Orcs are one of the most iconic races in Dungeons and Dragons. They are fierce and muscular humanoids that often live in tribal societies, following the commands of their warlords and gods. Orcs have a reputation for being brutal, savage, and bloodthirsty, but they are not necessarily evil. Some orcs may seek to prove their strength and honor by fighting for a noble cause, while others may embrace their violent nature and raid and pillage other lands. Orcs have a distinctive appearance, with gray skin, black hair, reddish eyes, and large tusks protruding from their lower jaws. They also have a natural talent for combat, being able to move quickly and strike hard with their weapons. Orcs are a diverse and complex race, with many subraces and cultures that vary across different worlds and settings.
Orc Leader
Orc Shaman
Orc Sub-chief
The Mountain Miners: An Orc Tribe’s Life and Labor

An orc tribe is a group of orcs that live in a harsh and dangerous environment, such as mountains, forests, swamps, or the Underdark. They are fierce and muscular humanoids with gray skin, black hair, reddish eyes, and large tusks protruding from their lower jaws. They have a natural talent for combat, being able to move quickly and strike hard with their weapons. They also have darkvision, which allows them to see in the dark up to 60 feet.
An orc tribe worships Gruumsh, the god of conquest and strength, who created them in ancient days. They believe that their role is to take and destroy all that the other races would deny them, and they have a particular hatred for dwarves, who also covet the riches of the mountains. Some orcs may also worship other orc deities, such as Ilneval, the god of war and strategy, or Bahgtru, the god of loyalty and brute strength.
An orc tribe is organized into several clans, each with its own territory, leader, and symbol. The clans cooperate with each other for the common good of the tribe, but they also compete for resources and prestige. The clans are usually named after their distinctive features, such as the clan that specializes in melee combat, the clan that specializes in magic and rituals, the clan that specializes in stealth, traps, and ranged weapons, or the clan that specializes in crafting, healing, and defense. The leader of the tribe is usually the war chief, who is the strongest and most respected fighter among the orcs. The war chief is advised by the high priest or priestess, who is the most powerful shaman or cleric among the orcs.
An orc tribe lives in a fortified stronghold that they have built themselves in the heart of the mountains. They have carved out a network of tunnels and chambers that serve as their homes, workshops, storages, and barracks. They have decorated their lair with trophies and symbols of their victories, such as severed heads, skulls, banners, and weapons. They have a central hall where they hold meetings, feasts, and ceremonies. They also have a shrine where they worship Gruumsh and offer sacrifices. They have several mines where they extract and process various metals and minerals, such as iron, steel, copper, silver, gold, and gems. They use these materials to craft weapons, armor, tools, and jewelry. They also trade some of their goods with some of their allies, such as goblins, hobgoblins, and ogres. They often raid nearby settlements of other races, such as humans, elves, and halflings. They have a fierce rivalry with a nearby dwarf clan, who also claim the rights to the mines.
An orc tribe is a proud and fierce group of orcs, who have adapted to their surroundings and challenges. They have a strong sense of community and honor, but they also have a thirst for blood and glory. They are a formidable force in their lands, and they are always ready for a fight.
The Types and Roles of Orcs in a Tribe
An orc tribe is composed of several types of orcs, each with its own role and function within the society. These types of orcs are usually determined by their ancestry, heritage, training, or devotion to a specific orc deity. Some types of orcs are more common than others, and some types of orcs may have special abilities or features that distinguish them from the rest. The following is a list of the types of orcs that can be found in a typical orc tribe, along with their population percentage and a brief description of their characteristics and duties.
- Orc Warrior: The most common type of orc, they are the basic warriors and raiders of the tribe. They make up about 60% of the population, or 3,000 orcs.
- Orc Blade of Ilneval: These are elite fighters who serve as shock troops and bodyguards for the war chief. They are trained in the use of swords and spears, and they wear chain mail and helmets. They make up about 5% of the population, or 250 orcs.
- Orc Claw of Luthic: These are female orcs who serve as healers and midwives for the tribe. They are devoted to Luthic, the goddess of fertility and healing, and they use magic and herbs to cure wounds and diseases. They make up about 10% of the population, or 500 orcs.
- Orc Eye of Gruumsh: These are fanatical priests who serve as the spiritual leaders of the tribe. They are devoted to Gruumsh, the god of conquest and strength, and they use magic and rituals to bless and curse. They have sacrificed one of their eyes to Gruumsh, and they wear an eye patch or a metal plate over the socket. They make up about 5% of the population, or 250 orcs.
- Orc Hand of Yurtrus: These are male orcs who serve as plague bringers and assassins for the tribe. They are devoted to Yurtrus, the god of death and disease, and they use poison and stealth to kill and infect. They have pale skin and white hair, and they wear cloaks and masks. They make up about 5% of the population, or 250 orcs.
- Orc Leader: These are the chiefs of the clans that make up the tribe. They are the strongest and most respected fighters among the orcs, and they command the loyalty and obedience of their clan members. They wear the best armor and weapons, and they have distinctive symbols and banners. They make up about 2% of the population, or 100 orcs.
- Orc Nurtured of Yurtrus: These are orcs who have been infected by the Hand of Yurtrus with a disease that makes them stronger and more aggressive, but also more unstable and short-lived. They are used as berserkers and suicide bombers by the tribe, and they are feared and shunned by other orcs. They have swollen muscles and veins, and they wear rags and bandages. They make up about 3% of the population, or 150 orcs.
- Orc Red Fang of Shargaas: These are orcs who serve as scouts and thieves for the tribe. They are devoted to Shargaas, the god of darkness and stealth, and they use bows and daggers to strike from the shadows. They have red eyes and teeth, and they wear black leather and cloaks. They make up about 5% of the population, or 250 orcs.
- Orc Shaman: These are orcs who serve as the advisors and counselors of the tribe. They are skilled in magic and lore, and they use divination and enchantment to aid and guide. They wear robes and amulets, and they have tattoos and piercings. They make up about 2% of the population, or 100 orcs.
- Orc Sub-chief: These are orcs who serve as the lieutenants and captains of the tribe. They are the second-in-command of the clan leaders, and they lead smaller groups of orcs in raids and battles. They wear good armor and weapons, and they have distinctive scars and markings. They make up about 2% of the population, or 100 orcs.
- Orc War Chief: This is the supreme leader of the tribe, who is chosen by combat or by the will of Gruumsh. He is the most powerful and feared fighter among the orcs, and he commands the respect and obedience of all the clan leaders and their followers. He wears the best armor and weapons, and he has a crown and a throne. He makes up about 0.02% of the population, or 1 orc.
- Orog: These are a breed of orcs descended from mountain orcs who live mostly in the Underdark, though they sometimes ally with surface orcs. They are larger and stronger than most orcs, and they have better vision in the dark. They are skilled in mining and smithing, and they use metal armor and weapons. They make up about 5% of the population, or 250 orcs.
- Tanarruk: These are the offspring of orcs and fiends, who are usually created by the Eye of Gruumsh as a way of pleasing their god. They are stronger and more evil than most orcs, and they have horns, claws, and fangs. They are immune to fire, and they use flaming weapons and magic. They make up about 1% of the population, or 50 orcs.
The Other Creatures in an Orc Tribe’s Society
An orc tribe is not only composed of orcs, but also of other creatures that may be part of their society, either willingly or unwillingly. These creatures have different roles and functions within the orc tribe, and may have different relationships and attitudes towards the orcs. Some of these creatures are allies, who have a mutual or beneficial relationship with the orcs, and may fight alongside them or trade with them. Some of these creatures are mercenaries, who are paid by the orcs to fight for them or provide them with services, but have no loyalty or affiliation with them. Some of these creatures are slaves, who are captured and forced to work for the orcs, either as laborers, servants, or entertainment. Some of these creatures are beasts, who are either tamed or hunted by the orcs, and used as mounts, pets, or food. The following is a list of the other creatures that may be part of an orc tribe but are not orcs, along with the possible number of individuals composing each group.
- ALLIES: These are creatures that have a mutual or beneficial relationship with the orcs, and may fight alongside them or trade with them. Some examples of allies are:
- Goblins: Small and cowardly humanoids that are often used as slaves or fodder by the orcs, but some clans treat them more like equals and use them as skilled stealth specialists. Goblins are terrified of orcs no matter how they are treated. A typical orc tribe may have 200 to 1,000 goblins as allies.
- Hobgoblins: Larger and smarter than goblins, hobgoblins are militaristic and disciplined humanoids that sometimes ally with orcs for strategic purposes. Hobgoblins respect orcs for their strength and ferocity, but they also despise them for their lack of organization and discipline. A typical orc tribe may have 100 to 400 hobgoblins as allies.
- Ogres: Huge and brutish humanoids that are often employed as mercenaries by the orcs, or wage war on them. Ogres are respected and feared by orcs for their size and power, but most orcs think ogres are dumb and mock them given an opportunity. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 100 ogres as allies.
- Trolls: Large and regenerating humanoids that are sometimes hired as mercenaries by the orcs, or hunted by them. Trolls are feared and hated by orcs for their appetite and resilience, and orcs often try to avoid them or burn them with fire. A typical orc tribe may have 10 to 40 trolls as allies.
- MERCENARIES: These are creatures that are paid by the orcs to fight for them or provide them with services, but have no loyalty or affiliation with them. Some examples of mercenaries are:
- Bugbears: Large and hairy humanoids that are stealthy and cruel, bugbears are often hired by orcs as assassins or scouts. Bugbears are indifferent to orcs, and only care about money and bloodshed. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 80 bugbears as mercenaries.
- Gnolls: Hyena-like humanoids that are savage and hungry, gnolls are often hired by orcs as raiders or warriors. Gnolls are hostile to orcs, and only work with them for food and loot. A typical orc tribe may have 40 to 160 gnolls as mercenaries.
- Lycanthropes: Humanoids that can transform into animals, such as werewolves, wereboars, or wererats, lycanthropes are often hired by orcs as spies or infiltrators. Lycanthropes are contemptuous of orcs, and only cooperate with them for personal gain or amusement. A typical orc tribe may have 10 to 30 lycanthropes as mercenaries.
- SLAVES: These are creatures that are captured and forced to work for the orcs, either as laborers, servants, or entertainment. Slaves are treated poorly and brutally by the orcs, and have no rights or freedoms. Some examples of slaves are:
- Dwarves: Short and sturdy humanoids that are skilled in mining and smithing, dwarves are often enslaved by orcs to work in their mines or forges. Dwarves are hated and despised by orcs for their rivalry over the mountains and their resistance to their raids. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 60 dwarves as slaves.
- Elves: Tall and graceful humanoids that are skilled in magic and archery, elves are often enslaved by orcs to serve as their concubines or playthings. Elves are hated and envied by orcs for their beauty and grace, and their wounding of Gruumsh’s eye. A typical orc tribe may have 10 to 30 elves as slaves.
- Halflings: Small and nimble humanoids that are skilled in stealth and thievery, halflings are often enslaved by orcs to serve as their cooks or pickpockets. Halflings are hated and mocked by orcs for their size and weakness, and their tendency to escape or rebel. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 40 halflings as slaves.
- Humans: Medium and versatile humanoids that are skilled in various fields and professions, humans are often enslaved by orcs to serve as their workers or soldiers. Humans are hated and feared by orcs for their numbers and diversity, and their opposition to their conquests. A typical orc tribe may have 40 to 120 humans as slaves.
- BEASTS: These are creatures that are either tamed or hunted by the orcs, and used as mounts, pets, or food. Beasts are treated as either tools or prey by the orcs, and have no respect or affection from them. Some examples of beasts are:
- Aurochs: Massive bulls that are used as mounts by the orcs, aurochs are strong and fast, and can gore their enemies with their horns. Aurochs are loyal and obedient to orcs, and are well-fed and cared for by them. A typical orc tribe may have 100 to 400 aurochs as beasts.
- Bears: Large and furry animals that are raised by the Claws of Luthic alongside their own young, bears are fierce and protective, and can claw and bite their foes. Bears are respected and loved by orcs, and are treated as family members by them. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 80 bears as beasts.
- Dire wolves: Larger and more vicious than normal wolves, dire wolves are often used as mounts or hunting companions by the orcs, dire wolves are fast and cunning, and can rend their enemies with their teeth. Dire wolves are loyal and obedient to orcs, and are well-fed and cared for by them. A typical orc tribe may have 100 to 400 dire wolves as beasts.
- Giant bats: Huge and winged animals that are used as mounts by the Fangs of Shargaas, giant bats are stealthy and agile, and can bite and shriek at their enemies. Giant bats are loyal and obedient to orcs, and are well-fed and cared for by them. A typical orc tribe may have 20 to 80 giant bats as beasts.