Rhea – God and Clerics for D&D 5e

Rhea (Greater God)

Rhea was originally worshipped as the Great Goddess of Minoan Crete, and is an example of the Great Mother goddess who took many names and shapes throughout the ancient Middle East. Above all, she symbolized fertility, in which her influence extended over plants, animals, and humans. She also controlled the varying seasons, caused products of the soil to nourish, and even protected men in battle.

Eventually, she became the wife of Cronus and gave birth to the Olympian gods. After Cronus swallowed Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Hades, and Poseidon, she saved Zeus by substituting a rock in swaddling clothes. Rhea’s anguish over the loss of her first five children was ended when Zeus grew to manhood and led a revolt against Cronus. In her true form, Rhea is a beautiful woman with a generous figure.

Roleplaying Tips

Since Zeus seized his father’s throne, Rhea has yielded much of her power and many of her responsibilities to her godly children. Nevertheless, she is still revered as the mother of the gods, and sometimes answers appeals concerning fertility or motherhood. Omens from Rhea generally take the form of dreams.


  • Alignment. Neutral Good.
  • Worshippers Alignment. Any.
  • Spheres of Influence. Fertility, Life.
  • Holy Symbol. Female face.

Clerics of Rhea

Priests devoted to Rhea must ensure that she is fo rever honored for her part in installing the Olympian gods. They also perform ceremonies related to the fertility of both man and beast, and will go to any length to aid a mother in need of assistance. Their temples often serve as temporary shelters for orphans, whom they place with loving families that have no children of their own.

Alignment Restriction. Any non-evil.

Weapons Allowed. Bludgeoning weapons.

Armors Allowed. Any armor.

Divine Domains. Forge, Life, Nature, Peace, Trickery, Twilight.


  • Level 8. Summon Rain.