Intermediate God
Belenus is a Celtic god of healing, fire, and the sun. He was one of the most ancient and widely worshipped deities in the Celtic world, with a cult that stretched from the Italian Peninsula to the British Isles. Belenus was often associated with pastoralism, and a great fire festival called Beltane was held on May 1 in his honor. On that day, the cattle were purified and protected by fire before being put out to the open pastures for the summer. Belenus also encouraged the construction of standing stones to measure the progress of his sun and sacred groves where his druids could meet and build great bonfires to him.
Belenus was sometimes identified with Apollo by the Romans, but his cult seems to have preserved a certain degree of autonomy during the Roman period. His name may mean “Bright One” or “Shining One”, but other possible etymologies have been suggested, such as “Master of Power”, “Source of Springs”, or “Henbane”. Belenus had a main sanctuary in Aquileia, on the Adriatic coast, where he was worshipped with the nymphs. He also had several other shrines and dedications throughout the Celtic regions, and his name appears in some personal and tribal names, such as Cunobelinos, a pre-Roman British leader.
Belenus is a fascinating god to explore in the context of D&D 5e, as he can inspire many aspects of your character creation and role-playing. For example, you could choose to be a cleric or a paladin of Belenus, and use his domains of healing, fire, and the sun to channel your divine magic. You could also be a druid or a ranger who follows the pastoral traditions of Belenus, and celebrates the Beltane festival with your animal companions. You could even be a bard or a sorcerer who draws inspiration from the ancient Celtic myths and legends of Belenus, and uses his name as a source of power and charisma. Whatever your class and background, Belenus can offer you a rich and diverse cultural heritage to explore in your D&D adventures.
Belenus is a Celtic god who embodies the aspects of sun, heat, and light. He is a benevolent deity who heals and blesses his followers, and he is celebrated in a great fire festival on the first day of May. He is aligned with the forces of good, and he welcomes any good-hearted worshipper to his cult. His holy symbol is a solar disc made of sunstone, a gem that shines like the sun itself. Belenus is one of the oldest and most revered gods in the Celtic pantheon, and he has a strong connection to nature and art.
- Alignment. Neutral Good.
- Worshippers Alignment. Any Good.
- Spheres of Influence. Sun, Heat, Light.
- Holy Symbol. Solar disc made of Sunstone.

Clerics of Belenus: Prerequisites & Restrictions
The clerics of Belenus are healers and protectors of life, who use the power of the sun, heat, and light to aid their allies and harm their foes. They are devoted to the ancient Celtic god of fire and healing, who is one of the oldest and most revered gods in the Celtic pantheon. They respect and cooperate with other gods of nature and light, such as Brigid, Lugh, and Pelor. The clerics of Belenus are aligned with the forces of good, and they welcome any good-hearted worshipper to their cult. The clerics of Belenus are restricted in their choice of alignment, weapons, armors, and domains, as they follow the teachings and traditions of their god. They favor non-metallic weapons and armors, and they have access to the domains of Life, Light, and Nature.
- Alignment Restriction. Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral.
- Weapons Allowed. Club, Sickle, Quarterstaff, Sling.
- Armors Allowed. Non-metal armors.
- Divine Domains. Life, Light, Nature, Tempest.
Belenus, the Celtic god of healing and fire, has two main sacred days that are celebrated by his followers and worshippers. These are Beltane and Lugnasad, two fire festivals that mark the beginning and the end of the summer season. On these days, the people honor Belenus and his aspects of fire, light, fertility, and harvest, and they also enjoy various activities and rituals that involve bonfires, dancing, offerings, games, and feasts. These festivals are also times of magic and mystery, as the veil between the worlds is believed to be thin, allowing the contact with the fairies and the spirits. These are the sacred days of Belenus, the bright one, the shining one, the lord of the sun.
- Beltane. This is the most important and famous festival associated with Belenus, as it celebrates his aspect of fire and fertility. Beltane is held on May 1, and it marks the beginning of summer and the pastoral season. On this day, the people light bonfires, dance, and make offerings to Belenus and other deities. They also purify and protect their cattle by driving them between two fires, or by sprinkling them with water from Belenus’ sacred wells. Beltane is a time of joy, love, and magic, and it is believed that the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing the fairies and spirits to interact with the mortals.
- Lugnasad. This is another fire festival associated with Belenus, as it celebrates his aspect of light and harvest. Lugnasad is held on August 1, and it marks the end of summer and the beginning of the harvest season. On this day, the people honor Belenus and his son Lugh, the god of crafts and skills. They also honor the goddess Tailtiu, Lugh’s foster mother, who died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture. Lugnasad is a time of games, contests, and feasts, and it is believed that the spirits of the dead can visit their living relatives.
The clerics of Belenus can perform three special rituals that allow them to invoke the power of the sun, fire, and weather to bless, purify, or divine. These rituals are:
- Blessing of the Sun. This ritual allows the cleric of Belenus to invoke the power of the sun to bless a creature or an object. The cleric needs a sunstone, a gem that shines like the sun itself, and a holy symbol of Belenus, a solar disc made of sunstone. The cleric places the sunstone on the creature or the object, and holds the holy symbol in front of it. The cleric then chants a prayer to Belenus, asking him to bestow his light and warmth upon the target.
- Purification of the Fire. This ritual allows the cleric of Belenus to use the power of fire to purify a creature or an object from any curse, disease, or poison. The cleric needs a bonfire, a source of fire that represents Belenus’ aspect of fire and fertility, and a holy symbol of Belenus, a solar disc made of sunstone. The cleric places the creature or the object near the bonfire, and holds the holy symbol over it. The cleric then chants a prayer to Belenus, asking him to cleanse the target with his fire and healing.
- Divination of the Weather. This ritual allows the cleric of Belenus to use the power of the weather to foretell the future events or reveal hidden truths. The cleric needs a clear sky, a source of weather that represents Belenus’ aspect of weather and fire, and a holy symbol of Belenus, a solar disc made of sunstone. The cleric looks at the sky, and holds the holy symbol in front of it. The cleric then chants a prayer to Belenus, asking him to reveal his will and wisdom through the weather.
The clerics of Belenus are healers and protectors of life, who use the power of the sun, heat, and light to aid their allies and harm their foes. They are also devoted to the ancient Celtic god of fire and healing, who is one of the oldest and most revered gods in the Celtic pantheon. They have three main duties that reflect their faith and role in the game world. These are:
- Healing and protecting life, using their spells, skills, and rituals.
- Honoring and spreading the cult of Belenus, by worshiping him and making offerings to him, especially on his sacred days of Beltane and Lugnasad.
- Respecting and cooperating with other gods of nature and light, such as Brigid, Lugh, and Pelor.
The clerics of Belenus can access four special powers that allow them to channel the power of the sun, fire, and weather to bless, purify, or divine. These powers are:
- 5th level. Belenus’s Bless (spell).
- 10th level. Fire of Belenus (spell).
- 15th level. Light of Belenus (spell).
- 20th level. Ascension of the Sun.
Belenus is the Celtic god of sun, light, and healing, and one of the most revered deities in the pantheon. His clerics are his devoted servants, who spread his light and warmth across the world. They are blessed with divine magic that can heal wounds, cure diseases, and protect from harm. They also have a special bond with nature, especially plants and animals that thrive in the sunlight. As they advance in their faith, they gain followers who share their devotion to Belenus and support them in their missions. These followers can be of different classes and backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: they worship Belenus as the source of life and hope. In this content, we will explore the different types of followers that a cleric of Belenus can gain, and how they can enhance your D&D experience.
- 5th level. Acolyte of Belenus (NPC): This follower is a young and devout worshipper of Belenus, the god of sun, light, and healing. They have learned some basic spells and rituals from the clergy of Belenus, and they assist you in your divine duties. They wear a simple robe of yellow and green, the colors of Belenus, and they carry a sun-shaped pendant around their neck. They are loyal, optimistic, and eager to learn from you.
- 10th level. Druid of Belenus (NPC): This follower is a nature-loving follower of Belenus, the god of sun, light, and healing. They have a strong connection to the natural world, and they use their druidic magic to protect and nurture it. They wear a leather armor and a cloak of leaves, and they carry a wooden staff or a sickle as their weapon. They are wise, compassionate, and respectful of all living things.
- 15th level. Paladin of Belenus (NPC): This follower is a valiant and righteous follower of Belenus, the god of sun, light, and healing. They have sworn an oath to uphold the ideals of Belenus, and they use their holy power to smite evil and heal the wounded. They wear a plate armor and a cloak of yellow and green, the colors of Belenus, and they carry a sword or a mace as their weapon. They are brave, honorable, and generous.
- 20th level. Planetar of Belenus: This follower is a celestial and glorious follower of Belenus, the god of sun, light, and healing. They are one of the most powerful servants of Belenus, and they have been sent by him to aid you in your quest. They have a radiant appearance, with golden skin, hair, and eyes, and they wear a shining armor and a cloak of feathers. They carry a flaming sword or a bow as their weapon, and they can fly with their wings. They are majestic, benevolent, and awe-inspiring. However, they will join you only if you give up the Ascension of the Sun, a ritual that would grant you the status of a demigod and a place in Belenus’ court. The Planetar of Belenus believes that you should remain humble and faithful to your god, and not seek to become his equal.
Thank you for reading this content about Belenus, the Celtic god of sun, light, and healing, and his clerics, who serve him as guardians, healers, and champions. I hope you enjoyed learning about this radiant deity and his followers, and how they can be used in your D&D campaigns. If you want to catch up with future updates and have a conversation about this subject, I invite you to join Angry Golem Games on Reddit, where you can find more content and discussions about D&D and RPGs. You can follow this link to join the community: Angry Golem Games. Thank you for your interest and support.