Medium aberration, neutral

Armor Class 9
Armor Class (suggested) 5
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 10 ft., swim 10 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +4 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

10 (+0)8 (-1)16 (+3)3 (-4)10 (+0)6 (-2)

Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages –
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Aberrant Ground. The ground in a 10-foot radius around the mouther is doughlike difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.

Absorption (suggested). Anytime a gibbering mouther aborbs one creature of medium size, it gains one permanent hit point.

Gibbering. The mouther babbles incoherently while it can see any creature and isn’t incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the mouther and can hear the gibbering must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn. On a 1 to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the creature takes no action or bonus action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction. On a 7 or 8, the creature makes a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach or does nothing if it can’t make such an attack.

Gibbering (suggested). The mouther babbles incoherently while it can see any creature and isn’t incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the mouther and can hear the gibbering must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine what it does during its turn.

  • 1. The creature moves in a random direction.
  • 2-5. The creature is stunned.
  • 6-7. The creature makes a melee attack, and move if required, against a randomly determined creature within its reach.
  • 8. The creature suffer the same effect of the fear spell, but the duration is 2 rounds.

Liquefy Stone (suggested). A gibbering mouther transmutes soil and stone within a 5-foot radius. It requires 5 rounds to transmute soil to mud, and 1 round to transmute stone to soil.


  • Multiattack. The gibbering mouther makes one bite attack and, if it can, uses its Blinding Spittle.
  • Multiattack (suggested). The gibbering mouther makes six bite attacks or one Blinding Spittle attack.
  • BitesMelee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (5d6) piercing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is killed by this damage, it is absorbed into the mouther.
  • Bites (suggested)Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 10). Until this grapple ends, the gibbering mouther has advantage on attack rolls. When three or more mouths are attached to a single target, that target must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is knocked prone, the gibbering mouther will flow over it and immediately makes 12 bite attacks with advantage against the target. If the target reaches 0 hit points by this damage, it is absorbed into the mouther.
  • Blinding Spittle (Recharge 5–6). The mouther spits a chemical glob at a point it can see within 15 feet of it. The glob explodes in a blinding flash of light on impact. Each creature within 5 feet of the flash must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of the mouther’s next turn.
  • Blinding Spittle (suggested). The mouther spits a chemical glob at a point it can see within 10 feet of it. The glob explodes in a blinding flash of light on impact. Each creature within 5 feet of the flash must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for the next 1d3 rounds. The gibbering mouther can then make one bite attack against a blinded target as a bonus action.

5th Edition Advanced Mode
Limiting the power of a character and making the overall difficulty of the game harder, does not reduce the creativity, indeed it does quite the opposite.
The Game Master has the option to use any and all of the instances proposed in this guide, or just some of them according to their preference.

It is the lack of something that move and motivate characters, not the abundance of it


A gibbering mouther is a frightening and unnatural creature that looks as though it had been plucked from a lunatic’s nightmares. It is an amoeboid form of life composed entirely of flesh, eyes, and mouths that constantly gibber and drool. It has no limbs or organs, but can move by oozing and crawling. It can also swim in water or mud, where it often lurks to ambush prey. A gibbering mouther is not evil, but it is thirsty for bodily fluids and appears to prefer the blood and brains of intelligent creatures . With its eyes and mouths closed, it appears to be a lump of earthy material, surprising creatures that stumble across it.


A gibbering mouther is a dangerous foe that can overwhelm its enemies with its bizarre abilities. It can alter the ground around it to make it soft and sticky, trapping anyone who steps on it . It can also spit a chemical glob that explodes in a blinding flash of light, leaving its victims vulnerable to its bite . The most terrifying aspect of a gibbering mouther, however, is its gibbering. The mouther babbles incoherently while it can see any creature and isn’t incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the mouther and can hear the gibbering must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by one of the following effects :

  • The creature does nothing.
  • The creature takes no action or bonus action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction.
  • The creature makes a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach or does nothing if it can’t make such an attack.
  • The creature becomes frightened and tries to flee from the mouther.
  • The creature becomes confused and acts randomly, such as attacking an ally, dropping an item, or casting a spell at itself.
  • The creature becomes stunned and unable to move or act.
  • The creature becomes charmed and obeys the mouther’s commands.
  • The creature becomes deafened and unable to hear anything other than the gibbering.
  • The creature becomes blinded and unable to see anything other than the mouther’s eyes.
  • The creature becomes paralyzed and unable to move or speak.
  • The creature becomes nauseated and vomits, losing its concentration and any benefits from eating or drinking.
  • The creature becomes enraged and attacks the mouther with reckless abandon, ignoring its own defense and other threats.
  • The creature becomes entranced and tries to join the mouther, offering itself as food.

The gibbering mouther’s bite is also deadly, as it can knock down and absorb any creature it kills . The mouther can use the absorbed flesh and memories to create new eyes and mouths, which add to its gibbering. The brain of a mouther is located in its midportion, and its gelatinous body makes it difficult to strike this spot.


A gibbering mouther is a solitary creature that lives in dark and wet places, such as caves, swamps, sewers, or underground lakes. It has no sense of territory or hierarchy, and will attack anything that moves or makes noise. It does not communicate with other mouthers, but sometimes they may gather in groups if there is a large source of food nearby. A gibbering mouther has a rudimentary intelligence, but no culture or goals. It only lives to feed and gibber .

Like other amoeboid lifeforms, gibbering mouthers reproduce by asexual fission. When a mouther has absorbed enough victims to gain maximum hit points it splits in two. The mouther retreats to some small, dark den before the four hour process begins. When the two new mouthers recover from the dividing process, each seeks its own new territory. Gibbering mouthers avoid each other’s territory and even physical contact with one another. It is believed that bringing two mouthers in physical contact forces them to merge, creating a larger creature with twice the size, hit dice and number of attacks, but half the speed of the parent monsters. These aberrations strip the land so thoroughly that they generally die of starvation as soon as prey becomes scarce.


A gibbering mouther is an aberration that defies the natural order of life. It has no place in any ecosystem, and is considered a pest and a menace by most creatures. It feeds on any organic matter, but prefers the blood and brains of intelligent beings. It has no natural predators, except for adventurers who seek to destroy it for its bizarre anatomy. Some sages believe that gibbering mouthers are the result of magical experiments gone wrong, or the spawn of some eldritch horror from beyond the planes . Although they can survive in the wild, they are more scavengers than hunters, and they rarely establish reproducing populations in any but the most lush swamps.

Gibbering Mouther is employed as material component to empower the following spells: