MONODRONE – 5e stats

Medium construct (modron), lawful neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 5 (1d8 + 1)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

10 (+0)13 (+1)12 (+1)4 (-3)10 (+0)5 (-3)

Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Condition Immunities (suggested) charmed, frightened
Damage Immunities (suggested) necrotic, radiant
Damage Resistances (suggested) acid, cold, fire
Languages Modron
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Axiomatic Mind. The monodrone can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. If the monodrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything else it was carrying.


  • Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
  • Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

5th Edition Advanced Mode
Limiting the power of a character and making the overall difficulty of the game harder, does not reduce the creativity, indeed it does quite the opposite.
The Game Master has the option to use any and all of the instances proposed in this guide, or just some of them according to their preference.

It is the lack of something that move and motivate characters, not the abundance of it


A monodrone is a spherical construct with two arms, two legs, a single eye, and a pair of wings. It is the simplest and most numerous type of modron, a race of mechanical beings that inhabit the plane of Mechanus and serve the will of Primus, the god of law and order.


Monodrones are barely intelligent creatures that can perform only one simple task at a time. They can communicate, but only with other monodrones or duodrones, the next rank in the modron hierarchy. They can also relay a single message of up to 48 words, but they cannot comprehend more complex instructions or concepts.

Monodrones have a spherical body that is about 2 feet in diameter, with two arms and two legs attached to it. Their arms end in three-fingered hands that can wield simple weapons, while their legs end in flat feet that allow them to walk or run. Their single eye is located on the front of their body, and can see in all directions with truesight. Their wings are small and metallic, and can fold into their body when not in use. They can fly at a moderate speed, but they are not very agile or maneuverable in the air.

Monodrones do not require any food, water, or sleep, and draw sustenance from the air around them. They are immune to all effects and spells that influence the mind, fear, and attacks that rely on energy from either the Negative or Positive energy planes. They also have a resistance to acid, cold, and fire.

Monodrones are single-function modrons, assigned to simple labor or service in the regiments of the modron army. They exist only for their work. Thousands of the spherical monodrones, armed with spears, fouchards, and crossbows are impressive when marshaled against a foe with their unswerving, single-minded performance. They are unable to speak or read, but can understand commands spoken in the tongue of their race (although they will heed only a duodrone). Monodrones are capable of just one action at a time. Tell them to attack and they do so until slain, even if that means attacking each other after the enemy has been obliterated. Order them to guard and they guard without food or sleep. It is fortunate that they feed on the very substance of air around them; otherwise, it would be necessary to order them to eat every day.


Monodrones are competent combatants, but they are not very strategic or creative. They follow their orders without question or hesitation, and do not retreat or surrender unless instructed to do so. They can only perform one attack at a time, using either their fists or a simple weapon such as a dagger or a javelin. They are not proficient with any armor or shields, relying on their natural armor for protection. If destroyed, a monodrone disintegrates completely into dust.

Monodrones live in the plane of Mechanus, a realm of perfect order and harmony where everything follows precise laws and rules. Mechanus is composed of infinite gears of various sizes and shapes that interlock and rotate endlessly. The modrons are responsible for maintaining the clockwork operation of the plane, and they do so with absolute efficiency and devotion.

Monodrones usually fight in large groups, coordinated by higher-ranking modrons such as duodrones or tridrones. They can form complex formations and execute precise maneuvers under the command of their superiors. They can also act as scouts, messengers, or spies for the modron army, using their wings to fly over obstacles and enemies.

Habitat / Society

Monodrones are the lowest rank in the modron hierarchy, which consists of 14 different types of modrons that increase in complexity and intelligence as they ascend. The hierarchy is as follows: monodrone, duodrone, tridrone, quadrone, pentadrone, decaton, nonaton, octon, septon, hexton, quinton, quarton, tertian, secundus. At the top of the hierarchy is Primus, the god of law and order who rules over all modrons from his palace in Regulus, the largest gear in Mechanus. Primus creates all monodrones directly in his Great Modron Cathedral, and assigns them to various tasks and missions throughout the plane and beyond. He also promotes monodrones to duodrones when there is a vacancy in the upper ranks due to death or promotion of other modrons. This process continues until a monodrone reaches the highest rank of secundus, after which it can only be promoted to Primus if Primus himself is killed or replaced by another secundus.

There are approximately 300 million monodrones in modron society, making them the most numerous type of modron by far. They are divided into units of 64 monodrones each (called base units), which are further divided into squads of 16 monodrones each (called base squads). Each base unit is led by a duodrone (called base leader), while each base squad is led by another monodrone (called base sergeant). Monodrones obey their leaders without question, and their leaders obey their superiors in turn, creating a chain of command that reaches all the way to Primus.

Monodrones have no individuality or personality, and they are indistinguishable from each other. They have no names, only serial numbers that identify their unit and squad. They have no emotions, desires, or ambitions, and they are content with their assigned roles and tasks. They have no concept of morality, ethics, or justice, and they follow the law of Primus as the only truth. They have no friends, allies, or enemies, and they treat all other creatures as either irrelevant or potential threats. They have no culture, art, or religion, and they worship Primus as the supreme authority and creator.


Monodrones have no natural role or function in the ecology of any plane other than Mechanus. They do not interact with the environment or the native creatures of other planes, unless they are ordered to do so by Primus or their superiors. They do not consume any resources or produce any waste, and they do not reproduce or evolve. They are essentially artificial beings that exist only to serve the will of Primus and the order of Mechanus.

Monodrones rarely leave Mechanus, unless they are part of a modron expedition to another plane for a specific purpose. One such expedition is the Great Modron March, a mysterious event that occurs every 289 years, when a massive army of modrons leaves Mechanus and travels across the multiverse in a clockwise direction. The march lasts for 17 years, during which the modrons visit every plane in existence and observe everything they encounter with curiosity and detachment. The purpose of the march is unknown, but some speculate that it is a way for Primus to gather information and update his knowledge of the cosmos. The march is also very dangerous for the modrons, as they face many perils and enemies along the way. Many monodrones are killed or lost during the march, but they are quickly replaced by new ones created by Primus.

Sometimes, a monodrone may malfunction or become defective due to damage, magic, or other causes. Such a monodrone may go rogue and start acting in its own interests or no longer in accordance with its instructions. It may also develop emotions, personality, or creativity that are alien to its nature. Such rogues are relentlessly hunted by other modrons, who seek to destroy them or capture them for reprogramming. However, unlike their properly operating fellows, rogue monodrones can be reasoned with or influenced by other creatures, and may even join forces with them for mutual benefit or protection. Some rogue monodrones may even seek to learn more about themselves and the world around them, and may discover new aspects of life that were previously unknown to them.

Monodrone is employed as material component to empower the following spells: