Publisher: Autarch
Tomorrow you will bring the battle to the foe. Tonight you walk among the troops you’ll lead. The mercenaries are veterans and sleep while they can, but the peasants levied from your lands seek courage in tales of your previous victories. In the cover of darkness, you can listen rather than lead. Remember when you were like them? Back when you first entered the dungeon, you wielded a sword to fight for gold, glory, and the favor of the gods. Winning these earned you a throne. Now you wield an army, and fight for the right to rule the domains at war.
Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War – Battles: a game of epic battles inspired by classic D&D
If you are passionate about role-playing games, you have probably heard of the Old School Renaissance or OSR, a design movement that draws inspiration from the early days of tabletop role-playing games in the 1970s, especially from Dungeons & Dragons. The OSR is not just a matter of nostalgia, but also of exploring a different style of play, more focused on creativity, improvisation and challenge.
Among the many games that are inspired by the OSR, there is one that deserves special attention: it is Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS), a fantasy role-playing game that allows characters to go from simple adventurers to conquerors of kingdoms and empires. ACKS is based on the same mathematical rules as the original D&D, but expands and refines them to create a consistent and flexible system.
One of the most interesting aspects of ACKS is the possibility of managing wars between the domains of the characters, using a series of supplements called Domains at War. In particular, Domains at War – Battles (D@W) is a supplement that allows you to simulate battles between armies using playing pieces on the table. D@W is designed specifically for battles where the players’ characters are in command, and makes their actions and decisions the focus of the game. In addition, D@W is compatible with any fantasy game system that uses twenty-sided dice and concepts such as hit points and armor class.
With D@W, you can bring the epic sense of pitched battles to your gaming table. The supplement contains everything you need to create and manage armies, from basic units to special formations, from commanders to champions, from tactics to magic. You can choose from different scenarios, from frontal clash to siege, from guerrilla to retreat. You can also create your own custom maps, using a series of terrains and obstacles that affect movement and combat.
D@W is not just a war game, but also a role-playing game. The players’ characters can intervene directly in the battle, challenging enemies in duels, casting devastating spells, performing heroic or desperate feats. Their actions can change the fate of the clash, but also expose them to great risks. At the same time, they must take into account the morale of their troops, the available resources, the strategic objectives and the political consequences of their choices.
If you like the idea of combining role-playing with epic battles, I suggest you take a look at Adventurer Conqueror King System Domains at War – Battles. It is a well-made, fun and stimulating game that will make you relive the spirit of classic D&D in a new way.
I hope you enjoyed this article and it intrigued you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading and have fun!
ACKS – Domains at War:Battles on DrivethruRpg