SKULK – 5e stats

Medium humanoid (skulk), chaotic neutral/evil

Armor Class 14
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Speed (suggested) 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +3 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

6 (-2)19 (+4)10 (+0)10 (+0)7 (-2)1 (-5)

Saving Throws Con +2
Saving Throws (suggested) Dex +6
Skills Stealth +8
Damage Immunities radiant
Condition Immunities blinded
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Fallible Invisibility. The skulk is invisible. This invisibility can be circumvented by three things:

  • The skulk appears as a drab, smooth-skinned humanoid if its reflection can be seen in a mirror or on another surface.
  • The skulk appears as a dim, translucent form in the light of a candle made of fat rendered from a corpse whose identity is unknown.
  • Humanoid children, aged 10 and under, can see through this invisibility.

Sneak Attack (suggested). The skulk can make a sneak attack for 3d6 damage as a 5th level rogue but only when using a small weapon.

Trackless. The skulk leaves no tracks to indicate where it has been or where it’s headed.


  • Multiattack (suggested). The skulk can make two attack with its claws or one attack with its stiletto.
  • Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage. If the skulk has advantage on the attack roll, the target also takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
  • Stiletto (suggested). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d3 + 4) piercing damage. If conditions are met, the skulk can also make a Sneak Attack.

5th Edition Advanced Mode
Limiting the power of a character and making the overall difficulty of the game harder, does not reduce the creativity, indeed it does quite the opposite.
The Game Master has the option to use any and all of the instances proposed in this guide, or just some of them according to their preference.

It is the lack of something that move and motivate characters, not the abundance of it


Skulks are a race of humanoids that live by deception and murder. They are the ultimate infiltrators, able to blend in with any background and mimic any voice. They lurk on the fringes of civilization, preying on the unsuspecting and the weak.


Skulks have a slender and graceful build, similar to elves. Their faces are soft and delicate, with pink or blue eyes that seem innocent and curious. However, their skin is tough and leathery, like a reptile’s. Their natural color is light gray, but they can change it at will to match their surroundings. Skulks have no hair on their bodies, making them even more adaptable to different environments.


Skulks have a remarkable ability to camouflage themselves. They can alter their skin color and texture to mimic any surface, from stone to wood to metal. They can also change their clothing and equipment to match their disguise. Skulks can move silently and swiftly, avoiding detection by sight or sound. They are also skilled at imitating voices and accents, making them able to impersonate anyone they encounter.


Skulks have no culture of their own. They are nomadic and solitary, wandering from place to place in search of victims. They have no loyalty or compassion for anyone, not even their own kind. Skulks are driven by greed and fear, stealing whatever they can and killing whoever they must. They have no sense of honor or morality, only survival.

Skulks communicate with each other using a secret language of clicks and whistles, called Skulkish. They use this language to coordinate their attacks or warn each other of danger. Skulks also use gestures and facial expressions to convey their emotions, such as anger, fear, or satisfaction.

Skulks value stealth and cunning above all else. They admire those who can deceive and kill without being caught or traced. They despise those who are honest and brave, seeing them as fools and prey. Skulks fear exposure and discovery, knowing that they are hated and hunted by most races. They also fear magic, especially divination spells that can reveal their true nature.


Skulks are cowardly fighters who avoid direct confrontation at all costs. They prefer to strike from the shadows, using their stealth and speed to surprise and backstab their enemies. Skulks are opportunistic and ruthless, targeting the most vulnerable or isolated foes. They flee from any sign of resistance or injury, unless they have a clear advantage in numbers or terrain.


Skulks have a remarkable ability to camouflage themselves. They can alter their skin color and texture to mimic any surface, from stone to wood to metal. They can also change their clothing and equipment to match their disguise. Skulks can move silently and swiftly, avoiding detection by sight or sound. They are also skilled at imitating voices and accents, making them able to impersonate anyone they encounter.

Skulks have a natural talent for backstabbing. Skulks move with absolute silence and impose a penalty to opponents’ surprise rolls. Skulks that surprise their opponents usually backstab as a 5th level rogue. Skulks can pass through forest and in subterranean settings almost without a trace.


Skulks use their camouflage and stealth to ambush their enemies. They often work in small groups, coordinating their attacks with their secret language of clicks and whistles, called Skulkish. Skulks try to isolate or distract their targets, using their voice imitation to lure them into traps or confuse them. Skulks rarely engage in melee combat, preferring to use ranged weapons or thrown daggers from a safe distance.

Skulks are very cautious and cunning, always looking for an escape route or a hiding place. They never fight fair, using dirty tricks and cheap shots to gain an edge. Skulks will surrender or beg for mercy if cornered, but will stab their captors in the back at the first opportunity.


Skulks have several weaknesses that can be exploited by savvy opponents. Skulks are physically weak and frail, having low hit points and armor class. They rely on their stealth and agility to avoid damage, but can be easily overwhelmed by brute force or area effects.

Skulks are also vulnerable to magic, especially divination spells that can reveal their true nature or location. Skulks fear spells that can detect invisibility, see through illusions, or sense alignment. Skulks also hate bright light, which hampers their vision and camouflage.


Skulks are nomadic and secretive, moving from one place to another in search of loot and victims. They prefer to live in dark and secluded areas, such as deep forests or underground lairs. They hide by day, but emerge at night to raid nearby human or humanoid communities.

Skulks make their lairs in shallow caves with multiple entrances, located just outside (or sometimes beneath) the towns they target. They cover the entrances with branches and leaves, making them hard to spot. A successful find secret doors roll is required to find the entrance to a skulk lair. Inside are a number of sleeping mats, where the skulks rest during the day.

Skulks are omnivorous, eating whatever they can scavenge or steal from their raids. They have no preference for cooked or raw food, but they avoid spoiled or rotten food. Skulks need water to survive, but they can go for long periods without it.

Skulks reproduce sexually, mating once a year during the winter season. Skulk females give birth to one or two offspring after a gestation period of six months. Skulk young are born with gray skin and no camouflage ability. They develop their camouflage ability after a year, when they are ready to join their parents in their raids.


Skulks have no society of their own. They are solitary and selfish, caring only for their own survival and profit. They have no loyalty or compassion for anyone, not even their own kind. Skulks are driven by greed and fear, stealing whatever they can and killing whoever they must.

Skulks communicate with each other using a secret language of clicks and whistles, called Skulkish. They use this language to coordinate their attacks or warn each other of danger. Skulks also use gestures and facial expressions to convey their emotions, such as anger, fear, or satisfaction.

Skulks have a loose hierarchy based on skill and cunning. The most skilled and cunning skulk in a group is the leader, who decides when and where to raid. The skulk leader has 6 Hit Dice and can speak two additional languages. The leader is also a master of disguise and sometimes poses as a half-elf or a human.

The leader is followed by the skulk scouts, who are the fastest and stealthiest skulks in the group. The scouts scout ahead for potential targets or threats, using their voice imitation to lure or distract them. The scouts usually backstab as a 3rd level rogue.

The scouts are followed by the raiders, who are the strongest and most aggressive skulks in the group. The raiders follow the leader’s orders and attack with ranged weapons or thrown daggers from a safe distance. The raiders usually backstab as a 1st level rogue.

The lowest rank in the skulk hierarchy is the runt, who is the weakest and most cowardly skulk in the group. The runt is often bullied and abused by the other skulks, who blame him for any failure or misfortune. The runt has no special abilities or skills.

Skulks often try to disrupt the society they prey upon. A common ploy is to murder a low-level political official (judge, council member, town steward, etc.), then leave behind false clues stolen from a local thieves’ guild or orc tribe. Once suspicion is diverted, the skulks can go about their business, murdering and looting with impunity.

Skulk leaders sometimes deal with other creatures, particularly doppelgangers or assassin guilds. They exchange information, goods, or services for mutual benefit or protection. However, skulks are not trustworthy and will betray their allies if it suits them.


Skulks are parasitic and destructive, having a negative impact on the environment they inhabit. They consume whatever they can find or steal, without regard for sustainability or conservation. They also damage or destroy property and infrastructure, leaving behind chaos and disorder.

Skulks are adaptable and resilient, able to survive in various climates and terrains. They have a high tolerance for cold and heat, but they prefer moderate temperatures. They have a low tolerance for humidity and rain, which interfere with their camouflage ability. They have a high tolerance for darkness and low light, but they hate bright light.

Skulks are an ancient and mysterious race, whose origin and evolution are unknown. Some scholars speculate that they are a degenerate offshoot of elves, corrupted by dark magic or evil gods. Others suggest that they are a hybrid of humans and reptiles, created by a mad wizard or a twisted experiment. Whatever their origin, skulks have remained unchanged for millennia, having no need or desire to improve themselves.