What is the Chaos Phage and How Does It Affect You?
The Chaos Phage is a deadly disease that can turn you into a mindless slave of the blue slaad. It is a slow and painful process that involves losing hit points and hit point maximum, and eventually transforming into a red or green slaad. The disease can also affect spellcasters who cast 3rd level spells or higher, turning them into green slaads. The Chaos Phage is a curse that can only be lifted by magical means, such as a wish spell or a miracle.
If you are unfortunate enough to be infected by the Chaos Phage, you will experience a series of symptoms that will slowly drain your life force. You will lose hit points and hit point maximum at an alarming rate.
The Chaos Phage affects the body and mind of the infected in various ways. One of the most noticeable effects is the regeneration of the affected, who will heal from any wounds or injuries at a faster rate than normal. The regeneration will also affect the affected’s appearance, as they may grow new limbs, organs, or features that resemble those of a blue slaad. The regeneration will also affect the affected’s mind, as they may experience flashes of memories, thoughts, or emotions that are not their own.
Another effect of the Chaos Phage is the shape-shifting of part of the affected’s body. The affected may change their shape or form to mimic that of a blue slaad or another creature. For example, they may sprout tentacles, scales, wings, horns, or other appendages from their body. They may also change their size or mass to fit into a certain environment or situation. The shape-shifting will also affect the affected’s abilities and skills, as they may gain new powers or talents that are related to their new form.
A third effect of the Chaos Phage is the sporadic telepathy of the affected. The affected may communicate with other creatures through telepathy, either by choice or by force. They may hear voices in their head that tell them what to do or say, or they may see images or messages in their mind that are not their own. They may also feel emotions or sensations from other creatures that are not their own. The telepathy will also affect the affected’s personality and behavior, as they may become more aggressive, paranoid, or confused.
How the Chaos Phage Infects and Destroys You
The Chaos Phage is a deadly disease that can turn you into a mindless slave of the blue slaad. It is spread by the bone hooks of the blue slaad, which pierce through your flesh and inject you with their essence. The disease will slowly drain your life force, reducing your hit points and hit point maximum, and eventually transforming you into a red or green slaad.
While infected, you will suffer from various effects related to the blue slaad’s color or type, such as regeneration, disease, mind control, teleportation, shape-shifting, etc. You will also lose hit points and hit point maximum at a rate of 1d6 per day for each level of your character. If your hit point maximum reaches 0, you will instantly transform into a red slaad or a green slaad, depending on your original alignment and spellcasting ability.
The amount of daily damage you suffer also depends on several factors:
- Your alignment: If you are chaotic or neutral, you will take 1d6 extra damage for each true instance.
- Your spellcasting ability: If you can cast spells of 6th level or higher, you will lose 1 point of constitution per day for each level of spell beyond 6th.
- Your extraplanar origin: If you are a creature of extraplanar origin or partially extraplanar in origin, such as tiefling, aasimar or genasi, you will take 19 (3d12) extra damage every 24 hours instead.
The Chaos Phage is a serious threat that can ruin your life and turn you into an enemy of your former allies. It is important to avoid being wounded by the bone hooks of the blue slaad, or to seek help from someone who can cure you with magic. If you are already infected by the Chaos Phage, there may still be hope for recovery if you act quickly and wisely.
How to Fight the Chaos Phage with Magic Spells
The Chaos Phage is a deadly curse that infects living beings and transforms them into mindless slaads. There is no known cure for this curse, only magic can slow it down or reverse it. The following spells can be used to combat the Chaos Phage, but each one has its own limitations and risks:
- Lesser Restorarion: This spell allows the subject to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to reduce the damage from the Chaos Phage by half each day. However, this spell requires an ampoule of holy water as a material component, which may not be easily available.
- Remove Curse: This spell blocks the progress of the Chaos Phage and prevents it from spreading further. It is very effective in stopping its advance, but it also prevents the subject from healing by natural means. The subject will need potions or other healing spells to recover from wounds.
- Greater Restoration: This spell reduces the minimum possible damage from the harmful effect of the Chaos Phage. It can help the subject to avoid losing hit points and maintain their constitution points. However, this spell does not cure the curse completely, only slows it down.
- Wish: This spell can remove any harmful effect caused by the Chaos Phage during its incubation, and even restore the subject to their original state if they were already a slaad before being infected. However, this spell is very powerful and dangerous, as it requires a high level of concentration and a sacrifice of one point of constitution. The caster must also be careful not to use this spell on someone who has already been turned into a slaad, as they will have to pay a higher price: losing one point of constitution permanently and possibly facing other consequences.
The Slaadi’s Chaos Crystal: A Rare and Dangerous Artifact

The Slaadi use a special gem called the Chaos Crystal to transmit the Chaos Phage to their victims. The Chaos Crystal is a rare and powerful artifact that can store and release the curse in a controlled manner. The Slaadi can use the Chaos Crystal to infect themselves or others, or to create more of the curse. The Chaos Crystal is also the source of the Slaadi’s strength and resilience, as it enhances their physical and mental abilities.
The Chaos Crystal is very hard to detect, as it can blend in with any environment or disguise itself as other objects. The only way to find it is by using magic or by following the signs of infection. The signs of infection include:
- A strange mark on the skin or clothing of the victim, usually shaped like a spiral or a star.
- A loss of appetite, sleep, or interest in anything other than fighting.
- A change in personality, becoming more aggressive, violent, and mindless.
- A growth of scales, claws, fangs, or other reptilian features.
- A transformation into a slaad, losing all human traits and becoming loyal to the Slaadi leader.
The Chaos Crystal can be destroyed by magic or by physical means. However, destroying it may not be enough to stop the infection completely, as some of the curse may still remain in the victim’s body. Therefore, it is advisable to use other spells or methods to slow down or reverse the effects of the Chaos Phage.