Dnd 5e Otyugh Tactics – build challenging encounters against an Otyugh or Neo-Otyugh

By Alan McCoy from Dungeons & Dragons: Fundamentals

How to build challenging encounters against an Otyugh or Neo-Otyugh

Note: This has been prepared utilizing only the 5E Core Rules. The Otyugh can be found in the Monster Manual page 248. The Neo-Otyugh was released in the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish and as a free download and preview in support of Extra Life and Children’s Miracle Network.

For all practical purposes, the Neo-Otyugh is larger, stronger, and more intelligent version of the Otyugh, with some magical abilities. This writing will deal primarily with the Otyugh, with notes on specific places where the behavior will differ.

The Otyugh is a grotesque, bulbous creature that walks on three sturdy legs, matched by three tentacles of exceptional strength that snake from its upper torso. They are large, roughly equivalent to the size of a Hippopotamus (6 feet at the shoulder, 8,000 lbs.) Neo-Otyugh are Huge, comparative in size to an Elephant (12 feet at the shoulder, 15,000 lbs.).

The Otyugh is an offal-eater and frequents places where trash and other refuse is disposed of, they are sometimes cultivated for that purpose, this is dangerous however as more than one Otyugh has eaten its keeper.

The Otyugh hate bright light and will only stay in areas containing bright light if the food supply is very plentiful and hunting is not required. Even then, they will bury themselves under the offal and other detritus, coming out only to feed. If found in the wilderness, they lair in stagnant or scum-filled ponds, swamps, and damp forest dells. If found in urban environments, it is the scent of graveyards, sewers, or animal manure piles that has drawn them.

Since Otyugh are oblivious to anything but FOOD, their lairs tend to accumulate the remains and treasure from their victims.

Step 1) Let’s Review what we know about the Otyugh

The Otyugh and Neo-Otyugh are both categorized as ABERRATIONS.

First, they are extraordinarily strong and exceptionally tough, dexterity is average. Mentally, they’re limited, but have far greater than simple animal intelligence. They are stubborn and are generally unwilling to give up a tactic or a lair unless forced to do so.

Otyugh move at 30 feet per round. (See DM Tips and Observations below)

Otyugh have Darkvision 120 feet and a passive perception of 11. Their Sensory organs (eyes) are located on their tentacles.

Otyugh have a rudimentary language that they use to communicate with others of their kind.

Otyugh have a limited telepathic ability that allows them to transmit simple messages and images to any creature within 120 feet.

The bite of an Otyugh carries diseases that can be fatal unless cured.

The disease carried by the Neo is even more virulent and deadly.

Step 2) Determine the probable Strategy.

The Otyugh is a patient, waiting hunter, willing to let prey come to it rather than active hunting.

Using its telepathic ability to transmit simple messages and images, an Otyugh can lure prey animals within range. Attracted like bees to honey or flies to food. If this ability is used on a PC, I suggest you simply state that they “smell” something, or “see” something, which they may choose to investigate. There is no compulsion in the suggestion, after all.

The Otyugh is aware that prey that is bigger or more numerous that it will be harder prey to kill. It will hold off attacking, perhaps projecting images that will lure individuals to split off and come back alone.

Example: A character sees a projected glimmer from under a mound of trash, rather than tell others, they come back later to dig it out. The Glimmer is a projected image.

A Neo-otyugh uses a similar strategy but are even more clever in the images they project. They can also detect thoughts at will, this allows them to adjust their images and lures for maximum effectiveness.

The primary goal of the Otyugh is to split of a straggler from the party and then attack.

Step 3) Determine Tactics

Assuming a target is alone, or at the very most in a pair, the Otyugh will attack. Its primary goal is to kill quickly and get fed.

A Neo will use one of its two spells at the outset COMMAND or HOLD PERSON. Command – COME if they are outside tentacle range. HOLD Person if there is more than one, or if others are in sensory range. Held creatures are paralyzed, giving advantage on attack rolls and automatic critical hits on any hit.

Once combat begins, the Otyugh and Neo-Otyugh both have Multi-Attack, and can use three attacks each round (two tentacles and one bite). One tentacle is always kept out of combat as the sensory organ or eyes of the creature.

Tentacle attacks will be used to GRAPPLE and can be used on separate targets. Once grappled a target will be slammed into the environment, potentially stunning the target.

If considered advantageous, and a NEO is more likely to think of it, grappled targets may be submerged and drowned if the terrain allows it.

As stated, the bite of the Otyugh causes piercing damage and carries a virulent disease.

Step 4) DM Tips and Observations

First things first, the Otyugh, being a garbage dweller that often lairs underwater, it should be given a SWIM and BURROW Speed that matches their land speed.

While the AC of the Otyugh appears to be lower than it should, DMs need to remember that these creatures fight from COVER, and are entitled to at Least HALF COVER at all times (+2 to AC and Dex Saves) and most likely THREE-QUARTERS COVER (+5 AC and Dex Saves). They can utilize FULL Cover and become UNTARGETABLE by attacks or Spells.

This Otyugh language has a strong gestural component and includes stomps, and tentacle waves as well as any verbal components. Of course, step one in communication with an Otyugh is convincing them that you are ‘NOT FOOD’. Have fun with this if it comes up, it’s hilarious.

The Otyugh should be given proficiency in the Stealth Skill and Access to the HIDE action if they can burrow or submerge. I suggest a +4 Modifier based on the CR.

The Otyugh should be given a SWIM speed and a burrow speed to match their land speed.

While not RAW examples, I can think of several places in which an Otyugh-LIKE creature was used in popular fiction: The Watcher in the Deep, outside the secret entrance to Moria in the Fellowship of the Ring; The creature in the garbage smasher on the Death Star (SW: A New Hope) and Audrey II from the movie “Little Shop of Horrors”.