Old School Renaissance – Adventurer Conqueror King System – Domains at War: Campaigns

Publisher: Autarch

Tomorrow you will bring the battle to the foe. Tonight you walk among the troops you’ll lead. The mercenaries are veterans and sleep while they can, but the peasants levied from your lands seek courage in tales of your previous victories. In the cover of darkness, you can listen rather than lead. Remember when you were like them? Back when you first entered the dungeon, you wielded a sword to fight for gold, glory, and the favor of the gods. Winning these earned you a throne. Now you wield an army, and fight for the right to rule the domains at war.

How to Play a Game of War and Conquest Inspired by Classic D&D with ACKS Domains at War – Campaigns

Are you looking for a role-playing game that lets you lead an army, fight against enemy forces and conquer domains? Do you want to experience the thrill of epic military campaigns in a fantasy world inspired by classic Dungeons & Dragons? If so, you should check out Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War – Campaigns (D@W), a supplement for the popular Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS).

D@W is a game that combines role-playing and war gaming in a unique way. You can use your existing ACKS characters, or create new ones using any fantasy system that uses twenty-sided dice and concepts like hit points and armor class. You can then raise and manage your armies, recruiting mercenaries, allies and vassals from different races and cultures. You can plan your strategies, choosing from different types of war, such as total war, limited war, civil war or holy war. You can also influence the course of events with your personal actions, such as duels, spells, sabotage or diplomacy.

D@W includes a series of tools to create and manage military campaigns, compatible with the ACKS rules for mercenaries, strongholds, magic and rulership. You can calculate the cost and maintenance of your armies, their morale and their efficiency. You can also take into account the available resources, such as food, water, money and magic. You can finally evaluate the political and social consequences of your conquests, such as the loyalty of your subjects, the reaction of your rivals and the will of the gods.

D@W also includes a simplified system to resolve the outcome of battles between army-sized forces, ideal for resolving battles between NPC commanders, where adventurers are bystanders or front-line participants. You can use this system when you do not want to use the supplement Domains at War – Battles (D@W), which allows you to simulate battles using playing pieces on the table.

If you are interested in playing a game of war and conquest inspired by classic D&D, you should give Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War – Campaigns a try. It is a rich, fun and stimulating game that will make you experience the spirit of classic D&D in a new dimension.

We hope you enjoyed this article and it intrigued you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading and have fun!

ACKS – Domains at War: Campaigns on DrivethruRpg