Giant Animals: The Larger-Than-Life Beasts of D&D

Giant Animals are a subcategory of the Beasts category, which includes ordinary animals that are not particularly intelligent or magical. However, unlike normal Beasts, Giant Animals are much larger in size and often more powerful. Giant Animals are standard animals but one or more size category larger. For example, a Giant Rat is a Medium beast, while a normal rat is a Tiny beast. A Giant Eagle is a Large beast, while a normal eagle is a Small beast.

Giant Animals can be encountered in various environments, such as forests, mountains, deserts, and oceans. Some of them are friendly or neutral to adventurers, while others are hostile or predatory. Giant Animals can be used as mounts, companions, allies, or enemies in D&D campaigns. 

Giant Ant Lion

Giant Ant Queen

Giant Ant Warrior

Giant Ant Worker

Giant Ape

Giant Badger

Giant Bat

Giant Boar

Giant Centipede

Giant Constrictor Snake

Giant Crab

Giant Crocodile

Giant Dragonfly

Giant Eagle

Giant Elk

Giant Fire Beetle

Giant Frog

Giant Goat

Giant Hyena

Giant Lizard

Giant Octopus

Giant Owl

Giant Poisonous Snake

Giant Rat

Giant Scorpion

Giant Sea Horse

Giant Shark

Giant Slug

Giant Toad

Giant Vulture

Giant Wasp

Giant Weasel

Giant Wolf Spider

Huge Centipede


Riding Lizard

Subterranean Lizard

Tunnel Centipede