Previous article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 4 – Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Experience and Tier
In this article we’ll talk about the actions a settlement can perform. We’ll add the section about events later.
Previously we only made a list of actions but we did not include the effect in terms of game mechanics. This because we had not enough in-game elements – or instances if you prefer – to work on. We also said we needed to expand a bit the list of actions.
Each paragraph will describe an action, its effect, which primary stat modifier is employed and the DC (difficulty class).
We are not going to fully describe every action at once. From time to time we’ll add more content to this article and we’ll improve every action when needed.
What we need now is more precise idea of what the actions are and do, without forgetting that the Game Master is encouraged to craft new customized actions.
BUILD (variable roll)
DC variable
Cost 1 action
Effect the settlement may build any object from the Buildings and Infrastructures list. Every building and infrastructure require a specific primary stat roll, depending on the nature or purpose of the object.
The settlement rolls every week for building to check the advancement. The advancement of the project is calculated by multiplaying the following elements.
Primary stat roll * DC = advancement rate in gp
Example: A tier I settlement with 16(+3) culture is building a Shrine. The shrine costs 5,000 gp, requires a culture roll and the DC is 15.
Every week the settlement roll to check the advancement, which is 1d20 + 1(tier modifier) +3(primary stat modifier) * 15(DC to build a shrine), in other words (1d20+4)*15. On an average roll of 10 every week, the settlement builds 210 gp of the shrine, so more or less the shrine will be completed in 23 weeks.
CRAFT (variable roll)
DC variable
Cost 1 action
Effect the settlement may craft any object from the Equipment and Trade Goods list. Every equipment and trade goods requires a specific primary stat roll, depending on the nature or purpose of the object.
The settlement rolls every week for crafting to check the advancement. The advancement of the project is calculated by multiplaying the following elements.
Primary stat roll * DC = advancement rate in gp
Example: A tier I settlement with 16(+3) technology is crafting a smelter tier I. The smelter tier I costs 1,000 gp, requires a technology roll and the DC is 10.
Every week the settlement roll to check the advancement, which 1d20 + 1(tier modifier) +3(primary stat modifier) * 10(DC to build a smelter tier I), in other words (1d20+4)*10. On an average roll of 10 every week, the settlement builds 140 gp of the smelter, so more or less the smelter will be completed in 7 weeks.
DEFEND (military or flexibility roll)
DC 10 + 1*tier of the settlement
Cost 1 action, mining output is halved for one week
Effect the settlement focus its efforts to defend against an invasion or a raiding party. The counterpart is an invade or raid action in other words. The defend action will improve the defense value of the settlement by adding +2 to the defense score, you can add +1 to the defense score for every five point rolled over the required DC.
Example: A tier II settlement is aware that an invasion is about to happen. The council decides to set up proper defenses to fend the attacker off. The council decided to employ their military skills – the settlement has 15(+2) military. The DC to properly prepare the defenses and increase the defense score by 2 points is 12 (10 +2 for the settlement tier. The settlement rolls 16 and adds 2 for a total of 18. Having rolled a score five points higher than required, the settlement increases the defense score by 3 points instead of 2.
DC variable
Cost 1 action
Effect see below
The settlement establishes a first contact with a foreign entity. The contact may be sending scouts, opening a trade route, sending an envoy or sending a permament diplomat. Establish connection is very important if you want to employ actions like invade, raid, sell products, and spy, because if a connection is not established the above mentioned actions won’t benefit from precious bonus.
Establish embassy (DC 15, cost 1,000 gp/year)
The settlement create a permanent contact with a foreign settlement. An embassador improves the relationship and gather information in behalf of the settlement.
Effect +1 bonus on invade, raid, sell product and spy action.
Open trade route (DC 12, cost 500 gp)
The settlement sends a small caravan to survey foreign markets. The caravan establish connection with potential buyers interested in the settlement goods and products.
Effect +4 bonus on sell product action.
Send envoy (DC 15, cost 1,000 gp)
The settlement sends an envoy to make a first contact at a basic diplomatic level. The envoy puts the basis for a good relationiship with the foreign community and at the same time makes contact with some locals to act as informers.
Effect +1 bonus on sell products and spy actions.
Send scouts (DC 10, cost 100 gp)
The settlement sends scouts to explore territories and to map critical regions. The scouts may discover the target main defenses and available resources.
Effect +2 bonus on invade, raid and spy actions against a specific target. The effect lasts for one month or until an invade, raid or spy action is performed, whichever occurs first.
INVADE (military roll)
DC target defense score
Cost 1 action, mining output is halved for one week
Effect the settlement launches a full scale invasion inside enemy territories. The army attempt to reduce enemy’s population and damage or destroy its buildings and infrastructures.
The attack inflicts 1d10 damage to population and the target must roll a resistance roll against the attacker invade roll or one of its building or infrastructures is destroyed.
PRODUCE (flexibility roll)
DC 10 +1*settlement’s tier
Cost 1 action, all primary stats rolls suffer a -1 penalty
Effect the settlement focuses its efforts to increase mining extraction. For every point over the established DC the production increase by 1% for 1 week.
RAID (military or flexibility roll)
DC target defense score
Cost 1 action, mining output reduced by 25% for one week
Effect the settlement sends a raiding party in enemy territories. Beside damaging the population the raiding party seizes goods and wealth from the target. A raid inflicts 1d4 damage to population and loot 1d4x100 gp worth of goods.
RECOVER (resistance or culture roll)
DC 10 +1*settlement’s tier
Cost 1 action
Effect the settlement recover 1 population for every point beyond the established DC.
SELL PRODUCT (influence roll)
DC variable
Cost free action
Effect the settlement focuses on selling it’s raw products to the market at the better price available. The higher the influence roll, the better the sale will be.

SPY (military or influence roll)
DC 15+1*target’s tier
Cost 1 action
Effect the settlement spies weak points of a target and gather intelligence about the area. A spy action grants +2 military rolls to invade; +2 flexibility rolls to raid; +4 damage to population; +50% to loot after a raid action. The effect lasts 1 month or until an invade or raid action is performed.
TECH ENHANCEMENT (technology roll)
DC under construction
Cost under construction
Effect under construction
TRAIN (culture roll)
DC under construction
Cost under construction
Effect under construction
Next article…Dwarves & Mining #5 part 6 – Mining Guide – The Settlement’s Events