Are you curious about the different types of materials you can mine in the world?
In this guide, we will introduce you to the four main categories of mine products and what they can offer you.
The four categories are:
Metals: These are the most common and useful materials you can mine. Metals can be used for crafting weapons, armor, tools, machinery, and more. Metals come in different grades, from common ones like iron and copper to rare ones like gold and platinum.
Gemstones: These are the most beautiful and valuable materials you can mine. Gemstones can be used for making jewelry, enhancing magic, or trading for other goods. Gemstones come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, from small ones like pearls and amethysts to large ones like diamonds and rubies.
Stones: These are the most basic and versatile materials you can mine. Stones can be used for building structures, carving sculptures, or creating fire. Stones come in different textures, hardness, and colors, from soft ones like clay and sand to hard ones like granite and marble.
Exotic materials: These are the most rare and mysterious materials you can mine. Exotic materials can have special properties or effects that are not found in other materials. Exotic materials come in different forms, such as liquids, gases, crystals, or organic matter. Some examples of exotic materials are mercury, radium, quartz, and amber.
Are you wondering what kinds of metals you can find and use in a fantasy world? In this guide, we will explore the different types of metals and their uses in a pre-industrial society. We will also rank them by their market value, from the most expensive to the cheapest.
The metals we will cover are:
- Adamantine: This is the rarest and strongest metal in the world. It is believed to come from outer space, as it is often found near meteor craters. It has a dark and shiny appearance and can cut through any material. In Greek mythology, the god Hephaestus used adamantine to forge weapons for the Olympians.
- Mithril: This is another legendary metal that is highly sought after by dwarves. It is light, durable, and very valuable. However, it is also very hard to mine, as it only forms at great depths. Mithril was popularized by Lord of the Rings, where it was used to make armor and jewelry.
- Platinum: This is a precious metal that is often used as a currency in fantasy settings. It has a silvery-white color and is resistant to corrosion. In the real world, platinum was not widely known or used until the 18th century. In fantasy settings, platinum can be used for alchemy or magic, as it can create special alloys or components with exotic properties.
- Gold: This is the most famous and coveted metal in history. It has sparked wars and conflicts among kingdoms and empires. It has a yellow color and a high luster. It can be minted into coins, melted into bars, or crafted into jewelry. Dwarves value gold as much as mithril, as it can buy almost anything they desire.
- Silver: This is a common and versatile metal that is often used as a substitute for gold when gold is scarce. It has a white color and a moderate luster. It can also be minted into coins, melted into bars, or crafted into luxury objects. In some fantasy settings, silver has special properties against supernatural creatures, such as werewolves or vampires.
- Copper: This is one of the first metals that humans discovered and used. It has a reddish-brown color and a low luster. It can be mixed with other metals to create alloys, such as bronze or brass. It can also be minted into coins or melted into bars. Copper is a common currency for local trade and mostly used to buy ordinary goods.
- Tin: This is a metal that has little use by itself in a fantasy setting. It has a silvery-gray color and a low luster. Its main purpose is to combine with copper to make bronze, which is stronger and more resistant to oxidation than copper alone. Bronze can be used to make naval parts, doors, statues, and some tools.
- Iron: This is the most important metal for warfare and civilization. It has a gray color and a dull luster. It can be turned into steel by adding carbon, which makes it harder and sharper than iron alone. Iron and steel have a huge practical and commercial value, as they can be used to make weapons, armor, tools, machinery, and more.
- Lead: This is a heavy and soft metal that has some uses in a fantasy setting. It has a bluish-gray color and a low luster. It can be used as an insulator or an additive in glassmaking. However, it is also toxic and can cause health problems if ingested or inhaled. In the real world, lead was used by Romans for water pipes and everyday objects until they realized its harmful effects. In fantasy settings, lead can also have some magical properties, such as blocking or absorbing spells.
Do you want to know more about the different kinds of gemstones you can find and use in a fantasy world? In this guide, we will show you the six main groups of gemstones and their average values. We will also tell you which metals, stones, or exotic materials they can be associated with, as some gemstones can be found as by-products of mining other resources.
The six groups of gemstones are:
- Ornamental gemstones: These are the least valuable gemstones, but they are still attractive and colorful. They have an average value of 10 gp. Some examples of ornamental gemstones are azurite, agate, hematite, malachite, and turquoise.
- Semi-precious gemstones: These are more valuable than ornamental gemstones, but they are still fairly common and easy to find. They have an average value of 50 gp. Some examples of semi-precious gemstones are bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, jasper, and onyx.
- Fancy gemstones: These are rare and valuable gemstones that have unique properties or appearances. They have an average value of 100 gp. Some examples of fancy gemstones are alexandrite, amber, amethyst, jade, and jet.
- Precious gemstones: These are very rare and valuable gemstones that have a high luster and brilliance. They have an average value of 500 gp. Some examples of precious gemstones are aquamarine, blue spinel, peridot, and topaz.
- Gems: These are extremely rare and valuable gemstones that have a stunning beauty and quality. They have an average value of 1000 gp. Some examples of gems are garnet, jacinth, opal, and red spinel.
- Jewels: These are the most rare and valuable gemstones in the world. They have a dazzling beauty and rarity that make them priceless. They have an average value of 5000 gp. Some examples of jewels are diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire.
As you can see, there are many different types of gemstones that you can find and use in a fantasy world. Some of them are more common and easy to mine, while others are very rare and hard to find. Some of them can also indicate the presence of other valuable resources, such as metals, stones, or exotic materials. Gemstones can have various uses, such as making jewelry, enhancing magic, or trading for other goods.
Stones are solid materials that can be used for construction purposes. There are different types of stones that have different properties and origins. In this guide, we will focus on three main types of stones: granite, basalt, and marble.
- Granite: This is the most common and versatile type of stone. It is formed by the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. It has a coarse-grained texture and a variety of colors, such as gray, pink, or black. Granite is very hard and durable, making it ideal for building structures, monuments, or sculptures. Granite can also contain some gemstones as by-products, such as agate, bloodstone, carnelian, jasper, tourmaline, or zircon.
- Basalt: This is a type of stone that is also formed by volcanic activity. It is formed by the rapid cooling of lava on the surface of the earth. It has a fine-grained texture and a dark color, usually black or gray. Basalt is less common than granite, but it can also be used for building purposes, especially in areas where volcanic rocks are abundant. Basalt can also contain some gemstones as by-products, such as obsidian, amethyst, quartz crystal, or fluorite.
- Marble: This is a type of stone that is formed by the metamorphism of limestone or dolomite. It is formed by the heat and pressure of the earth’s crust. It has a smooth and shiny texture and a range of colors, such as white, pink, green, or black. Marble is considered a luxury material, as it is often used for decorative purposes, such as flooring, wall tiles, or statues. Marble can also contain some gemstones as by-products, such as lapis lazuli or alexandrite.
These are the three main types of stones that you can find and use in a fantasy world. Some of them are more common and practical, while others are more rare and elegant. Some of them can also indicate the presence of other valuable resources, such as metals or exotic materials. Stones can have various uses, such as making buildings, monuments, or artworks.
Exotic materials are rare and unusual products that can be mined from the earth. They have some practical uses, but they are also associated with some risks or mysteries. In this guide, we will explore some of the exotic materials that you can find and use in a fantasy world.
Petroleum: This is a liquid fossil fuel that is formed by the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years. It has a dark color and a strong smell. Petroleum can be found in underground reservoirs or seeping out of the surface. Petroleum has been known since ancient times, and some cultures used it for lighting, heating, or warfare. For example, the Greeks and Romans used petroleum to create fire weapons, such as the Greek fire. Petroleum can also be refined into different products, such as gasoline, kerosene, or asphalt.
- Coal: This is a solid fossil fuel that is formed by the compression of plant matter over millions of years. It has a black color and a brittle texture. Coal can be found in layers or veins in the earth’s crust. Coal has been used since prehistoric times, and it is essential for metallurgy, as it can produce high temperatures when burned. For example, coal was used to smelt iron and make steel. Coal can also be used for heating, cooking, or generating electricity.
- Radioactive materials: These are metals that have unstable atoms that emit radiation. They have various colors and shapes, depending on the type of metal. Radioactive materials can be found in trace amounts in some rocks or ores, or in concentrated deposits in some areas. Radioactive materials are poisonous and dangerous, as they can cause mutations, diseases, or death. They had no practical use in the past, but they can be used for alchemy or magic in a fantasy setting. For example, radioactive materials can be used to create powerful weapons, such as the atomic bomb, or to enhance magical items, such as the staff of power.
- These are some of the exotic materials that you can find and use in a fantasy world. Some of them are more common and useful, while others are more rare and hazardous. Some of them can also have some magical or mysterious properties, such as affecting spells or creatures. Exotic materials can have various uses, such as making fuels, metals, or artifacts.