Old School Renaissance – Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic

Publisher: Autarch

The ancient almanac of unusual magic, penned by the wizard-lord Aryxymaraki in the time before the Day Without Night, has been rediscovered…

Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic: A Review

Are you looking for a way to spice up your fantasy role-playing game with some new and exciting types of magic? Do you want to explore the possibilities of using magic in different and unconventional ways? Do you want to unleash the power of ancient and wild magic on your enemies, or create your own custom magic effects based on secret knowledge? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in a digital product that offers all of this and more. The product is called Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic, and it is a supplement for the Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) fantasy role-playing game, which introduces four new types of mage, each of which uses magic in new and interesting ways. In this review, I will tell you what this product is, what it offers, and why you should get it.

What is Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic?

Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic is a digital product that consists of a 128-page PDF file that contains rules, options, and content for using unusual magic in the ACKS fantasy role-playing game. The product is compatible with the rules for ceremonial and eldritch magic from the Heroic Fantasy Handbook, and contains over a hundred new eldritch spells. Moreover, the product provides the rules for gnostic magic, which allows you to create your own content based on unusual magic.

The product is designed by Alexander Macris, Tavis Allison, Greg Tito, and Ryan Hennesy, with additional design by Dan Proctor and Jeffrey Talanian. The product features artwork by Mark Allen, Michael Clarke, Ryan Hennesy, Peter Mullen, Stefan Poag, and Jim Roslof. The product is published by Autarch LLC.

What does Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic offer?

Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic offers a lot of features that make it a valuable addition to your ACKS game. Some of these features are:

  • The four new types of mage are: the dwarven earthforgers, who inherit an ancient tradition that makes them draw on the divine spark present in all creation to power their magic; the gnomish alchemists, who are experimenters whose potions range from “useful and safe” to “incredibly poisonous”; the terran engineers, who are scientists and builders from another age, whose inventions and modifications certainly appear magical to most non-technological societies; and the warlords, who draw energy from the chaos of battle, commanding it with their tactics and leadership to ensure their side wins.
  • Each type of mage has its own specific rules for creating and managing magical units, leaders, spells, and terrain that affect battles. For example, the dwarven earthforgers can create golems of stone or metal, the gnomish alchemists can create explosive or healing potions, the terran engineers can build firearms or motor vehicles, and the warlords can use special tactics like charges or skirmishes.
  • The eldritch spells are spells that use a form of magic older and wilder than arcane or divine magic. The eldritch spells have more powerful and variable effects, but also more risky and unpredictable ones. Some examples of eldritch spells are: Dragon Soul, which transforms the mage into a dragon for a short period; Atomic Bomb, which creates a powerful nuclear explosion in an area; Primordial Chaos, which randomly alters reality in an area; or Dead Zone, which prevents the use of magic in an area.
  • The gnostic magic is a form of magic based on secret knowledge of the laws of the universe. The gnostic magic allows you to create custom magical effects by combining different factors such as energy type, target, duration, area, and so on. The gnostic magic requires great intelligence and concentration from the mage, but offers great flexibility and creativity. The product provides the rules for using gnostic magic and source factors to create your own content.

Why should you get Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic?

Adventurer Conqueror King System – Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic is a product that will enrich your ACKS game with its depth and versatility. Whether you want to add some spice to your game with new types of mage that use magic in different ways than usual, or you want to explore the possibilities of using eldritch and gnostic magic, this product will satisfy your needs. You will be able to create your own units and scenarios, use magic in creative and spectacular ways, and immerse yourself in a realistic simulation of unusual magic.

I hope you enjoyed this review and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic on DrivethruRpg