ERDLAND – 5e stats

Large beast (animal), unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor), 12 (underbelly)
Hit Points 25 (3d10+9)
Speed 40 ft.

Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode)

18 (+4)16 (+3)16 (+3)2 (-4)12 (+1)10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 11
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Psionic Powers (suggested). The Erdland has 19 (3d12) PSPs and can use the following psionic powers, mental attacks and mental defenses:


  • Multiattack. The erdlan make two attacks with its beak.
  • Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.


Erdlands are majestic creatures that roam the Athasian plains in herds. They are often used as mounts or to pull caravans, and are a common sight along the trader routes through the deserts of Athas.

Erdlands are flightless birds that have no feathers, but are covered with scales that range from red to grey. They have large beaks that can crack open seeds and nuts, and small eyes that are protected by bony ridges. Some erdlands have crests or horns on their heads that they use to display their dominance or attract mates. Erdlands can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and often stand nearly 15 feet tall.

The legs of an erdland are powerful and strong, sporting large four-clawed feet. Erdlands are not capable of fast speeds and are used more for their endurance than their speed. They can travel for long distances without water or food, and can survive in harsh climates. Erdlands communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds that can be heard for miles. They are loyal to their herd and will defend it from predators or intruders with their beaks and claws. Erdlands are graceful and gentle creatures, but can also be fierce and stubborn when provoked.


Erdlands are not aggressive creatures, but they will not hesitate to fight back if attacked. When erdlands engage in combat, they make two furious attacks with their large wedge-shaped beak, which can inflict devastating wounds on their enemies.

The scaly hide of the erdland provides it with adequate protection, though the underside of an erdland is softer and more vulnerable to attack. Erdlands can use their powerful legs and feet to kick or stomp on their foes, or to dodge or sprint away from danger. Erdlands can also use their long tail to balance themselves or to whip their opponents.

Erdlands are formidable opponents, but they have some weaknesses as well. Erdlands are not very fast or agile, and can be outmaneuvered by smaller or more nimble creatures. Erdlands are also susceptible to fire or acid attacks, which can burn or dissolve their scales. Erdlands are loyal to their herd and will fight to protect it, but they can also be terrified by loud noises or intimidating displays.


Erdlands live in the sparse vegetation areas found in the tablelands of Athas, where they can find some shade and water. They often make their shelter of some of the larger bushes and trees that grow near the edge of the Ringing Mountains, where the tablelands reach the mountains’ base.

Erdlands gather in much smaller groups than erdlus, usually varying from 10 to 30 in number. They have a strong bond with their herd members, and will share food and water with them. Erdlands are also friendly to traders who offer them food or esperweed, and will allow them to ride or use them as pack animals. Erdlands are wary of predators, such as lions, drakes, or giants, and will flee or fight them as a group. Erdlands are omnivorous, eating both animals and vegetables, usually whichever is more readily available. Erdlands rarely hunt for food and so most often eat vegetation for survival, enjoying meat when another animal or creature is found dead. On occasion, erdlus will hunt; they are fairly competent when doing so.

Erdland greatly enjoy eating esperweed, a flowering plant that causes an increase in the psionic powers of those who eat it. Though they normally possess no psionic ability, when they eat esperweed, erdlands gain the psionic abilities described above. This ability lasts only for a short time, just one turn, and thus, it is very rare that adventurers will encounter a psionic erdland.

Erdlands, like erdlus, produce young by laying eggs, the size of which can often be as large as 3 feet in diameter. Erdland eggs are somewhat less tasty than erdlu eggs, but can provide food for as many as three adult human or demi-humans. Erdland eggs are incubated underground, in small wells dug by the egg bearer. During the day, the dirt and mud walls of these wells grow very moist and hot, due to the scorching heat of the Athasian sun.

Egg bearing erdlands will often dig three or four of these wells, all within an area approximately 30 feet in diameter. Whenever one of these egg wells is threatened by another creature (man or otherwise), the egg bearer will attack the threat viciously in order to protect its young.


Erdlands are vital creatures for the Athasian ecosystem, as they help to maintain the balance and diversity of life. Erdlands are responsible for spreading seeds and fertilizing the soil with their droppings, which allows new plants to grow and thrive. Erdlands also provide water for other creatures, as they dig wells that collect rainwater or groundwater. Erdlands are a source of food for some of the savage halfling tribes that inhabit the jungles of Athas. An average erdland can provide up to 700 pounds of meat.

Erdlands can be used as mounts or pulling animals for vehicles.

The statistics are detailed in the D&D 5e Animals & Vehicles reference guide.
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