How to Defend Your Home from Invaders: A Guide for Pixies
Pixies are small, winged fey creatures that live in forests and meadows. They are playful, mischievous, and curious, often using their magic to prank and trick unsuspecting travelers. They are also loyal, brave, and kind, willing to help those in need or defend their homes from invaders. Pixies have a natural affinity for nature and animals, and they can communicate with plants and beasts. They can also fly, turn invisible, and cast various spells to aid them in their adventures.
Pixies are not usually hostile to other creatures, unless they are threatened or provoked. However, sometimes they may find themselves in situations where they have to face enemies that are much bigger and stronger than them. How can a pixie survive and overcome such challenging encounters? How can a pixie use its abilities and resources to outsmart and outshine its foes? How can a pixie have fun while doing so?
In this article, I will share with you some tips and tricks on how to build challenging encounters against a pixie in D&D 5e from the pixie’s point of view. I will show you how to use your pixie’s strengths, weaknesses, and personality to create memorable and exciting scenarios that will challenge both you and your enemies. Whether you are a dungeon master who wants to spice up your game with a pixie NPC or a player who wants to play as a pixie character, this article is for you. Let’s get started!
Pixie Powers
Pixies are tiny fey creatures that live in forests and meadows, often hiding from larger beings. They are playful and mischievous, but also loyal and brave. Pixies have a number of abilities that make them formidable foes, especially when they work together.
One of the most notable abilities of pixies is their innate magic. Pixies can cast a variety of spells, such as dancing lights, druidcraft, and polymorph. They can also use their magic to turn invisible at will, making them hard to spot and target. Pixies can also fly with their wings, giving them an advantage in mobility and maneuverability.
Another ability that pixies have is their pixie dust. Pixies can sprinkle their dust on themselves or others, granting various effects. For example, pixie dust can make someone fly, fall asleep, or become charmed by the pixie. Pixies can use their dust to aid their allies or hinder their enemies, depending on the situation.
Pixies are also very intelligent and cunning. They have a keen sense of their surroundings and can use their environment to their advantage. They can set traps, ambushes, and diversions to confuse and frustrate their opponents. Pixies are also good at communicating with each other and coordinating their actions. They can use their telepathy to share information and plans without being overheard.
Pixies are not to be underestimated, as they can pose a serious challenge to any adventurer who crosses their path. Pixies are masters of magic, dust, and trickery, and they know how to use them well.
Pixie Home
Pixies are very protective of their homes, which are usually hidden in secluded and natural places. Pixies prefer to live in forests and meadows, where they can find plenty of plants, animals, and magic. Pixies often build their homes inside trees, flowers, mushrooms, or other natural features, using their magic and craftsmanship to create cozy and comfortable spaces.
Pixies have many defenses to protect their homes from invaders, such as adventurers, hunters, or other hostile creatures. Some of these defenses are:
- Invisibility: Pixies can use their innate magic to turn themselves and their homes invisible, making them hard to find and attack.
- Pixie dust: Pixies can use their pixie dust to create various effects on themselves or others, such as flying, sleeping, or charming. Pixies can use their dust to escape, distract, or incapacitate their enemies.
- Traps: Pixies can use their intelligence and cunning to set up traps around their homes, using natural materials or magic. These traps can be harmless pranks or deadly snares, depending on the pixie’s mood and intention.
- Allies: Pixies can rely on their allies to help them defend their homes. Pixies often have friendly relations with other fey creatures, such as sprites, dryads, or unicorns. Pixies can also communicate with animals and plants, and ask them for assistance or information.
One of the spells that pixies can use to protect their homes is phantasmal force. This spell allows pixies to create an illusion that takes root in the mind of a creature that they can see within range. The creature must make an intelligence saving throw or it perceives the illusion as real.
Pixies can use phantasmal force to create various illusions that can scare, harm, or deceive their enemies. For example, a pixie could create an illusion of a giant spider, a roaring dragon, or a swarm of bees to frighten the intruder. A pixie could also create an illusion of fire, acid, or lava to damage the intruder with psychic damage. A pixie could even create an illusion of a friendly face, a treasure chest, or a hidden passage to lure the intruder into a trap.
Phantasmal force is a versatile and powerful spell that pixies can use to defend their homes from invaders. However, the spell has some limitations. The illusion is only perceivable by the target, so other creatures can see through it. The target can also use its action to examine the illusion with an intelligence (investigation) check against the pixie’s spell save DC. If the check succeeds, the target realizes that the illusion is not real and the spell ends.
Pixies value their homes and will do anything to protect them from harm. Pixies are not afraid to fight back against intruders, using their magic, dust, and trickery. Pixies are also loyal to their friends and will help them if they are in trouble. Pixies are proud of their homes and will welcome guests who are respectful and friendly.
Pixie Community
Pixies are very social and live in groups called communities. A pixie community is usually composed of several families, each with a matriarch who leads and guides the others. The matriarchs form a council that makes decisions for the whole community, such as where to settle, when to migrate, and how to deal with outsiders. Pixies are very loyal to their families and communities, and will defend them fiercely if threatened.
Pixies often share their homes with various wild animals, especially those that live in forests and meadows. Pixies can communicate with animals and plants, and often form bonds of friendship with them. Some of the animals that pixies commonly interact with are:
- Elks: These large herbivores are often seen grazing in the same areas as pixies. Pixies admire elks for their strength and grace, and sometimes ride on their backs for fun or travel.
- Sprites: These tiny winged fey are cousins of pixies, and often live in the same habitats. Sprites are more shy and secretive than pixies, but they share their love of nature and magic. Pixies and sprites often cooperate and play together.
- Satyrs: These half-human, half-goat fey are known for their musical talents and hedonistic lifestyles. Satyrs are frequent visitors of pixie communities, where they entertain them with songs and stories. Pixies enjoy the company of satyrs, but also find them a bit annoying and irresponsible.
- Treants: These sentient trees are the guardians of the forests, and the oldest allies of pixies. Treants are wise and benevolent, and often provide shelter and protection for pixies. Pixies respect treants greatly, and help them preserve the natural balance.
- Unicorns: These majestic creatures are the embodiment of purity and grace, and the rarest friends of pixies. Unicorns are very selective about who they associate with, and only allow the most virtuous and kind-hearted pixies to approach them. Pixies consider unicorns to be sacred and miraculous, and treat them with reverence.
Pixies live in harmony with these animals, as well as many others that inhabit their lands. Pixies value diversity and beauty, and celebrate life in all its forms.
Pixie Combat Tactics
Pixies are not fond of fighting, but they will defend themselves and their homes if necessary. Pixies prefer to use their magic, dust, and trickery to avoid or overcome their enemies, rather than engaging in direct physical confrontation. Pixies are very intelligent and cunning, and they often work together to coordinate their actions and create diversions. Some of the combat tactics that pixies favor are:
- Luring: Pixies use spells like dancing lights to lure the opponents into getting closer to the terrain the pixie have chosen to have the confrontation. Pixies often choose places that are favorable for them, such as forests, meadows, or caves, where they can hide and ambush their enemies.
- Dividing: Pixies use phantasmal force to create fake targets and attempt to divide as much as possible the opponents. Pixies can create illusions of themselves, their allies, or their enemies, and make them appear in different locations. This can confuse and distract the opponents, and make them waste their resources and time.
- Neutralizing: Pixies use sleep on the opponents animals, if any is present, to reduce the opponents mobility. Pixies can also use spells like dispel magic and confusion to bring down any magical effect and neutralize for a while some key enemy. In addition, a combination of their Superior Invisibility and their Touch of Confusion can be used as a last resort in order to further weaken the enemy rank.
- Assaulting: Once the enemy has been softened, scared and caught by surprise, then the pixie launch a relentless assault with their ranged attacks (short bow), taking advantage of their superior expertise with the bow. It is also likely that the pixie’s arrows are imbued with substances, either toxic or poisonous, to increase the lethality of their ranged attack.
- Organizing: A brigade of pixie (5d4 pixies) is the standard formation of a pixie defensive force. A pixie defensive force is always led by a pixie sergeant, who is responsible for giving orders and coordinating the actions of the other pixies. A pixie sergeant is usually more experienced and powerful than a regular pixie, and can cast more spells and use more dust.
- Harassing: Aside from the innate spellcasting abilities of the pixies, their ability to fly at a base speed of 30 ft per round, make them perfect for hit and run tactics. A brigade of pixies can torment intruders for days, with the goal of disrupting the enemy’s provisions and take them down by exhaustion. Pixies can literally appear from nowhere and prevent any being from sleeping, night after night, for an indefinite period of time.
Pixies are very creative and adaptable in combat, and they can use any of these tactics depending on the situation. Pixies are not afraid to fight back against intruders, but they also value peace and harmony. Pixies will welcome guests who are respectful and friendly, but they will not tolerate those who threaten or harm them or their homes.