From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Paralysis. Each time the hyena worm score a successful hit with a tentacle, the target must roll a successful Physical/Strength saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the target loses 1d4 points of movement. The target is paralyzed when its movement drops to zero. The toxin secreted by the tentacle must come in contact with the target’s body to produce this effect.


Hyena worms always prefer to avoid combat and employ their tentacles to paralyze and for self-defense, avoiding combat and threats whenever possible. However, when food is scarce and the need to hunt arises, it prefers to hunt small prey or lone targets.


Hyena worms are scavengers that measure from 2 to 3 meters. They have dozens of small legs and vary in color from pale white to dirty yellow. They have small heads with two black eyes and four 1 meter long tentacles sprouting from the mouth.


Hyena worms can adapt to almost any habitat, provided the world is rich enough in biomass and life forms for these creatures to thrive. Being scavengers, they are not the alpha predator in their ecological niche, but they may attack living creatures if food becomes scarce.


Hyena worms have a basic biology based on feeding and reproduction. However, some xenobiologists claim that some specimens of hyena worms have a more complex reproductive cycle. On planets with very long seasonal cycles and extreme climate changes, hyena worms undergo a sort of hibernation and mutation phase. In place of laying eggs, the creature behaves like a larva does, giving birth to a new life form. Hyena worm’s paralyzing toxin can be extracted and preserved and is appreciated for medical purposes due to its analgesic and anesthetic properties.