Fire Spirit (Intermediate God)
Upon Fire, also known as Hastsezini, the Great Spirit has bestowed the ability to destroy anything living. He is also charged with providing warmth and light, but is resentful of this duty and only executes it if constantly fed.
Fire’s true form is that of a jet-black human with the head of a hawk, and he is always sheathed in an aura of flames. He has the power to see and hear anything that passes within fifty yards of a fire.
Ropleplaying Tips
Fire is arrogant, vengeful. and tolerates no affronts to his power or shortcomings among his priests. His omens always involve fire and are never subtle.
It is common for him to create a face in a fire and speak directly to his worshipers. He delights in punishing by burning.
- Alignment. Lawful Evil.
- Worshippers Alignment. Any.
- Spheres of Influence. Fire, Destruction.
- Holy Symbol. Burning Torch.
Clerics of the Fire Spirit
The duties of priests worshiping Fire consist primarily of appeasing their arrogant god with regular sacrifices of food and fresh meat.
Fire’s priests must always keep a fire buming within their lodge and are often called upon to perform foul tasks, like murdering those who have offended their god.
Because of their deity’s evil nature, his priests are often banished from the tribe if some fire-based calamity befalls the village.
Alignment Restriction. Any.
Weapons Allowed. Any.
Armors Allowed. Non-metal armors.
Divine Domains. Grave, Knowledge, War.
- Level 1. Create Fire (spell).
by Wizard of the Coast
Legends & Lore has now been revised for use with the AD&D 2nd Edition rules and expanded to 192 pages. It describes dozens of deities, heroes, and monsters from 11 different cultures. Special attention has been paid to the priests who worship the deities represented in this book. Each entry outlines the spells and powers granted to followers of a specific faith. In addition, you’ll learn about the cultures that worship the deities within and be provided with new spells, magic items, and character classes.