Modrons are a race of mechanical beings that inhabit the plane of Mechanus, the realm of absolute order and law. They are the servants and enforcers of Primus, the One and the Prime, the ruler of Mechanus and the leader of all modrons. Modrons are shaped like various geometric forms, such as spheres, cubes, pyramids, and octahedrons. They have a strict hierarchy that determines their rank, power, and function. There are four main categories of modrons: monodrones, duodrones, tridrones, and quadrone. Each category has a number of subtypes that vary in size, shape, and abilities. The higher-ranking modrons are called hierarchs, and they have more complex forms and personalities. The highest-ranking hierarchs are the nine unique modrons that serve as Primus’s lieutenants: Secundus, Tertian, Quarton, Quinton, Hexton, Septon, Octon, Nonaton, and Decaton .
Modrons are loyal to Primus and follow his commands without question. They are also bound by the laws of Mechanus, which are enforced by the Inevitables, another race of mechanical beings. Modrons have a collective consciousness that allows them to communicate with each other telepathically. They also have a sense of duty and order that compels them to perform their assigned tasks efficiently and effectively. Modrons are immune to most forms of mind-affecting magic and effects, such as charm, fear, or confusion. They are also resistant to physical damage and can regenerate from injuries. However, they are vulnerable to chaos and disorder, which can disrupt their functions and cause them to malfunction or go rogue .
Modrons have a vital role in maintaining the balance of the multiverse. Every 289 years, they embark on a grand expedition known as the Modron March. This is when millions of modrons leave Mechanus and travel across the planes in a massive army. Their purpose is to gather information, observe phenomena, and correct any anomalies or imbalances they encounter. The Modron March is a dangerous and unpredictable event that can cause havoc and destruction in its wake. Many adventurers and planar travelers seek to join or interfere with the Modron March for various reasons, such as curiosity, profit, or glory .
This guide will provide you with an overview of the different types of modrons, their abilities and characteristics, their roles and functions in Mechanus and beyond, and their interactions with other creatures and planes. You will also learn about the history and culture of the modrons, their origins and secrets, and their relationship with Primus and the Inevitables. Whether you are a friend or a foe of the modrons, this guide will help you understand these fascinating and mysterious beings better.
The Modron Hierarchy: From Primus to Monodrones
Primus. Absolute ruler of all modrons
Hierarch Modrons
- Secundi: Viceroys of the four quarters
- Tertians: Judges
- Quartons: Rulers of the four regions of the four quarters
- Quintons: Bureau chiefs and records keepers
- Hextons: Generals of the armies of modrons
- Septons: Inspectors
- Octons: Governors of the four sectors of the four regions of the four quarters
- Nonatons: Police supervision
- Decatons: Physical welfare of base modrons
Base Modrons
- Pentadrones: Lesser police, law enforcement
- Quadrones: Multiple complex tasks, supervision
- Tridrones: Multiple tasks, minor supervision
- Duodrones: Complex tasks
- Monodrones: General laborers
Modrons: The Mechanical Marvels of Mechanus
If you are looking for a race that is unlike any other in the multiverse, you might want to take a closer look at the modrons. These are the strange and orderly creatures that inhabit the plane of Mechanus, the realm of absolute law and logic. They are shaped like various geometric forms, such as spheres, cubes, pyramids, and octahedrons. They have no emotions, morals, or individuality. They only care about fulfilling their duties and obeying their superiors. They are modrons, and they are a mystery to most mortals.

The modrons are native to Mechanus, and they are inseparable from it. They are the product and the reflection of the plane’s order and stability. They follow the rules and patterns of Mechanus without deviation or error. They are synchronized with the plane’s movements and cycles. They are modrons, and they are one with Mechanus.
The modrons have a strict hierarchy that determines their rank, power, and function. There are fourteen ranks of modrons, each with its own shape and role. The higher-ranking modrons are called hierarchs, and they have more complex forms and personalities than the lower-ranking ones. The lower-ranking modrons are called base modrons, and they have simpler forms and personalities than the higher-ranking ones.
The highest-ranking modron is Primus, the One and the Prime. He is the supreme ruler of all modrons, and his will is law for them. He resides in a massive citadel called Regulus, which is located at the center of Mechanus. He is the source and the destination of all modron activity. He is Primus, and he is all in all.
Modrons: The Combat Abilities of the Orderly Warriors
If you ever encounter a modron in battle, you might want to be prepared for a tough fight. These mechanical beings of order and logic have some impressive abilities and immunities that make them formidable opponents. In this article, we will examine the combat abilities of the modrons, from the common base modrons to the elite hierarchs.
The Common Abilities of All Modrons
All modrons, regardless of rank, share some common abilities and immunities that stem from their nature and origin. These are:
- Immunity to mind-affecting magic and effects: Modrons are unaffected by any illusions or magic that affects the mind, such as beguilement, charm, domination, hold, hypnosis, and sleep. Fear and other emotion spells are similarly ineffective against a modron, as are attacks drawing upon the Positive and Negative Energy Planes (including life-draining powers).
- Resistance to elemental damage: Modrons save vs. cold, fire, and acid attacks with a +1 bonus, and they suffer damage from such attacks with a -1 modifier per die.
- Regeneration: Modrons can regenerate from injuries at a rate of 1 hit point per hour. They can also reattach severed limbs or parts if they are brought into contact within 1 round.
The Additional Abilities of the Hierarch Modrons
The hierarch modrons are the nine unique modrons that serve as Primus’s lieutenants. They have more complex forms and personalities than the base modrons, and they also have additional abilities that make them even more powerful and dangerous. These are:
- Never surprised: Modron hierarchs are never surprised, and their precision of order always allows them to determine their specific place in the initiative sequence of all attack rounds. Thus, they never roll for initiative, and the DM chooses when they will act. Typically, this comes at the most effective moment, just before the swordsman’s blade arcs through the air or the wizard utters the final word of a spell, and so on.
- Spell-like abilities: Modron hierarchs can perform the following spell-like abilities, once per round, at will: clairaudience, clairvoyance, command, dimension door, teleport without error, and wall of force. They also are capable of traveling on the Astral and Ethereal Planes, but will never do so unless ordered by Primus.
- Telepathy: Modron hierarchs can communicate telepathically with each other and with any other creature within a certain range. The range of this power depends on their rank, as shown in the table below:
Rank | Name | Telepathy Range (Miles) |
1 | Primus | All Mechanus |
2 | Secundi | 420 |
3 | Tertian | 405 |
4 | Quarton | 384 |
5 | Quinton | 238 |
6 | Hexton | 216 |
7 | Septon | 190 |
8 | Octon | 80 |
9 | Nonaton | 63 |
10 | Decaton | 44 |