Publisher: BRW Games
Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit Review
Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit is a manual for the role-playing game Adventures Dark and Deep, an expanded and revised edition of the original rules of the most famous role-playing game in the world. The manual is the third core book for the game, after the Player’s Handbook and the Monster Manual. It is compatible with most old-school games, so you can use it with all the old and new adventures, settings, and supplements. If you liked the first edition, you will like Adventures Dark and Deep.
What does the manual contain?
The manual contains rules for weather and other natural hazards, the generation of NPC characteristics, magic items, travel between planes, deities and religions, and much more. It also includes dozens of random tables that cover everything from “what color is it?” to “why are the humanoids raiding the village?”.
The manual is well written and organized, with a good layout and a sober but effective graphics. The illustrations are in black and white, but of good quality and in old-school style.
What did I like about the manual?
The manual offers many options and variants to customize the game according to the preferences of the master and the players. There are optional rules for managing time, weather, light, sleep, hunger, thirst, diseases, drugs, magic herbs, wandering monsters, treasures, magic items, planes of existence, deities, religions, factions, NPCs and much more.
The manual contains many creative and interesting ideas to enrich the adventures and campaigns. There are random tables to generate events, situations, places, characters, motivations, secrets, mysteries, riddles, traps, magic items and more. Some tables are very original and fun, like the one to create names of magic books or the one to determine what happens when you open a portal to another plane.
The manual is faithful to the spirit of the first edition of the most famous role-playing game in the world, but at the same time it expands and updates it with new ideas and mechanics. The manual respects the original vision of its creator, but it is not a mere copy or imitation. It is a sincere and passionate tribute to a golden age of role-playing.
What did I not like about the manual?
The manual is very dense with information and rules, and sometimes it can be a bit too detailed or complex. Some rules may seem superfluous or redundant compared to other sources or supplements. Some tables may be difficult to consult or apply in game. Some rules may require many calculations or cross-references.
The manual does not contain any example of application of the rules or creation of adventures or campaigns. There are also no suggestions or practical advice for the master on how to use the rules and tables presented in the manual. The manual only provides tools to the master, but does not tell him how to use them.
The manual does not contain any specific or original setting for the game. It is assumed that the master uses his preferred setting or creates his own. This can be an advantage for those who want to have creative freedom, but also a disadvantage for those who seek inspiration or a solid base from which to start.
Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit is a rich and complete manual for the role-playing game Adventures Dark and Deep. It is a work of great value for fans of the first edition of the most famous role-playing game in the world and for those who seek new challenges and opportunities for their game. The manual offers many tools and resources to the master, but also requires some experience and skill to use them well. The manual is not perfect, and can be improved with some examples, advice, and settings, but it is definitely a work of quality and passion. I recommend it to those who seek a role-playing game old-school but not obsolete, faithful but not static, classic but not banal.
Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit on DrivethruRpg