Publisher: Angry Golem Games
If you are a fan of Stars Without Number, the sci-fi role-playing game by Kevin Crawford, you might be interested in the Vehicle Datasheet, a handy tool to keep track of your vehicles and their features. The Vehicle Datasheet is a PDF file that you can print out and fill in with the details of your vehicle, such as its class, model, speed, crew, weapons, armor, fittings, and more. In this review, I will go over the main sections of the Vehicle Datasheet and explain how they can help you enhance your gaming experience.
Vehicle Information
The first section of the Vehicle Datasheet is where you can write down the basic information about your vehicle, such as its name, class, model, and speed. The class and model determine the size and shape of your vehicle, as well as its base statistics and cost. The speed is how fast your vehicle can move in combat or travel in different terrains. You can also customize your vehicle by adding modifiers to its performance, such as acceleration, maneuverability, fuel efficiency, and stealth.
Crew and Pilot
The second section of the Vehicle Datasheet is where you can list the crew and pilot of your vehicle, as well as their skills and roles. The crew and pilot are the people who operate your vehicle and make it function properly. Depending on the class and model of your vehicle, you may need a minimum number of crew members to run it effectively. You can also assign specific crew members to customized vehicles, such as gunners, engineers, medics, or hackers. The skills and roles of your crew and pilot affect how well they can perform certain actions with your vehicle, such as piloting, shooting, repairing, or hacking.
Weapons and Armor
The third section of the Vehicle Datasheet is where you can record the weapons and armor that your vehicle has mounted or installed. The weapons are the devices that your vehicle can use to attack or defend itself from enemies. The armor is the material that protects your vehicle from damage or penetration. You can choose from a variety of weapons and armor types that suit your vehicle’s class and model, as well as your personal preference and style. You can also specify how each weapon and armor affects your vehicle’s statistics, such as damage, range, accuracy, reload time, durability, or weight.
Fittings and Notes
The fourth section of the Vehicle Datasheet is where you can note down the fittings and special notes that your vehicle has equipped or acquired. The fittings are the additional features that you can add to your vehicle to enhance its capabilities or functionality. For example, you can add a sensor array to improve your vehicle’s detection range, a cloaking device to make it invisible to enemies, or a cargo bay to increase its storage capacity. You can also write down any special notes that characterize your vehicle or its world, such as its technology level, history, quirks, or secrets.
The Vehicle Datasheet is a useful tool for Stars Without Number players who want to keep track of their vehicles and their features. It allows you to record all the relevant information about your vehicle in one place, making it easy to access and update. It also helps you to customize your vehicle according to your preferences and needs, giving it more personality and flavor. Whether you are flying a starship across the galaxy, driving a car through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, or riding a bike through a cyberpunk cityscape, the Vehicle Datasheet will help you make your vehicle more than just a means of transportation. It will help you make it an integral part of your adventure.
Stars Without Number Compatible – Vehicle Datasheet on DrivethruRpg
Stars Without Number Compatible – Vehicle Datasheet on Ko-Fi.