Old School Renaissance – Adventurer Conqueror King System – Domains at War: Troops and Terrain

Publisher: Autarch

Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain –
A Review

If you are a fan of fantasy role-playing games and war games, you might be interested in a digital product that allows you to experience the thrill and challenge of fantasy warfare in a realistic and detailed way. The product is called Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain, and it is the first of two manuals that make up the complete product. In this review, I will tell you what this product is, what it offers, and why you should get it.

What is Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain?

Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain is a digital product that consists of three interconnected systems that cover the various aspects of military campaigns in a fantasy, ancient, or medieval world:

  • A quick mass combat system for use in any role-playing game that uses concepts like hit points and armor class
  • A complete campaign toolkit for use in ongoing games, fully compatible with the Adventurer Conqueror King System rules for mercenaries, fortresses, magic, and government
  • A fast-playing tactical wargame derived from these systems, so that playing a battle generates similar results to those that would be obtained if it were fought on an individual scale

Domains at War: Troops and Terrain focuses on the rules for creating and managing military units, leaders, spells, and terrain that affect battles. The manual also contains a series of pre-generated scenarios to test your strategic and tactical skills.

The product is designed for the Adventurer Conqueror King System™ game system, but it is compatible with any fantasy game system that uses twenty-sided dice and shares concepts like hit points and armor class. If your tabletop game benefits from vivid drama and agonizing choices of war, Domains at War is for you.

What does Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain offer?

Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain offers a lot of features that make it a valuable addition to your gaming library. Some of these features are:

  • The ability to create custom units by choosing from different options of armament, training, morale, equipment, and specialization. You can create units that reflect the culture, history, and tactics of your fantasy world, or recreate historical or fictional units from real or imaginary sources.
  • The ability to use magic effectively and spectacularly in battles, with spells that can affect the weather, the terrain, the units, and the leaders. You can unleash powerful spells like fireballs, lightning bolts, earthquakes, or meteor swarms on your enemies, or use more subtle spells like illusions, charms, or invisibility to gain an edge.
  • The ability to simulate historical or fantasy battles with scenarios based on real or imaginary sources. You can play scenarios that are inspired by famous battles like Thermopylae, Hastings, Agincourt, or Waterloo, or by epic battles from fantasy literature like Helm’s Deep, Pelennor Fields, or Blackwater Bay.
  • The ability to integrate battles with role-playing campaigns, using the rules for mercenaries, fortresses, magic, and government from the Adventurer Conqueror King System. You can use your characters as leaders or heroes in battles, hire mercenaries to fight for you, build fortifications to defend your lands, cast spells to aid your troops or hinder your foes, and manage your domain as a ruler or a rebel.
  • The ability to play a fast-playing tactical wargame with printable color counters for units, leaders, spells, and terrain and a 4’ x 3’ battle map PDF for tabletop warfare. You can play battles on a large scale with hundreds of units on each side, using simple but realistic rules that capture the essence of warfare.

Why should you get Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain?

Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War: Troops and Terrain is a product that will enrich your gaming experience with its depth and versatility. Whether you want to add some spice to your role-playing campaigns with epic battles, or you want to enjoy a standalone wargame with fantasy elements, this product will satisfy your needs. You will be able to create your own units and scenarios, use magic in creative ways, and immerse yourself in a realistic simulation of fantasy warfare.

I hope you enjoyed this review and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

ACKS Domains at War: Troops and Terrain on DrivethruRpg