space stations. The supplement offers a lot of information, inspiration, and options for creating and using BCS space stations in your game.

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