DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #9 – Level #2


Access on this section of the chasm is possible through Room #7.

The terrain here is difficult, so movement is partially hindered and charging is not possible.

On the east wall it is possible to spot an arrow slit.

At least a dozen of empty abyss ants carapaces lie on the ground.

Note for the Dungeon Builder. The Chasm surrounds a small citadel located east of this position. In addition, a Spawn of Tarterus has made this chasm its hunting ground.

There is a 10% chance that a Spawn of the Tarterus is nearby and attacks the party.

Spawn of Tarterus

Potential XP: Spawn of Tarterus (1)

Note about the Spawn of Tarterus. The Spawn of Tarterus is native of the Outer Plane known as Tarterus. It does not exist, as far as I know, so the Game Master will have to figure out its statistics. It is about time to populate this Outer Plane. Have fun.

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Dungeon Scrawl

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