Are you interested in mining as a downtime activity in a fantasy roleplaying game? Do you want to know where and how to find valuable resources, such as metals, stones, gemstones, or exotic materials? If so, this article is for you. In this article, we will explain how to choose a suitable environment for mining, how to conduct a prospecting, and what kind of resources you can expect to find.
Choosing an Environment for Mining
The first step in mining is to decide where to mine. Different environments have different probabilities and types of resources. For example, a mountain can yield almost any kind of resource, while a desert can only yield a few. Therefore, you need to consider the availability and value of the resources you want to mine before choosing an environment.
We have identified six main environments that are suitable for mining in a fantasy setting. They are:
- Mountain/Hill: This is the best environment for mining, as it can yield any metal, any stone, any gemstone, coal, and radioactive materials. Mountains and hills are formed by tectonic and volcanic activity, which create rich and diverse deposits of resources.
- Desert: This is a poor environment for mining, as it can only yield lead, zinc, iron, copper, gold, silver, coal, petroleum, and radioactive materials. Deserts are formed by erosion and weathering, which remove most of the resources from the surface and leave behind only the most resistant ones.
- Jungle: This is a fair environment for mining, as it can yield silver, gold, precious gemstones, gems, jewels, and all exotic materials. Jungles are formed by tropical climates and abundant vegetation, which create humid and fertile soils that can host rare and valuable resources.
- Swamp/Marsh: This is a fair environment for mining, as it can yield silver, gold, platinum, precious gemstones, gems, and jewels. Swamps and marshes are formed by wetlands and waterlogged soils, which create anaerobic conditions that can preserve organic matter and minerals.
- Plain/Tundra: This is a poor environment for mining, as it can only yield oil and coal. Plains and tundras are formed by flat and cold landscapes that have little vegetation and erosion. They can host fossil fuels that are formed by the decomposition of ancient plants and animals.
- Volcanic Land: This is a good environment for mining, as it can yield granite, basalt, gems, and jewels. Volcanic lands are formed by active volcanoes that erupt lava and ash. They can create igneous rocks that have high temperatures and pressures that can crystallize minerals.
Conducting a Prospecting
The second step in mining is to conduct a prospecting. This is the process of searching for signs of resources in an environment. Prospecting requires time and skill. Some environments are easier to prospect than others. For example, a mountain is easier to prospect than a jungle.
To conduct a prospecting, you need to use a skill check that is appropriate for your ruleset. For example:
- Pathfinder & D&D 3.X: You can use Profession (miner) or Knowledge (nature) skills.
- D&D 5e: You can use Nature skill.
- Other D20 systems: You can use any skill that is related to mining or nature.
The difficulty of the skill check depends on the environment you are prospecting. For example:
- Mountain/Hill: Easy (DC 10)
- Desert: Moderate (DC 15)
- Jungle: Hard (DC 20)
- Swamp/Marsh: Hard (DC 20)
- Plain/Tundra: Moderate (DC 15)
- Volcanic Land: Easy (DC 10)
The time required for the skill check depends on the size of the area you are prospecting. For example:
- Small area (100 ft x 100 ft): 1 hour
- Medium area (500 ft x 500 ft): 4 hours
- Large area (1000 ft x 1000 ft): 8 hours
If you succeed on the skill check, you find some traces of resources in the area. However, this does not guarantee that there is an exploitable deposit in the area. You need to dig deeper to confirm the presence and quality of the resources.
Finding Resources
The third step in mining is to find resources. This is the process of digging tunnels or shafts in the area where you found traces of resources. Digging requires tools and equipment. Some races have different digging speeds than others. For example:
- Dwarf: Fast (10 ft per hour)
- Gnome: Moderate (5 ft per hour)
- Kobold: Fast (10 ft per hour)
- Human: Slow (2 ft per hour)
The type and amount of resources you find depend on the environment you are mining in. Some environments have higher chances of containing valuable resources than others. For example:
- Mountain/Hill: High (75%)
- Desert: Low (25%)
- Jungle: Medium (50%)
- Swamp/Marsh: Medium (50%)
- Plain/Tundra: Low (25%)
- Volcanic Land: High (75%)
The value and quality of the resources you find depend on the type of resource you are mining. Some resources are more common and easy to mine, while others are more rare and hard to mine. For example:
- Metals: Common and easy to mine. They can be smelted into bars or coins. They have different values depending on the type of metal. For example, iron is worth 1 gp per pound, while platinum is worth 500 gp per pound.
- Stones: Common and easy to mine. They can be used for building or carving. They have different values depending on the type of stone. For example, granite is worth 1 sp per pound, while marble is worth 10 gp per pound.
- Gemstones: Rare and hard to mine. They can be used for making jewelry, enhancing magic, or trading. They have different values depending on the type and size of the gemstone. For example, an ornamental gemstone is worth 10 gp, while a jewel is worth 5000 gp.
- Exotic materials: Rare and hard to mine. They can have special properties or effects that are not found in other resources. They have different values depending on the type and amount of the exotic material. For example, coal is worth 1 cp per pound, while radioactive material is worth 1000 gp per pound.
Mining is a fun and profitable activity that you can do during downtime in a fantasy roleplaying game. It allows you to find useful resources for your profession, your equipment, or your trade. It also exposes you to adventurous and dangerous situations, such as exploring abandoned mines, encountering underground creatures, or competing with other miners.