Publisher: Autarch
Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu: A Review
Are you ready for a thrilling and adventurous fantasy role-playing game that mixes pulp fantasy and science fiction? Do you want to explore a dangerous and exotic world where dinosaurs, cthulhoid creatures, giant insects, mad wizards, muscular barbarians, and alien invaders coexist? Do you want to fight epic battles with ancient and wild magic, alien technology, and brute force? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in a digital product that offers all of this and more. The product is called Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu, and it is an introduction to the world of Kanahu, where the adventures of the Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) fantasy role-playing game take place. In this review, I will tell you what this product is, what it offers, and why you should get it.
What is Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu?
Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu is a digital product that consists of a 256-page PDF file that contains rules, options, and content for playing in the world of Kanahu, a world where pulp fantasy and science fiction meet. The product is compatible with the Adventurer Conqueror King System game system, but it is easily adaptable to other fantasy game systems that use twenty-sided dice and share concepts like hit points and armor class. The product is designed by Alexander Macris, Tavis Allison, Greg Tito, and Ryan Hennesy, with additional design by Dan Proctor and Jeffrey Talanian. The product features artwork by Mark Allen, Michael Clarke, Ryan Hennesy, Peter Mullen, Stefan Poag, and Jim Roslof. The product is published by Autarch LLC.
What does Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu offer?
Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu offers a lot of features that make it a valuable addition to your ACKS game or any other fantasy game. Some of these features are:
- The world of Kanahu is a world where dinosaurs, cthulhoid creatures, giant insects, mad wizards, muscular barbarians, and alien invaders coexist. The world is divided into four continents: Kanahu, the main continent, where the adventures take place; Zalutu, the eastern continent, where the ruins of an alien civilization are found; Nalutu, the western continent, where the wild lands of the barbarians are located; and Kalutu, the southern continent, where the dark lands of the undead are located.
- The product presents three new interconnected systems that cover the various aspects of military campaigns in a pulp fantasy world: a quick mass combat system for use in any role-playing game that uses concepts like hit points and armor class; a complete campaign toolkit for use in ongoing games, fully compatible with the Adventurer Conqueror King System rules for mercenaries, fortresses, magic, and government; and a fast-playing tactical wargame derived from these systems, so that playing a battle generates similar results to those that would be obtained if it were fought on an individual scale.
- The product introduces four new types of mage, each of which uses magic in new and interesting ways: the dwarven earthforgers, who inherit an ancient tradition that makes them draw on the divine spark present in all creation to power their magic; the gnomish alchemists, who are experimenters whose potions range from “useful and safe” to “incredibly poisonous”; the terran engineers, who are scientists and builders from another age, whose inventions and modifications certainly appear magical to most non-technological societies; and the warlords, who draw energy from the chaos of battle, commanding it with their tactics and leadership to ensure their side wins.
- The product contains over 60 new monsters, including dinosaurs, cthulhoid creatures, giant insects, mad wizards, muscular barbarians, and alien invaders. Some examples of monsters are: the tyrannosaurus rex, the king of carnivorous dinosaurs; the shoggoth, a shapeless mass of protoplasm with eyes and mouths; the giant mantis, an insect predator as big as a horse; the cultist of primordial chaos, a mad wizard who worships the forces of chaos; the sunset warrior, a muscular barbarian who fights with laser swords; and the gray visitor, an alien invader with psychic powers.
- The product provides the rules for alien technology, with dozens of alien artifacts. You can learn to use alien artifacts by conducting researches, experimenting on the field, learning from a teacher, or using alien knowledge. If you master scientific magic, you can arm yourself with fusion launchers, laser swords, and force field belts; pilot flying saucers, hoverbikes, or battle tanks; reprogram robots to serve you; and even learn the secrets of cloning and resurrection.
Why should you get Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu?
Adventurer Conqueror King System Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu is a product that will enrich your ACKS game or any other fantasy game with its depth and versatility. Whether you want to use it as a ready-made setting for your adventures or as a source of inspiration for your own creations, this product will satisfy your needs. You will be able to explore a dangerous and exotic world full of wonders and dangers, fight epic battles with ancient and wild magic, alien technology, and brute force, and immerse yourself in a thrilling and adventurous pulp fantasy world.
I hope you enjoyed this review and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu setting sourcebook on DrivethruRpg