DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #6 – Level #2


This corridor leads to a 30-foot long bridge made of stone planks and supported by a single pillars at the center. The bridge allows the passage of one medium sized person at time, or two small sized persons.

A pack of four Abyss Ants are working on the bridge in what seems to be a sort of maintenance activity.

The bridge allows the passage over 30-foot deep (maybe deeper) chasm.

Abyss Ants

The pack is not hostile until the characters attempt to cross the bridge, at that point the abyss ants will stand in front of them to close the passage. Abyss Ants have telepathy 600 feet, if the Game Master refers to the AD&D 2e MM. If attacked, the abyss ants will call for reinforcement.

Every round there is a 1 in 6 chance (roll 1d6 for each abyss ant defending the bridge and keep each 1) that 1d6 abyss ants will add up to the fight. The reinforcement will arrive from the walls of the chasm for the sake of tactical use.

Note for the Game Master. The colony of abyss ants total 240 ants, so any abyss ants that is killed in combat reduces that amount.

–> ROOM #7The Chasm

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Bridges to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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