From the Stars Without Number Compatible – Alien Database

Spores. The fungus produces spores that contaminate the area in a radius of 30 meters. Any living being entering the area must roll a Physical/Constitution saving throw or be contaminated by the spores. A contaminated creature loses 2 points of constitution every day unless the contamination is properly treated. The target can roll a new Physical/Constitution saving throw to reduce the constitution loss to 1 point instead of 2, but this will not stop the spores from killing the target. If the target dies, a new fungus crawls out of its corpse.


Fungus is not aggressive nor malevolent, they simply spread their spores and reproduce as much as possible. Most of the time these spores are harmful and, in the end, deadly for every life form. However, other rumors exist, such as those who claim that from time to time, some of these colonies develop a sort of collective consciousness that is comparable to intelligence. Other scientists speculate that some specimens may develop basic psionic abilities.


Fungus is among the most ancient and primitive complex life forms. They may take the form of creep, colonies, or the even more primitive form of bacterial-like colonies.


Fungus tends to evolve on those planets that are going through the first stages of life formation. They can thrive in almost any terrain and climate. Due to their flexibility and quick evolution rate, they produce strains that can fill the ecosystem of a planet in a matter of years if not months.


Fungus is a primitive organism, easy to study and understand from a scientific point of view. They can be both edible, and extremely dangerous. Advanced medical facilities are avid of fungus coming from any planet due to their exotic chemical properties. The main trait that fungus develop is how to harness external energy sources to activate their metabolism; in this aspect, they seem to be masters of the art.